
  • 网络dissociation theory;the separability thesis;separation theorem
  1. 应用扫描图像RGB三原色的灰度值分离理论,通过叶片像素点的分布比例提出一种计算叶片面积大小的算法。

    This method separate the RGB tricolor gray value from the picture , so the leaf area was determined by measuring the proportion of every leaf pixel .

  2. 有限元计算证明载荷分离理论对于该试样成立,提出了几何函数G(a/R)的表达式,采用规则化方法处理得到各试样J积分与裂纹扩展量△a的变化曲线。

    The finite element calculation proof load separation theory applied to the sample . Crack geometry function G ( a / R ) expression was presented . Changing curves of J integral and crack propagation Aa were obtained by using the normalization method .

  3. 基于盲源分离理论提出了一种快速独立分量分析(FastICA)算法。

    This paper proposed a fast independent component analysis ( FastICA ) algorithm based on blind source separation theory .

  4. 这些孔的形成可以用相分离理论来解释。然后,通过滴铸聚乙烯亚胺(PEI)的方法,对直接纺到QCM电极上的PS纳米纤维膜进行功能化修饰。

    What is more , the formation of the porous structure can be explained by phase separation theory . Then , modification of the PS nano fibrous membrane was realized by drop-casting of polyethyleneimine ( PEI ) .

  5. 从20世纪30年代,Means和Berle在其《现代公司和私有财产》一书中,提出著名的所有权与控制权分离理论以来,公司治理一直是企业经济学关心的核心问题。

    Since Means and Berle brought forward the famous theory that the separation of the control rights and the ownership in the 《 The Modern Corporation and Private Property 》 in 20 centuries thirties , corporate governance has always been the focus of enterprise economics .

  6. 基于无量纲化载荷分离理论,发展了改进的分离参数Spb法,新方法有效消除了参考钝裂纹和标定点选择对试样裂纹长度预测的影响。

    Correspondingly , a modified load separation parameter Spb method is developed according to the nondimensional load separation principle . This new method diminishes the effect of the reference blunt crack specimen and the choice of calibration points on the crack length determination of sharp crack specimen .

  7. 本文在研究了旋风除尘器的优缺点之后,在用Leith和Licht的边界层分离理论分析了直流旋风除尘器内流场特性的基础上,提出了分离空间内的有效分离表面的概念。

    After the advantages and shortages of cyclones are studied , the concept of effective separation surface in separation space is proposed on the basis of gaseous flow characteristics in the direct cyclone analyzed with Leith and Licht boundary layer separation theory in this paper .

  8. 盲源分离理论及其在通信系统中的应用

    Theory of Blind Source Separation and Its Application in Communication Systems

  9. 轴对称旋转流气固分离理论与技术

    Theories and Technologies of Gas-Solid Separation in Symmetrical Swirling Flow

  10. 软泡相分离理论分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discussion for the Phase-Separation Theory about Flexible Foams

  11. 跳汰床层分布规律及产品分离理论

    Distribution of the jig bed and theory of products separation

  12. 财务会计与税务会计分离理论扩展研究企业纳税会计与财务会计的比较分析

    Research of Theory Extension of Separation between Financial Accounting and Tax Accounting

  13. 场流分离理论的研究现状及发展趋势

    Current Theory of Field-flow Fractionation and Its Development Trend

  14. 斜板沉降固液分离理论及设备进展

    The Progress of Lamella Solid-liquid Separation Theory and Equipment

  15. 基于盲源分离理论的麦克风阵列信号有音/无音检测方法

    A Voice Activity Detection Method Based on Blind Source Separation for Microphone Array Signals

  16. 应用旋风分离理论,推导出了除尘效率估算模型。

    To educe the estimation model for dedusting efficiency by applying cyclone separation theory ;

  17. 综述了聚氨酯软泡的做相分离理论的最新进展。

    The recent developments of tf he phase-separation theory about flexible foams are reviewed .

  18. 误差分离理论在微机辅助轴类工件表面缺陷检测中的应用

    Error Separation Theory and Its Application in Computer-aided Surface Flaw Detection of Axle-liked Parts

  19. 型面3维误差分离理论与应用分居制度研究

    Study on Separation for Three - dimensional Errors

  20. 水力旋流器分离理论的研究与发展趋势

    Current Status of Separation Theories of Hydrocyclones

  21. 自适应阵信号分离理论

    Theory of signal separation using adaptive arrays

  22. 公立医院改革中两权分离理论和实践探索

    An exploration of theory and practice on separation of two rights in public hospital reform

  23. 本文运用最新的盲源分离理论,实现了混叠通信信号的盲分离。

    This paper presents a new method to realize the blind separation of overlapped communication signals .

  24. 圆柱度和回转精度与导轨直线运动误差分离理论的研究

    A Study of the Theory for Cylindricity and Accuracy of Rotational Motion and Straight Motion Error

  25. 另外,该方法也是对溶胀-微相分离理论应用的一种延伸。

    In addition , this method is also the application development of the Swelling-phase separation theory .

  26. 以各种手性选择剂的发展为线索介绍了毛细管电泳手性分离理论、方法及应用。

    The development of enantiomer separation concerning chiral selectors , theory , methods and applications are introduced .

  27. 应用误差分离理论对轴(孔)类工件表面缺陷进行涡流检测的研究

    Research on eddy current testing of the surface flaw of shaft-like parts by the theory of error separation

  28. 旋风分离器的分离理论是关于分离器内气固分离过程的物理描述和数学表示。

    The separation theory is the physical and mathematical description of the gas-solid separation process in cyclone separators .

  29. 契约理论、两权分离理论、委托&代理关系、产权理论、相关利益者理论。

    The contractual theory , the separation between ownership and control , ownership theory , related benefits theory .

  30. 概述了重力分离理论及其在油污水处理中的应用,利用它来指导产品的优化设计。

    The mechanism of gravity separation and its application to oily wastewater treatment were briefly introduced in this paper .