
  • 网络Network loss;transmission losses;grid loss
  1. 本文叙述了《计及网损发电机之间有功功率最优经济分配》的计算原理、计算举例以及计算系统网损用的B系数的计算。

    The paper presents the principle of calculating of optimal economic dispatch active power between generators with considering transmission losses , a calculating example , and the calculation of transmission losses with B coefficients .

  2. 第一,提出了一种基于Shapley值的网损分摊新方法。

    First , a Shapley Value-based method for allocation of transmission losses is proposed .

  3. 基于GPS授时同步采样的在线网损计算

    On-line Network Loss Computation Based on GPS Time Sychronous Sampling

  4. 以GPS为基础的电力系统实时网损计算研究

    Studies on real time calculation of power system losses

  5. 该方法应用B系数建立网损图,简化了系统模型,较之传统方法大大提高了计算速度。

    By using B coefficient , this method founds a network loss chart and therefore simplifies the system model . Compared with the traditional methods , this method raises the calculating speed greatly .

  6. 并在进行潮流计算和网损计算方法时采取了基于区间FTU的计算方法。

    Meanwhile , section FTU based algorithm is also used to power flow calculation and network loss calculation .

  7. 随着SCADA远动技术在电力系统中的发展,使利用实时测量数据计算电力系统网损状况成为可能。

    As the development of SCADA ( Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ) technique , the calculation of energy losses in the power system can use the data real-time measured .

  8. 并正在建设电网调度自动化系统(EMS),以期达到在不同的运行方式下,按网损最少、电能质量最佳的潮流对电网实时进行调整。

    Now EMS are building so as to reach the real time adjustment for the network in the different operations including the least network lost , the optimal tidal current of electric energy quality .

  9. 在对网损结算盈余函数特性进行分析的基础上,指出了应用Aumann一ShaPley分摊法的不适性和核仁法的局限性。

    After analysis on characteristic of merchandise surplus function , inapplicability of Aumann-Shapley allocation method and limitation of nucleolus allocation method are indicated .

  10. 使用Visualc++编写了基于网损灵敏度二阶指标的系统故障排序程序,该软件实现了与PSD-BPA程序的接口,计算不同故障下的网损灵敏度二阶指标。

    The program of system contingency ranking using the second-order index based on loss sensitivity is designed in Visual C + + . This program also offers an interface with PSD-BPA .

  11. 在分析蚁群优化算法及解决TSP问题的基本原理的基础上,把灵敏度方法、最优网损微增率准则和蚁群算法相结合构造算法。

    On the basis of analyzing the basic principles of ACOA and TSP problem solved by ACOA , the sensitivity of methods and the optimal network loss differental rate rule are combined with ACOA to construct a new algorithm .

  12. 完全的边际网损系数法(FMLC)能提供最好的经济信号,但它不能保证所分摊的总网损与系统实际总网损一致,所以需要对该方法所分摊的网损量进行调整。

    But its total loss by the full marginal loss coefficient method ( FMLC ) can not keep consistent with the actual loss , so it is necessary to regulate the calculated loss .

  13. 针对10kV配电线路无功分散补偿的不足之处,提出在10kV配电线路非节点处安装杆上无功补偿设备的优化算法,以进一步降低网损和提高用户电压。

    Aiming at the deficiency of dispersed reactive compensation in 10 kV distribution lines , in order to reduce network loss and raise increase user voltages , an optimization algorithm for installing pole reactive compensatory equipments on non-nodal places of 10 kV distribution lines was brought forward .

  14. 本文分析和比较了网损微增率法、网络导纳法、邮票法和边际网损系数法,分别在IEEE-14节点系统上进行仿真,最后对其结果进行了讨论。

    The four methods of loss allocation , the loss incremental based method , network admittance based method , stamp method and marginal loss coefficient method , are applied in the IEEE-14 bus system in this paper . The results are also discussed and analyzed .

  15. 针对如何准确地计算输电网络损耗并将其公平、合理地分摊的问题,提出了基于平均电量数据的网损分摊方案,并且利用IEEE-5标准母线测试系统和某实际电网进行了计算。

    Presents a loss allocation scheme based on average electricity data in the foundation of the analysis of practical power system losses after deregulation . The IEEE-5 standard bus system and some practical electrical network are calculated by this scheme .

  16. 最佳路径法应用于网损分摊的探讨

    Discussion on Best Route Method Applied to Apportion of Load Loss

  17. 基于复功率追踪的网损分配方法探讨

    Discussion on the methods for loss allocation using complex power tracing

  18. 基于降低网损和提高可靠性的配电网络重构

    Distribution Network Reconfiguration for Power Loss Reduction and System Reliability Improvement

  19. 负荷随机性对网损计算和配电网重构的影响

    Influence of Stochastic Loads on Line Loss Calculation and Distribution Reconfiguration

  20. 基于网损灵敏度二阶指标的电压稳定概率评估

    Probabilistic assessment based on second order loss sensitivity for voltage stability

  21. 研究了以降低网损为目标的配电网重构。简要介绍了以降低网损为目标的配电网重构数学模型、配电网潮流计算研究现状以及本文所采用的基于支路电流的树状网潮流计算方法;

    Reconfiguration to reduce power loss of distribution network is studied .

  22. 区域电力市场中实用网损计算及分摊的研究

    Practical calculation and allocation of transmission losses in regional electricity market

  23. 采用边际网损系数法计算用户分摊的变动成本;

    The variable cost is allocated using marginal loss coefficient method .

  24. 兼顾降低网损和抑制谐波要求的配电系统优化运行

    Distribution network optimal operation for loss reduction and harmonic mitigation

  25. 市场条件下考虑网损的电厂有功功率分配

    Active Power Dispatch with Network Loss under Electricity Market Condition

  26. 邯郸电网网损计算及降损措施研究

    Research on the Network Loss Calculating Loss-reducing Measure of Handan Power Network

  27. 基于电流跟踪的网损分摊新方法

    New Method of Allocation of Losses Based on Tracing Flow of Electricity

  28. 电力网损管理系统的功能结构设计

    Configuration and function design of electric power loss management system

  29. 电力市场下网损分摊问题的研究

    Research on Loss Allocation Problem in the Electric Power Market

  30. 基于小波神经元网络模型的网损预测方法研究

    A New Power Loss Forecast Method Using Wavelet Neural Network