
  • 网络Thrill ride
  1. 动感电影利用速度,动作和特殊的效果给你震颤的感觉。

    Thrill rides use technology and special effects to give you a thrill .

  2. 动感电影不翻滚,不摇摆,不翻跟头,而是利用高科技和特技效果,给人以刺激。

    Instead of rolling , twisting and looping like the roller coasters , thrill rides use technology and special effects to give you a thrill .

  3. 在许多主题公园里的另外一种吸引人的东西方就是动感电影了。

    Another attraction found in many theme parks is the thrill ride .

  4. 动感电影运动控制系统研制

    Design of movement control system for dynamic movie

  5. 唯一限制动感电影乐趣的是那些设计者的想象力

    The only limit to the fun is the imagination of the designers of the thrill rides

  6. 只要设计者能想象得到,动感电影的快乐是没有任何限制的。设计者的想象力好像是无穷无尽的。

    The only limit to the fun is the imagination of the designers of the thrill rides-and it seems to the endless !

  7. 有些动感电影会让你有自天而降的感受:你坐在车中,从一高塔直跌下来,你一路尖叫着落到安全处。

    Some thrill rides will let you feel what it is like to fall through the air : you sit in a car that " falls " from a tall tower and you scream your way down to a safe landing .

  8. 4D动感数字电影控制系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implement of 4D Movement Digital Film Control System

  9. 在使用电影动感,电影结构和蒙太奇手法探索电影艺术更广阔外延方面他是开路先锋。

    He was a pioneer in using camera movement , camera set ups and montage to explore the outer reaches of cinematic art .

  10. 动感环幕电影控制的效果,取决于动感平台动作与电影播放是否同步,利用变频器对放映机的控制,以及系统精度的合理分配较好地解决了这个问题,取得了满意的控制效果。

    By controlling movie projector with frequency transformer , and reasonable distribution of system accuracy , the problem has been solved and the ideal result has obtained .