
  1. 受托经济责任关系不一定必然产生审计,经济利益冲突才是审计产生的实质动因。

    Modern audit resulted from the conflict of the economic profit .

  2. 受托经济责任关系是审计产生和发展的首要前提。

    Accountability relationship is the most important prerequisite for the emergence and development of audit .

  3. 因此,受托经济责任关系在人类进入奴隶制社会时便宣告诞生了。

    Therefore , when the humanity entered the slavery society that economical responsibility relations then announced was born .

  4. 审计理论界所公认的审计产生的原因是由于受托经济责任关系形成,基于经济监督的需要而产生的。

    It is generally recognized in the field of theoretical audit that audit was evolved from the relationship of trusted economic responsibilities on the basis of the demand of economic supervision .