
  • 网络distribution logistics;Physical Distribution
  1. 分销物流与物流管理(PD&LM)是中国当代物流研究的主要领域。

    Physical Distribution and Logistics Management ( PD & LM ) is a main studying categories of current logistics research fields both in China and overseas .

  2. 提供生产计划、采购、制造、工程、分销物流和技术服务方面的财务管理。

    Provides financial management related to Production Planning , Purchasing , Manufacturing , Engineering , Distribution Logistics , and Technical Services .

  3. 利用Arena仿真工具建立仿真模型。通过模拟多产品,需求及运输费用随机变化的分销物流系统计算目标成本。

    Building the simulation model using Arena and compute the objective cost .

  4. 手机分销物流补货提前期协调运作研究

    Study on Coordination of Replenishment Lead-time in Mobile Phone Distribution System

  5. 分销物流网络物流成本优化模型研究

    Research on Logistics Cost Function Optimized Model of a Distribution System

  6. 生产-分销物流系统中考虑缺货成本时的存贮路径问题研究

    Research on the inventory routing problem of manufacturing-distribution systems with shortage cost

  7. 中国医药分销物流变革存在的问题与前景展望

    Reform of Medical Distribution and Circulation in China : Problems and Prospect

  8. 基于动态需求的分销物流网络运作模式的研究

    On Distribution Networks and Operational Mode Based on Expanding Demand

  9. 生产&分销物流系统中的存贮路径问题研究

    Research on Inventory Routing Problem of Manufacturing-Distribution System

  10. 提出了针对物流网点选址的需求势能理论,并提出了一种基于需求势能的分销物流系统中配送中心的选址实现方法。

    This article provides a method based on requirement potential energy theory for selecting site .

  11. 面对专业市场的分销物流和面对消费者的城市配送物流两部分,目前佛山都非常滞后。

    Faced with the professional market , distribution logistics and distribution logistics to their customers two cities now are very delayed Foshan .

  12. 目前,各大轿车厂商的竞争焦点纷纷集中到如何通过优化的分销物流系统最快最好地满足汽车消费者的各种需求。

    Currently , the automobile manufacturers have focused on supplying consumers the best and fastest services by optimizing their distribution logistics system .

  13. 本论文在基于大量的实地调查和分析的基础上,对中国医药分销物流的问题进行了概括,并初步提出了中国医药分销物流发展的前景。

    Based on the analysis and field studies , the paper summarizes the problems in practice , and forecasts the future in medical distribution and circulation .

  14. 本文首先概述了分销物流的内涵,并重点介绍了本文两个核心内容即轿车分销渠道和分销网络的相关基础理论。

    The concept of distribution logistics is elaborated firstly , and underlying theory of the two core elements including automobile distribution channel and distribution network is introduced .

  15. 针对处于市场成长期的企业分销物流网络,从一个典型的物流网络结构出发,进行3种典型运作模式的研究,并以医药分销物流系统为例,阐述企业分销物流网络运作模式的决策方法。

    The paper studies three typical modes based on a typical structure of distribution networks serving the developing distribution enterprises and gives out a case to illustrate the solving process .

  16. 从渠道结构、运作模式、分销物流等方面对家电企业如何优化分销渠道以应对国际化竞争的挑战作初步探讨。对于如何遏制家电行业愈演愈烈的价格战,也将具有重要的借鉴价值。

    In order to answer the challenge of internationalization , the paper probes into the optimization distribution channel tactics in three aspects : channel structure , operation model and distribution logistics .

  17. 通过分析分销物流网络成本构成,把分销物流网络成本分解为运输成本和配送中心内部的成本,并对各个成本要素进行了量化研究,进而得出了一个成本函数模型。

    In this paper , the network model of logistics is studied and the composition of the cost in a typical distribution network is analyzed , consequently the factors in the model are quantitated .

  18. 基于Multi-Agent的服饰企业分销与物流配送管理系统

    Sale and allocation management system based on Multi-Agent technology in clothing enterprise

  19. 根据我国物流业发展现状及加入WTO对我国分销及物流服务业的影响,提出发展物流服务业的对策措施。

    The author analyses the present situation of the development of Chinese logistics industry , and the influence of China 's entering the WTO on logistics service industry . On this basis , the author puts forward some countermeasures to develop the service industry of goods flow .

  20. 地区性分销企业物流系统优化

    The Logistics System 's Optimization in the Enterprise of Regional Distribution

  21. 利丰一直在通过收购途径进军分销和物流领域,努力实现多元化经营。

    The company has been on the acquisition trail to diversify into distribution and logistics .

  22. 成功的企业都具有完美而高效的分销、物流系统并能对其保持有力的控制。

    Successful enterprises always have perfect and efficient distribution and logistics systems and can exert firm control over them .

  23. 世界500强企业和最有价值的品牌不仅具有完善而高效的分销、物流渠道,而且具有对该系统的强有力的控制能力。

    The world top 500 enterprises and most valuable brands not only have high-efficient distribution , logistics channel but also have powerful control force in this system .

  24. 当分析的范围左右延伸时,供应链由原材料供应商、制造商、分销和物流商、零售商和消费者组成。

    When the range is extended from the right to the left , a supply chain consists of the raw material supplier , the manufacturer , distribution and logistics , the retailer and the end - customer .

  25. 网络分销模式与物流产业发展对策研究

    Research on the Network Distributes Mode and Logistics Industry Development Countermeasure

  26. 消除分销时代的物流瓶颈

    On the Elimination of the Bottleneck of Logistics in the Distribution Era

  27. 分销型企业物流系统设计

    Design on Distributional Business Logistics System

  28. 纸张分销行业的物流管理,更以其价值高、运量大、运送频繁的特点,在企业管理中的地位越来越被重视。

    SCM ′ s impact has been felt especially in the field of paper distribution due to its high-value products , big-bulk transportation and high frequency .

  29. 本文通过对第三方物流的分析,指出了企业与第三方物流之间的关系正在从简单的储运合同/分销阶段向物流业务外包方向发展。

    The paper analyzes the Third Party Logistics , Points out that the relationship between the enterprises and the Third Party Logistics are changing form the simple storage and transportation contacts / distribution phase to logistics outsourcing .

  30. 从而确定了以核心制造商的角度对闭环供应链中若干规划问题进行了研究。第一,对分销/逆向物流集成网络规划方法进行了研究。

    Therefore , at the angle of core manufacturer in the supply chain , several planning problems of closed-loop supply chain are studied . Firstly , integral network planning method of distribution and reverse logistics is studied .