
  • 网络layer wise summation method;layerwise summation method
  1. 为此,建议对于受地下水位影响的地基,宜按分层总和法进行地基变形计算。

    When the foundation is influenced by the change of water table , this paper proposes that the " layerwise summation method " should be taken into account in the calculation of foundation settlement .

  2. 分层总和法和FLAC联合求解路堤堤身沉降

    Cooperative solving on embankment settlement based on layer wise summation method and FLAC

  3. 用ANN模型确定的沉降系数ms修正分层总和法计算结果,与传统经验方法确定的沉降系数修正沉降量相比,能够更全面地反映各种因素的影响,提高沉降量计算的精度。

    Being used to ameliorate the result of multi-element summation method , the settlement coefficient ms by the method is more roundly in reflection the influence of different factors and has higher precision than the traditional empirical method .

  4. 其中:桩周土层采用Mindlin应力解和修正分层总和法计算其任意点处的应力场和变形量;而桩体本身则根据荷载传递方法计算其荷载变形关系。

    The stress and deformation field of surrounding soil can be calculated based on Mindlin stress solution and modified layered-summation , the loading-deformation relation of pile body can been determined using loading transfer method .

  5. 以Geddes应力解为基础,考虑土体的三向应力分布,并根据土的Duncan-Chang本构模型和基础沉降计算的修正分层总和法,建议了单桩沉降计算新理论。

    Based on Geddes stress solution and considering 3 dimensional stress of soil , a new theory on settlement calculation of single pile is presented according to Duncan-Chang constitutive model and modified layer summation .

  6. 提出了基于弹塑性理论的修正分层总和法新理论;

    A new theory of modified layer-summation based on elastoplastic principle is presented ;

  7. 优化分层总和法&一种新的深基坑侧土压力计算方法

    Optimization layer summation method & a calculation method of DEEP-BASEMENT pit lateral earth pressure

  8. 分层总和法在群桩非线性分析中的应用&变形总和法

    The application of the method of layered summation to nonlinear analyses of pile group

  9. 基于分层总和法的路基沉降时序规律多元非线性回归分析

    Multivariate Nonlinear Regression Analyses of Time Series Law to Subgrade Settlement of High-speed Railway Based on the Foundation of Layer-summation

  10. 仅考虑受附加应力&交通荷载的影响时,采用土力学中的分层总和法对于路面的沉降进行了分析与计算。

    For road settlement , using delamination summation-method to compute , because the road settlement influenced only by traffic load .

  11. 模型试验实测沉降量与用分层总和法、数值分析法计算结果接近。

    The settlement data of model tests are in general agreement with the calculated values on models of numerical analysis .

  12. 本文从桩土相互作用的机理出发,建立了非均质地基土中单桩弹性微分方程,利用太沙基一维固结理论和土层分层总和法求得堆载作用下,土层沉降随深度和时间变化的规律。

    Soil interaction The changes of the settlements depended with depth and time is obtained using the Terzaghi theory and layer ?

  13. 桩身压缩按照单桩分析理论确定,桩端沉降按照群桩应力分析模型采用分层总和法计算。

    The pile compression wasobtained by the theory of single pile , and the settlement of substratum was estimatedby layer-wise method .

  14. 本文的研究成果如下:1.利用分层总和法和填土最大密实度法计算了回填土的沉降。

    The results of this study are as follows : 1 . Using layered summation and fill the maximum density method backfill settlement .

  15. 该公式结构简单,参数易得,结合分层总和法可计算下卧层沉降,便于实际应用。

    The formula is suitable for practical use in calculating the settlement of substratum owing to its simple configuration and easily obtained parameters .

  16. 本文根据分层总和法的基本概念及表达式给出了变形系数表及变形梯度系数表。

    Based on the fundamental concept of layer-wise summation method , this paper presents tables for deciding the coefficients of deformation and deformation grade .

  17. 基于弹性理论方法,结合分层总和法,编制了群桩沉降计算程序,并掘此对普通群桩和组合桩群桩性状和沉降计算进行研究。

    Based on elastic methods and the layer-wise summation method , a program developed for settlement calculation of pile ground and combined composite foundation .

  18. 计算方法采用连杆法,地基模型采用规范规定的分层总和法模型。

    The hingcd-member method is used in calculation and the model of stratified summation method specified in the Code is adopted as the foundation soil .

  19. 结果表明:采用修正实体深基础分层总和法计算沉降控制复合桩基基础的沉降量要比天然地基浅基础的沉降量小;

    The results show that the foundation settlements obtained by the modified deep foundation layer-wise summation method are much less than those of shallow natural foundation .

  20. 根据挤扩支盘桩的受力机理,应用荷载传递理论和分层总和法计算沉降的概念,提出了一种多支盘不等支臂钻孔灌注桩基础沉降计算方法。

    According to mechanics character of expanded branches and plates and load transfer theory , a method of expanded branches and plates pile foundation settlement calculation is present .

  21. 采用双曲线和指数曲线两种拟合方法对实测数据进行了曲线拟合计算,同时采用分层总和法对路基总沉降进行了计算。

    The hyperbolic curve method and the exponential curve method are used to forecast embankment settlement of the highway around Harbin city , meanwhile total embankment settlement is calculated .

  22. 本文先提出消除负沉降公式,使分层总和法应用于单桩分析中。

    A formula to eliminate negative settlement is presented in this paper , so that the layering summation method is enable to apply to the elastic analysis of single pile .

  23. 对于群桩,将群桩视为实体基础,按分层总和法计算,但未给出相应的限值。

    For pile group , the settlement can been calculated by layer and summation mouth by pile group is considered body foundation , but have not given the limits value .

  24. 这三种改进的计算方法,即对分层总和法进行改进,利用编程计算,使其可应用到对任何形状填筑体荷载作用下的任意点处的地基最终沉降变形计算;

    That is to say , this paper improved the layer summation method in order to make it can adapt to any shape load 's effect and can be used to calculate the eventual foundation deformation of a point at will .

  25. 用分层总和法计算复合土层的沉降量时,复合土层压缩模量的不同计算方法,会使计算结果出现较大差异。

    When the method of the layer-built summation is used to calculate the settlement value of the composite foundation , the great difference between the results comes from the different methods used to calculate the compressive modulus of the composite foundation .

  26. 基于二维稳定渗流理论推导基坑工程井点降水引起的水位降低空间分布,根据有效应力原理建立地面沉降计算模型,并简化为分层总和法形式的计算公式。

    Based on 2-D steady flow theory , the space character of conic surface of lowed water caused by construction pit dewatering is deduced , then derived from Effective Stress Principle ( ESP ), the ground settlement calculation model is suggested .

  27. 运用提出的简化方法,对位于珠海的深厚软土地基上的大型化工储油罐地基沉降进行计算分析,并将沉降计算结果与分层总和法、黄文熙法的计算结果进行了比较。

    The subgrade of a large oil tank on deep soft soil ground in Zhuhai region is analyzed by using the simplified method mentioned above , and the calculating result is compared with those obtained from stratified summation method and Huang Wen-Xi method .

  28. 采用反分析方法得到了桩、土的反演物理力学参数,用此组参数预测了复合地基的整体沉降,与分层总和法计算的沉降值相比较,结果合理。

    The physical and mechanical parameter of pile and soil is obtained according to back analysis , then the parameter is used to forecast the settlement of composite foundation . The settlement result is reasonable compared to the one calculated by bed summation method . 3 .

  29. 土体侧胀性是引起地基沉降的重要因素,一维分层总和法的理论基础是侧向完全限制的压缩试验,故沉降计算结果中不能反应出土体侧向变形的影响。

    Soil lateral dilation is one of the important factors causing foundation settlement , but the results of one - dimensional layer-wise summation method ( LSM ) can not consider lateral deformation because it is based on the uniaxial compression test with lateral deformation being completely confined .

  30. 本文认为对于坐落在深厚软土层上的大范围填土人工岛的最终沉降量,有限元法的计算结果较分层总和法安全可靠。

    The calculation results indicate that for the artificial island located in the deep soft soil layers with a wide range of filling , the final settlement of the finite element method calculation results are much more safe and reliable than those of layering summation method calculation results .