
  1. adhoc传感网络的体系结构及其相关问题

    Architectures of Ad hoc Sensor Networks and Some Related Issues

  2. 移动adhoc网络的体系结构和分簇算法

    Architectures and Clustering Algorithms for Mobile Ad hoc Network

  3. 有QoS保证能力分组交换网络的体系结构设计

    Architecture Design of Packet Switching Network with QoS Guarantee

  4. 然后,讨论了adhoc传感网络的体系结构,接着对adhoc传感网络的相关问题进行了详细的阐述和分析;

    Then its architectures are discussed , following which the related issues of Ad hoc sensor network are expounded and analyzed in detail .

  5. 研究了MPLS技术的相关规范和标准,并分析MPLS网络的体系结构、运行机制和关键技术以及MPLS的故障恢复机制。

    Some study on MPLS is carried out . Architecture , operational mechanisms and fault recovery mechanisms based MPLS are discussed .

  6. 在介绍了存储网络的体系结构,IP互连技术的基础上,对构建统一存储网的关键问题存储虚拟化技术作了深入讨论。

    Through introducing the architecture of storage-network and storage over IP technology , we introduce the detail of storage virtualization technology which is the key technology of building Unified Storage Network .

  7. 文章首先论述adhoc网的发展历史和现状,介绍了adhoc网络的体系结构、分层情况并对adhoc网的路由协议进行一系列的比较讨论。

    In this paper , we firstly introduce the history and development of ad hoc network , its structure and architecture , discuss and compare series of ad hoc route protocols .

  8. 根据ATM网络的体系结构,阐述了测试内容、测试方法和故障诊断,主要包括物理层测试、流量监测、服务质量测试和流量模式。

    According to the system configuration of ATM , the contents and ways of test are provided . including physical layer test , flow detection , QoS test and flow model .

  9. 其次,对嵌入式uClinux启动代码的详细分析,介绍了内核配置情况,和嵌入式uClinux下设备驱动程序的设计,同时也分析了TCP/IP网络的体系结构、各个协议的格式。

    Secondly , particularly analyze the startup code and introduce the kernel configure of uClinux and the driver design . What is more , consider the framework of TCP / IP network and discuss the message format of each protocol .

  10. 先论述了FDDI光纤网络的体系结构及技术特征;

    This paper first describes the architecture and some technological features of FDDI , it then discusses the structure , operating environment and reconfiguring problem of ring interface for FDDI .

  11. 文章介绍了无线传感器网络的体系结构,分析了网关节点的特点和功能,比较了几种可能的网关接入技术,在此基础上提出了基于CDMA模块的网关实现方案。

    This paper introduces the communication architecture of wireless sensor network , and analyzes the features and functions of the gateway , then compares several access technology of the gateway . Based on these , the solution of gateway based on CDMA model is put forward .

  12. 在论文中,首先对OBS网络的体系结构进行了全面、系统的研究,然后分析了几种网络资源竞争解决机制,阐述了相应竞争解决方案的基本原理及其优劣。

    In the paper , we have a comprehensive and systematic study of OBS network architecture . Then we analysis several network resources competition settlement mechanism , and make conclusions of the basic principle , as well as its advantages and disadvantages .

  13. 简要介绍了分布式传感器网络的体系结构和特点,分析和总结了分布式传感器网络的安全问题,介绍了一种适用于分布式传感器网络的安全协议SPINS,并对其中的密钥管理进行了改进。

    This paper firstly introduces the architecture and feature of distributed sensor network . Some secure problems about distributed sensor network are summarized in detail . Then , SPINS , a security protocol of distributed sensor network , is introduced .

  14. 本文概述了BACnet协议产生的原因和协议模型,介绍了BACnet网络的体系结构及应用层、网络层、数据链路层、物理层的功能,分析了BACnet与OSI模型的区别与联系。

    This paper introduces the history of BACnet and its model as well as its architecture and the function of application layer , network layer , data and link layer and physical layer and also analyzes the difference and relationship between BACnet and OSI .

  15. 对网格技术与制造业的结合进行了研究,提出了构建于网格之上的制造网络的体系结构。

    The features and architecture of Manufacturing Network were described .

  16. 本文在阐述了无线传感器网络的体系结构、自身特点和应用领域的基础上,对无线传感器网络的定位技术展开了深入分析。

    This paper expounds the system architecture , features and applied fields of WSN .

  17. 主动网络的体系结构和性能分析

    Architecture Framework and Performance Analysis for Active Networks

  18. 对局域网络的体系结构与协议进行了分析,同时结合车载局域网的实际情况分析研究了它所应采用的局域网体系结构与相应的协议。

    It analyzes the system and protocol which is used in the train LAN .

  19. 首先,本文详细研究和讨论了无线传感器网络的体系结构,提出了一种新颖的无线传感器网络分层式结构模型。

    Then a kind of novel system hierarchical model of wireless sensor networks was proposed .

  20. 在无线传感器网络的体系结构中,网络层的路由技术至关重要。

    Routing technology at the network layer is important in the architecture of wireless sensor networks .

  21. 本文简要介绍无线传感器网络的体系结构、节点构成和协议层次。

    This paper firstly outlines the system architecture , node structure and protocol layers of wireless sensor networks .

  22. 本文给出了一种基于以太网卡的实时网络的体系结构,并详细描述了在传输层如何实现数据传输的时间确定性。

    In this paper we present a real-time network architecture based on Ethernet card and describe how to implement it on transport layer in detail .

  23. 本文描述澳大利亚国防部队正在开发的分布式分组无线网络的体系结构、信令协议和信关功能。

    This paper describes the architecture , signalling protocols and gateway functions of a distributed packet radio network which is being developed by the Australian Defence Force .

  24. 另一方面各种网络的体系结构以及相应的网络操作系统,网络应用软件非常丰富复杂,变化也很大。

    On the other hand , the architectures of networks , corresponding network operating systems and network application softwares are very plentiful , complex , and vary greatly .

  25. 该文简单地介绍了无线传感器网络的体系结构和特点,并着重从设计传感器网络的基本原则出发,分析了无线传感器网络研究的一些关键问题。

    This paper introduces the architecture , characteristics of wireless sensor networks . Then , some key questions of the research field are discussed based on the basic principles .

  26. 然后介绍了无线传感器网络的体系结构,网络节点结构,以及相对传统无线网络的特点,分析了无线传感器网络的安全威胁,明确了无线传感器网络的安全设计目标和设计思路。

    Then describes the architecture , node structure and characteristics compared to the traditional wireless network of WSNs , analyzes security threats and determines safety design goals and design ideas .

  27. 介绍了下一代通信网络的体系结构、软交换的接入设备、设备间接口协议标准,讨论了下一代通信网软交换的组网问题。

    Introduces the system structure , access equipment 's soft switch , interface protocol of next generation network , and discusses the networking problems of soft switch in next generation network .

  28. 首先对无线传感器网络的体系结构及相关概念进行了描述,然后分析了无线传感器网络路由协议的特点、性能评价指标以及设计因素。

    Firstly , we describe the architecture and correlative concepts of WSN , and then analyze the characteristics , performance evaluation criterions and effective factors in designing the routing protocols of WSN .

  29. 简要介绍了无线传感器网络的体系结构,着重从硬件平台设计的原则出发,对硬件平台进行了研究和分析,最后提出对硬件平台设计的构想。

    This paper introduces the architecture of wireless sensor networks briefly and analyzes the hardware platform basing on its designing principle . Finally , it proposes design concepts of hardware platform for WSN .

  30. 根据农田及环境的特点,制定了无线传感器网络的体系结构由传感器节点、网络协调器、基站及终端组成。

    According to the characteristics of farmland and the environment , to develop a wireless sensor network architecture consists of sensor nodes , network coordinator , the composition of the base station and terminal .