
  1. 结果:高龄孕产妇在妊娠期其内科、产科、及分娩期并发症均高于对照组(P<0.01)。

    Results : The rates of medical and obstetric complications were higher in middle-aged group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 分娩期并发症分别为52.87%(46/87)、6.0%(9/150),P<0·01;

    The complication rates during childbearing were 52.87 % ( 46 / 87 ) and 6.0 % ( 9 / 150 ) respectively ( P < 0.01 );

  3. 结果两种流产对新生儿是安全的,但流产造成妊娠期先兆流产、自然流产、前置胎盘发生率,药物流产组明显低于人工流产组,分娩期并发症也是药物流产组明显低于人工流产组。

    Results Both of the abortion methods were safe for the newborns , but the incidences of threatened abortion , spontaneous abortion and placenta previa were significantly lower in drug abortion group than in artificial abortion group , as well as the incidence of labor complications .

  4. 结果妊娠分娩及产褥期并发症、损伤和中毒、肿瘤、呼吸系统疾病和消化系统疾病等为本院住院患者的主要病种。

    Results The major diseases for in-patients were as follows : fetation partus and puerperium complication , damage and toxication , tumor , respiratory and digestive system etc.

  5. 目的:对分娩期妇女实施持续而有效的舒适护理,降低其负性心理的发生和减少分娩期并发症。

    AIM : To determine of continuous , effective and comfortable nursing care can lower the occurrence of negative psychology and reduce complications during the parturient period .