
  1. 随着无线局域网应用的扩展,无线MODEM技术也得到了越来越多的发展。

    With the more and more use of Wireless LAN , the technique of Wireless MODEM has been developed .

  2. 光纤射频传输(ROF)接入系统及无线局域网应用研究

    Study on the Radio over Fiber Transmission System and the Application in Wireless Local Area Network

  3. 无线局域网应用于工业控制系统研究

    The Study of Industrial Control System Based on Wireless Local Area Network

  4. 光纤局域网应用的有源器件和无源器件

    Optical Active and Passive Devices for Optical Fiber Local Area Network Application

  5. 宽带无线局域网应用研究

    Experiment and Studies on Wireless Local Area Network

  6. (美国)联邦航空局兴安盟气象局虚拟局域网应用与实现

    The Application and Realization of Virtual LAN in Xing ' an League Meteorological Bureau

  7. 小型办公局域网应用实例

    Application instance of small-sized office LAN

  8. 认为在无线局域网应用中,网络的安全问题是制约着无线局域网发展的一个主要因素。

    It is considered that network security is a major factor in wireless LAN application and development .

  9. 本文主要讨论了某校园出版社的局域网应用规划和设计方案。综合各种因素在该网中主要采用了总线型及星型网络拓扑结构,运用以太网技术。

    This paper discusses application plan and design precept of LAN for publish house in some university .

  10. 集光电互感器、光纤通讯技术和微机于一体的光纤局域网应用于电力系统是变电站自动化未来的发展趋势。

    It is an unavoidable trend that fiber LAN using optical electric transducer and fiber communication be used in electric power system .

  11. 有线局域网应用非常广泛,而且传输速率高,构建成本低等优点。

    The application of Wireless LAN is very wide and Wireless LAN has high transfer rate , but a low building cost .

  12. 随着IEEE802.11标准的不断完善与发展,无线局域网应用日益广泛。

    With the IEEE 802.11 standards continuous improvement and development , the Wireless Local Networks ( WLANs ) have achieved increasingly wide applications .

  13. 同时,光电互感器与光纤通信技术及计算机技术相结合组成光纤局域网应用于电力系统,是变电站综合自动化的一个发展方向。

    The application that fiber LAN consist of optical electric transducer and optical communications be used in electric power system is a direction of development of integrated substation automation system .

  14. 包括蓝牙设备驱动程序、蓝牙协议栈、无线个人局域网应用框架等的设计与实现。

    It discusses the design of Bluetooth driver , the implementation of Bluetooth components in the EOS , the interfaces and the structure of components supporting the wireless personal area network applications .

  15. 本系统的设计是针对基于以太网接入控制服务器构建的校园无线局域网应用环境,开发并实施统一、开放的网络管理系统。

    This system is designed for the applying environment of schoolyard WLAN , structure based on the access control server of ethernet , empolder and implement the administration of networks of unification and opening .

  16. 以ATM为骨干的企业局域网的应用及分析

    Application and Analysis of ATM Technology in the Enterprise LAN

  17. WLAN安全与网管技术在大学图书馆无线局域网的应用

    Application of WLAN Security and Network Management Technology in University Library

  18. 基于WLAN技术的无线局域网的应用

    The Wireless network and its Application of WLAN

  19. 随着无线技术和Internet的发展,无线局域网的应用也逐渐发展起来,尤其是多媒体业务,如视频、音频、图像等。

    With the development of wireless technique and Internet , the application of WLAN grows step by step , especially multimedia operations such as video , voice and image .

  20. 在医院局域网部署应用VLAN技术

    Application of VLAN Technology in Deployment of Hospital VLAN

  21. uClinux下的可编程嵌入式局域网监控应用研究

    Research on an programmable embedded local area network surveillance application based on uClinux

  22. GaAsHBT功率放大器在5GHz无线局域网的应用

    GaAs HBT Power Amplifier for 5 GHz WLAN Application

  23. EMCC在我院局域网的应用

    The Usage of EMCC in the Local Area Network of Hospital

  24. 论文对基于多跳无线局域网并应用多接入点技术(APs)进行通信的交换性能进行了分析。

    This paper analyzes the handoff performance of a multihop - based wireless LAN that uses Acess Points ( APs ) for communication .

  25. 无线局域网络中的核心设备&无线接入点(Accesspoint),其性能的好坏将直接影响网络的系统容量与业务处理能力,无线接入点的研究对于无线局域网的应用与发展具有重要意义。

    Among the WLAN networks , the Access Point ( AP ) is the most important device , and its performance would affect the range and the throughput of the network greatly . Therefore , the research on this device is of great significance for WLAN system .

  26. 阐述了CDN技术的原理、结构、作用、特点及其在图书馆局域网中应用的可行性和前景展望。

    This article briefly discusses the technique principles , construction , function and characteristics of CDN and its applied feasibility and prospects in the library network .

  27. 代理服务器在图书馆局域网的应用与优化

    Application and Optimize of Proxy Server in Library Local Area Network

  28. 网络附加存储在企业局域网的应用

    Using network attached storage in local area network of enterprises

  29. 出版社局域网的应用规划和设计方案

    Application Plan and Design Precept of LAN for Publish House

  30. 浅谈局域网的应用及安全防范

    Talking about the Local-Region Net Application and Safety Guard