
  • 网络receiving water
  1. 预测结果表明,在排水口下游5~10km范围内,黑龙江和松花江混合区域水质基本与本底接近,受纳水体对灌区排水有较大的稀释能力。

    It shows that the water quality of the mixing area , 5-10km downstream of the effluent , is close to the background water quality , indicating that the receiving water bodies have strong capacities to dilute the pollutants from drainage .

  2. 对城市面源污染物的种类、来源和危害,以及对受纳水体的影响两方面综合进行分析;

    The type , source and harm of pollutants of urban non-point source pollution and its influence on the receiving water are analyzed .

  3. 本文在三维POM模型的基础上建立了一个用于预测电厂温排水对受纳水体水温分布影响情况的三维热输运数学模型。

    The article establishes a mathematic model-3D heat transfer model based on POM model for simulating the impact of heated discharge .

  4. 水体标准是指污水排放点下游的受纳水体的水质。

    Stream standards refer to quality of receiving water downstream from the origin of sewage discharge .

  5. 本项目下半年施工对受纳水体涪江水域无影响。

    Construction of the project in the second-half year created no impact on the Fujiang water area .

  6. 构造综合考虑水质水量过程的受纳水体质量综合评价指标体系,在分析水污染成因的基础上,建立了水污染损失函数。

    Based on the analysis of causes of water pollution , a water pollution loss function was created .

  7. 从保护水环境角度出发,论文还对城市污水厂的排放口和受纳水体进行探讨,确定了可行的方案。

    The location of plant outlet is discussed for protection of water environment , and feasible project is given .

  8. 污水处理厂达标外排水对受纳水体及修复植物的影响研究

    Study on the Effect of Effluent Met the Standard from Sewage Treatment Plant on the Receiving Waters and Subsequent Repair Plant

  9. 净水厂排泥水若不经处理直接排放,不仅污染受纳水体,而且会造成水资源的大量浪费。

    Discharged water treatment plant sludge ( WTPS ) without treatment could pollute the accepting water body and waste water resource .

  10. 雨污分流是按可持续发展要求,减轻城市污水对受纳水体污染,完善城市污水排放体系的有效途径之一。

    Diversion of rain and sewage water , an effective means to improve the urban drainage system , can reduce water pollution .

  11. 排水系统雨天溢流对受纳水体的污染已日益受到关注。

    The aquatic pollution caused by the combined sewerage overflow in raining day on the water accepting body has increasingly come to our attention .

  12. 我国火、核电厂的热废水通常以浮射流的方式排入环境受纳水体。

    The thermal wastewater discharge of the thermal and nuclear power plants of China can usually be classified in the form of buoyant jet .

  13. 为受纳水体的污染进行评价、控制和规划提供了量化资料。

    This parameter proves to have good precision and can provide dates for the evaluation , control and planning of the pollution of containing water .

  14. 文章通过模拟实验发现污水处理厂达标外排水对受纳水体具有明显的生态效应。

    The effluent from a sewage treatment plant having an obvious ecological effect on the receiving water through simulation experiment was studied in this paper .

  15. 并对现有规模电厂运行期间,温排水受纳水体水动力,温升进行了同步的原型观测。采用此原型观测资料对水动力、温度数学模型进行验证,取得了比较理想的结果。

    At the same time , the article which carries out synchronized prototype observation for hydrodynamic power and excess temperature of receiving water achieves satisfactory results .

  16. 电厂是废热水的主要排放单位,其对受纳水体生态环境造成的影响应给予足够的重视。

    Power plant is the major unit of thermal discharge , and we must pay much attention to the impact on the ecological environment of receiving water .

  17. 剩余氨水是焦化厂的主要排放污水,为了防止剩余氨水对环境受纳水体造成污染,氨水需经过废水处理后才能排放。

    The remain ammonia Wastewater is the main discharge of coke plant . It must be treated before its discharge so as to prevent the environmental pollution .

  18. 水土流失携带的氮磷元素是导致受纳水体(如湖泊、河流等)发生富营养化的重要原因。

    The nitrogen and phosphorus element carried by soil erosion were the substantial clause which caused entrophication ( for example lake , rivers and so on ) .

  19. 分流制雨水系统的非雨水入流不但影响其正常的排涝功能,而且混接污水的直接排放还易导致受纳水体的严重污染。

    The drainage function of split-flow rainwater system is affected by non-rainwater inflow , and directly discharging the mixed wastewater can cause serious pollution of receiving bodies .

  20. 为研究电厂温排水对受纳水体的温升影响,基于无结构的三角形网格,采用有限元算法,建立了平面二维非恒定流温排水数学模型。

    Based on triangular grid , a 2 D unsteady flow mathematical model for warm water drainage in a power plant has been established with finite element method .

  21. 经过理论分析,认为污染负荷法和数学模型计算法是研究路面径流对受纳水体水质影响的有效方法,并对某些复杂模型编制出相应的计算程序。

    Through careful analysis it has been accepted that annual pollutant load method and mathematics model method are two useful ways to study the impact of runoff on receiving water bodies .

  22. 流域地形决定了滇池是全流域水流及其承载的各种污染物的最终受纳水体。流域水系特征加之水资源的匮乏造成了高污染水入湖。

    The basin terrain leads to the Dianchi lake being the receiving water body of the whole basin water containing the pollutants , which leads to serious polluted water into the lake .

  23. 提出了处理初期径流污染物和保护受纳水体的管理方法,可为我国城市暴雨径流污染的治理提供科学的理论基础和借鉴。

    The method is discussed to manage and control the runoff pollutants and protect receiving water , which can offer the scientific foundation to the treatment of the domestic urban storm runoff .

  24. 随着近年来我国农村经济的快速发展,农村面源污染已对受纳水体构成了严重的威胁。

    With the rapid development of Chinese rural economy in recent years , the rural non-point source pollution ( NPS pollution ) gradually becomes a serious threat to the receiving water bodies .

  25. 本文计算方法的潜力因子包括溶解态污染物潜力因子、颗粒态污染物潜力因子和居民生活及畜禽养殖污染潜力因子;迁移因子主要是距离受纳水体的远近。

    In this paper , the potential factors include dissolved pollutants , particulate pollutants and residents living , livestock and poultry pollution factor ; migration factor is mainly the distance to receiving water .

  26. 由于污水的收集率、处理率低,绝大多数的污水直接排入城市水体,大大超出了受纳水体的自净能力。

    Because a low collecting and dealing rate of sewage , most polluted water will go directly into city water systems . It goes greatly beyond the capacity of self-clearance of receiving water system .

  27. 富营养化造成的高磷导致微观生物过度生长和累积,导致受纳水体水质的恶化而产生的问题。

    Eutrophication caused by high levels of phosphate leads to the over-production and accumulation of micro and macro organisms , which can deteriorate the water quality of receiving water bodies and induce aesthetic problems .

  28. 纸厂废水的主要特征有:色度大,悬浮物含量高,臭味大,含高浓营养物(可导致受纳水体富营养化)并且有毒性。

    The main characteristics of paper-mill are : deep color , high volume of suspended solids , bad smell , high concentration of nutrients that cause eutrophication of receiving waters , and high toxicity .

  29. 论文以隧道排水的地表受纳水体为研究重点,运用综合指数法和模糊综合评判法进行水环境质量分析,同时,监测隧道施工对地下水水位和水质的影响。

    The thesis lays emphasis on the received water of tunnel water , analyzing the water environmental quality by the utilization of Law of composite index fuzzy mathematical model , and monitoring the variation of ground water .

  30. 根据黑龙江垦区绥滨灌区水量平衡关系及灌区排水水质采样监测资料,对灌区排水受纳水体黑龙江和松花江水质进行了预测。

    Based on water balance relationship of Suibin irrigation district and field data of water quality of drainage , the water quality of the receiving water bodies , the Heilongjiang River and the Songhua River , are predicted .