
  • 网络receiving-end grid
  1. 浅析受端电网稳定和电压支撑

    Dabbling Analysis in Stability of Receiving-end Grid and Voltage Support

  2. 受端电网静态/动态无功补偿综合优化

    Comprehensive optimization of static / dynamic reactive power for receiving-end network

  3. 特高压入湘后受端电网安全稳定性研究

    The Research on Security Stability of Receiving Power Network after UHV-In Hunan

  4. 多馈入直流输电系统受端电网动态特性

    Dynamic Characteristics of Receiving-End of Multi-Infeed HVDC Power Transmission System

  5. 对初具受端电网形态的山东电网的稳定性进行了仿真和分析。

    Study of security and stability of large receiving-end grids of East China ;

  6. 交直流混合系统受端电网暂态电压稳定分析

    Transient voltage stability of received power grid in AC / DC hybrid power systems

  7. 届时,山东电网将逐步向受端电网转变,进入交直流混合运行状态。

    Shandong power grid will gradually change to be receiving end and hybrid AC / DC power grid .

  8. 加强大电网安全稳定性研究和受端电网适用性研究;

    Thirdly , study of large grids ' security and stability should be strengthened , as well as study of the adaptability of receiving-end grids ;

  9. 因此,围绕交直流相互影响,开展受端电网稳定性研究以及直流系统的特性研究具有重大的现实意义。

    Therefore , the stability studies of receiving end and the HVDC dynamic characteristics , which mainly considers the interactions between AC and DC systems , are important .

  10. 结合直流工程的供电范围和受端电网的网络规划,对株洲换流站接入系统方案进行综合分析,并对与接入系统方案有关的问题进行分析。

    Based on the power supply area of the project and the planning of receiving end power grid , the system design schemes of Zhuzhou converter station and relevant problems are comprehensively analyzed .

  11. 分别分析了华北受端电网、送端电网以及送受电网之间的联系形成、特点等问题,提出华北电网规划中的一些主要构思。

    The feature of receiving end and sending end network , the relationship between receiving and sending end network are analyzed , and some concepts for North China Power Grid are put forward in this paper .

  12. 文章结合广东电网的发展特点,对如何建设西电东送坚强的受端电网、提高供电可靠性提出了若干建议。

    According to the development features of Guangdong power network some suggestions on how to construct a strong receiving power network in the project of transmitting power from West China to East China and improve the reliability of power supply are put forward .

  13. 其次,通过对发生单重和多重故障时的暂态稳定计算,研究了作为多回直流受端系统的广东电网在发生直流双极闭锁故障时的运行稳定性问题。

    Second , by means of the transient stability calculation for single and multiple faults , the stability of Guangdong power grid as a multiinfeed AC / DC power system is studied .

  14. 随着电力受端负荷快速增长,受端电网外受电比例越来越高,内部电源支撑不足,电压崩溃的风险大大增加。

    In Receiving-end , with the rapid growth of load and its lack of internal power supply , the risk of voltage collapse is greatly increased .

  15. 有关的系统研究表明,在一定的电网结构下,影响广东电网受电能力的关键因素是受端电网的无功电压支撑及交直流系统相互配合问题。

    According to the study of related system , for the certain structure of power network , the key factor influencing the ability for Guangdong net-work to receive electric power is the support of reactive power at the receiving power network and the cooperation of AC system with DC system .