
  • 网络classification table;Classifieds;Category;classification schemes
  1. 为适应防震减灾事业的发展,对《地震档案分类表》的进一步完善提出建议。

    The paper presented a suggestion to perfect the " category table of seismic archives " completely for adapting to the development of earthquake prevention and disaster relief cause .

  2. 提出了油页岩灰分成分的分类表。

    A classification table of oil shale ash composition is given out .

  3. 第十二条同一申请人在不同类别的商品上使用同一商标的,应当按商品分类表提出注册申请。

    Article 12 . Where any applicant intends to use the same trademark for goods in different classes , an application for registration shall be filed in respect of each class of the prescribed classification of goods .

  4. 每一个DB2数据库都至少包含一个分类表空间,一个或多个用户空间,以及一个或多个临时表空间。

    Each DB2 database contains at least one catalog table space , one or more user table spaces , and one or more temporary table spaces .

  5. 通过使用唯一的术语编号将表连接起来,为TableJoin操作符指定条件,术语编号为文本分析结果集中的SKILLID,和位于分类表中的TERMID。

    Specify the condition for the Table Join operator by connecting the tables using the unique term number , which is SKILL_ID in the result set of the text analysis and TERM_ID in the taxonomy table .

  6. 在WTO服务部门分类表中,法律服务是服务贸易中商业服务项下的专业服务,其市场开放问题属于GATS的调整范围。

    As one special commercial service among the service trade in WTO " classification chart of service department ", its market matter of opening belong to adjusting range of GATS .

  7. 本文设计了一种新型的专业分类表《中国图书馆图书分类法畜牧专业分类表》,除了传统的分类表以外,它还增加了分类号主题词对照索引和KWIC塑入口词索引。

    The paper designs a bland new professional classification table --

  8. 根据WTO统计和信息系统局(SISD)制定的分类表,它包括11大类150多个分项。

    According to the statistics and classification chart from WTO that the information system office made , it includes more than 150 each of 11 big classes .

  9. 讨论了本体与国际专利分类表的内在联系。

    Discusses the inherent relation between ontology and international patent classification .

  10. 基于《金融档案分类表》的自动分类算法研究

    Research on the Automatic Categorization Algorithm Based on the Finance Archive Categorization

  11. 古籍;五部分类表;类属设置;

    Ancient Book ; Five-part Classification Form ; Class Arrangement ;

  12. 《中图法·医学专业分类表》分析与探讨

    Analysis of Special Classification for Medicine of China Library Classification

  13. 《环境保护档案分类表》的应用初探

    Preliminary Study on the Application of Classification Forms of Environmental Protection Archives

  14. 给出了这类光谱仪的各项校正指标的分类表。

    The classification table for possible structures of corrected spectrometers is considered .

  15. 主要借鉴了官方的商品分类表,还有搜集到的广告类型。

    Us in g the official commodity classification standard and the extensive ad types .

  16. 《中图法·医学专业分类表》类目体系研究我国畜牧兽医类专业期刊分类的建议

    Class system of Special Classification for Medicine Classification on Chinese Animal and Veterinary Periodicals

  17. 本文探讨了词表的含义,辨别植物的关键,植物分类表以及用于植物鉴别的描述性词汇。

    Discusses plant keys , plant taxonomy , and descriptive vocabulary used for plant identification ;

  18. 商品名称应当依照商品分类表填写;

    The goods shall be listed in the application according to the Classification of Goods .

  19. 分类表-叙词表转换系统的设计

    Design of Classification Number Descriptor Switching System

  20. 请每天好好练习新的及旧的分类表。

    Please practice the new classifiers , as well as those already introduced , every day .

  21. 该项研究还提供了一份20个最大城市基本生活成本的明细分类表。

    The study also provided a breakdown of basic costs in 20 of the largest cities .

  22. 对《国际专利分类表》第七版一些变化的研究

    Research on Some Changes of the 7 ~ ( th ) Edition of International Patent Classification

  23. 通过以下步骤将生成的表与分类表连接起来,从而实现更高的价值分析

    Join the resulting table with the taxonomy table to allow higher value analysis by following these steps

  24. 文后附变形边坡分类表,对已发生变形边坡的勘察设计有重要参考意义。全文分上、中、下三部分。

    A table of classification of displaced slopes is attached for reference in investigation and design of displaced slopes .

  25. 从《中国数学文摘》分类表看《中国图书资料分类法》的数学部分

    To evaluate mathematical part of Chinese classification of books and reference materials from the classification schemes of Chinese mathematics Abstracts

  26. 方法:根据检索策略搜索文献,然后按照纳入排除标准筛选文献,并用文献定量分类表提取相关信息进行描述性统计分析。

    Methods : This literature research searched for literatures using the search strategy and screened literatures according to inclusion and excluding criteria .

  27. 商标注册的商品分类表,由国家工商行政管理局公布。

    The table for the classification of goods for trademark registration shall be published by the State Administration for Industry and commerce .

  28. 本文针对手工建立分类表叙词表转换系统的缺点,用计算机设计了一个分类表叙词表转换系统。

    The key problem is to create a classification number descriptor parallel index database during the design of a vocabulary switching system .

  29. 商品名称未列入商品分类表的,应当附送商品说明。

    If any goods are not included in the Classification of Goods , a description of the goods shall be attached to the application .

  30. 申请商标注册,应当依照公布的商品分类表按类申请。

    An applicant for trademark registration shall submit an application on the basis of the specified form of classification of goods that has been announced .