
  1. 这个视频是他们一系列的慢镜头动作影片之一,他们一共制作了有61个视频,全部放在了Youtube视频网站上。

    The video is part of a series of slow-motion videos , 61 in total , posted by the pair on their YouTube video .

  2. 这部由上世纪80年代流行的电视动画连续剧改编的,关于机器人战争的科幻动作影片,吸引了中国“80”一代成为其目标观众。

    The sci-fi action movie about warring robots , adapted from the popular animated TV series in the1980s , has mainly attracted China 's " 80s " generation as its target audience .

  3. 台湾的电影与戏剧协会近日表示,台湾著名导演侯孝贤广受好评的动作影片《刺客聂隐娘》将角逐2016年奥斯卡最佳外语影片。

    Taiwan 's Motion Picture and Drama Association has entered Taiwanese director Hou Hsiao-hsien 's acclaimed martial arts film " The Assassin " in the 2016 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film .

  4. 调查表明,朱莉的大部分收入来自出演动作影片《通缉令》的分红,但《特工绍特》的预付薪水也不菲。

    Most of Jolie 's income came from her share of the profits from her action film " Wanted , " but she was also paid a large upfront sum for her role in " Salt , " the study said .

  5. 周二,《西游·降魔篇》超过了奇幻动作影片《画皮2》,成为总票房第三的国产影片。《画皮2》于去年6月上映,总票房达7.265亿元。

    On Tuesday , " Journey to the West " surpassed the fantasy-action movie " Painted Skin : The Resurrection , " which was released last June and went on to earn 726.5 million yuan , to become the third-highest grossing domestic film in China .

  6. 3月6日,该片超过2019年奇幻动漫电影《哪吒之魔童降世》,成为中国影史票房第二高的电影。目前,位列影史票房冠军的是2017年的动作冒险影片《战狼2》,票房成绩为56.93亿元。

    The film overtook the 2019 animated 2 is currently topping the all-time box office chart covering all films ever screened in China with a total revenue of 5.693 billion yuan , according to data compiled by the China Movie Data Information Network .

  7. 黑客帝国是一部上映于1999年的美国科幻动作电影,影片的编剧兼导演是安迪·沃卓斯基、拉娜·沃卓斯基兄弟。

    The Matrix is a 1999 American science fiction action film written and directed by brothers Larry and Andy Wachowski .

  8. 动作名星哈里布朗在影片中饰演一个在自己最好朋友被青年人帮派杀害后寻求复仇的人。

    The actor stars in Harry Brown as a man who seeks revenge after his best friend is killed by a gang of youths .

  9. 这些曾是动作片大师吴宇森影片(包括经典《喋血街头》和《英雄本色》)的主题。

    These have been the themes of many of action master John Woo 's films , including the classics Bullet in the Head ( Diexue Jietou ) and A Better Tomorrow ( Yingxiong Bense ) .

  10. 作者使用精密摄影机拍摄(每秒100格)国际级举重健将的挺举动作,然后对影片进行分析,研究挺举提铃至胸阶段技术的空间和时间特征。

    The author shoot the jerk movements of the world elite jerk players by precision camera and then made an analysis on the films , studied the features of the space and time of the techniques of lifting bell to chest .

  11. 我们建立一个可以自动地辨识出十种不同动作的系统,这个系统分成两种情况对人类动作影片作测试。

    We implement a system to automatically recognize ten different types of actions , and the system has been tested on real human action videos in two cases .