
  • 网络sublevel stoping
  1. 分段采矿法在金厂峪金矿的应用

    Application of sublevel stoping in Jin-Chang-Yu Gold Mine

  2. 多年来,东大山铁矿主要采用分段采矿法进行开采,矿石回收率一直在49.25%~55%之间、贫化率在29.92%~33.37%之间徘徊,难以突破。

    Sublevel stoping method is used to exploit ores , with its recovery rate ranging from 49.25 % to 55 % , and dilution 33.37 % to 29.92 % .

  3. 倾斜中厚及以上分枝矿体的开采一直是采矿界的一个难题,国内对于此类矿体的开采广泛采用分段采矿法。

    It is always a right trouble in mining circle about the exploitation of inclined-thick and branched orebody . Sublevel system is widely used to operate the orebody in china .

  4. 分段充填采矿法混合充填材料试验研究

    A Research on the Mixed Filling Materials in Sectional Filling Mining

  5. 研究了分段充填采矿法的动力学原理。

    The dynamics principle of the sublevel mining method was investigated .

  6. 分段空场采矿法聚矿堑沟的设计优化

    Optimization Design of Ore Accumulating Trench by Sublevel Open Stoping

  7. 西石门铁矿采用无底柱分段崩落采矿法开采。

    Sublevel caving without sill pillar is used in Xishimen Iron Mine .

  8. 海底成组更换采油法无底柱分段崩落采矿法回采设计方法

    Mining design procedures of the deep mining process sublevel caving stoping method

  9. 大间距无底柱分段崩落采矿法的研究和应用

    Research and Application of Large Interval Non-pillar Sublevel Caving Method

  10. 分段充填采矿法充填体稳定性分析及控制

    Analysis and control of filling stability of sublevel filling method

  11. 电耙堑沟分段空场采矿法在铜山铜矿的研究与应用

    Research and application of scraper trench segmented openstope method in Tongshan Cooper Mine

  12. 分段充填采矿法在大岭矿的试验研究

    Test study of sublevel filling method in Daling mine

  13. 下向小分段空场采矿法回采空区端部矿体的实践

    Stoping orebody in the end of mined-out area with underhand sublevel openstope method

  14. 高阶段大直径深孔爆破技术在安庆铜矿的应用深孔分段崩落采矿法

    Application of High Bench Large Diameter Longhole Blasting Technology in Anqing Copper Mine

  15. 分段充填采矿法垂直平行孔落矿技术探讨与实践水平分层充填采矿法

    Discussion and Practice of Vertical Parallel Hole Caving Technology with Sub-level Filling Method

  16. 高分段空场采矿法生产实践

    Production practice of high sublevel open stope method

  17. 震动会引起矿顶塌落。深孔分段崩落采矿法

    Vibrations will cause the roof of the mine to collapse . sublevel blast-hole method

  18. 连续回采分段空场采矿法试验研究

    Experimental Study on Continuous Stoping Sublevel Open-stop Mining

  19. 分段崩落采矿法的稳定性分析

    Stability analysis of the sublevel caving method

  20. 中厚破碎矿体分段空场采矿法试验研究

    Experiment and study on the mining of medium-thickness broken orebody by sublevel open stope method

  21. 深孔分段崩落采矿法大冶铁矿东露天采场高陡岩质边坡典型地段稳定性分析

    Sublevel blast-hole method Stability Analysis of the Typical Slope Area in Hubei Daye Iron Mine

  22. 中深孔分段空场采矿法在高品位复杂难采厚矿段的应用

    Application of medium-length hole sublevel open stoping to the mining of thick part of high grade complex orebody

  23. 采用无底柱分段崩落采矿法,国内外一直采用截止品位放矿法来控制出矿。

    Cut-off grade method has been used to control the ore drawing in non-pillar sublevel caving mining both in and outside China .

  24. 无底柱分段崩落采矿法是否适用于松软破碎矿体,一直是采矿界争论的焦点。

    Whether the sill-free sublevel caving mining method is suitable to break and broken orebody has been being discussed for a long time .

  25. 在无底柱分段崩落采矿法中,铲运机由于其具有出矿效率高、机动灵活、多用性等优点而被广泛采用。

    Scraper is widely used in pillar-less sublevel caving due to its high ore drawing efficiency , mobility , flexibility and general , purpose application .

  26. 无底柱分段崩落采矿法开采深埋软破缓倾斜矿体采场地压显现规律

    The regularity of ground pressure occurrence during the excavation of deep-buried , gentle dipping orebody embedded in weak and fractured surrounding rock by sublevel caving

  27. 无底柱分段崩落采矿法存在损失贫化大和损失贫化难以控制的缺点。

    Disadvantages of sublevel caving without sill pillar lie in high ore loss and dilution as well as difficult control of ore loss and dilution .

  28. 针对前河金矿地质及开采技术条件和生产现状,进行了小分段崩落采矿法试验研究。

    Aiming at the geological and mining conditions in Qianhe gold mine , the experimental research on small segment caving mining method is carried out .

  29. 无底柱分段崩落采矿法通风问题的探讨综放采场自然发火规律及注氮防灭火技术研究

    The research on the ventilation problem of sub - level caving rules of spontaneous ignition and injection of nitrogen for fire control in sub level caving workings

  30. 以某地下铜矿为研究对象,研究了地表要求保护的前提下极破碎矿体的顶板再造上向分段充填采矿法。

    Take an underground copper mine as studying object , on which the surface has to be protected , the mining method of sublevel filling method with roof reconstructing is studied .