
  • 网络Hyperemesis gravidarum;Hypermesis gravidarum
  1. 针灸治疗妊娠剧吐的疗效观察

    Observation on therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on hyperemesis gravidarum

  2. 如果你正确处理这一问题,妊娠剧吐实际上对保持体重如何有用

    How hyperemesis gravidarum is actually quite good for keeping the weight off , if you manage it correctly

  3. 结论TPN在妊娠剧吐治疗中有良好疗效。

    Conclusion A good effect to HG with TPN .

  4. 伴妊娠剧吐及酮症酸中毒的Wernicke脑病

    Wernicke 's encephalopathy with hyperemesis and ketoacidosis

  5. 人体白蛋白治疗妊娠剧吐25例效果观察

    Observation on the Effectiveness of Human Albumin in Treating pregnancy Vomiting

  6. 妊娠剧吐合并食管贲门粘膜撕裂症16例分析

    Analysis of 16 cases of hyperemesis gravidarum and esophagus Mallory-Weiss syndrome

  7. 目的探讨妊娠剧吐患者的个性特征。

    Objective To study the personality Characteristics of hyperemesis gravidarum patients .

  8. 利多卡因治疗妊娠剧吐56例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Lidocaine Treating 56 Cases of Hyperemesis Gravidarum

  9. 654-Ⅱ治疗妊娠剧吐的临床研究

    The Clinical Study of 654-II in Treating Hyperemesis Gravidarum

  10. 减量应用恩丹西酮防治化疗所致恶心呕吐反应的疗效观察妊娠剧吐的中医护理体会

    Induced Nausea and Vomiting Nursing Experience of Hyperemesis Gravidarum

  11. 1例妊娠剧吐病人的心理护理

    Psychological Nursing Care of A Case of Hyperemesis Gravidarum

  12. 妊娠剧吐患者的心理健康水平及其相关因素研究

    Status of Mental Health Level of Women with Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Its Relative Factors

  13. 心理护理对妊娠剧吐患者疗效的影响

    Influence of Mental Nursing on Hyperemesis Gravidarum

  14. 1例妊娠剧吐致韦尼克脑病的护理

    Nursing care of a case with Wernicke 's encephalopathy induced by severe vomiting during pregnancy

  15. 中医整体护理在妊娠剧吐患者中的应用发挥传统中医优势深入开展整体护理

    Application of the general nursing care of traditional chinese medicine in patients with hyperemesis gravidarum

  16. 结果妊娠剧吐与年龄及孕周有明显关系。

    ResultsThere were closed relation ship between the vomiting of pregnancy and age , pregnant weeks .

  17. 愉快因子在妊娠剧吐护理中的应用与评价

    The effects and evaluation for using the jolly factor in the course of nursing pregnant patients with hyperemesis

  18. 任何把妊娠剧吐误解为糟糕的晨吐这就像把肺炎误以为感冒。

    Anything that mistakes hyperemesis gravidarum for bad morning sickness It is like mistaking pneumonia for a bad cold .

  19. 结论愉快因子疗法是一项简单有效的护理新方法,对提高妊娠剧吐患者生活质量有显著疗效,使其顺利度过早孕反应期。

    Conclusion Jolly factor therapy is effective for patients with hyperemesis , and then can improve their quality of life .

  20. 目的分析妊娠剧吐所致水电解质紊乱、酸中毒,严重者可致韦尼克脑病发生。

    Objective To discuss the disorder of electrolyte and acidosis caused by vomiting of pregnancy that might induce wemicke brain disease .

  21. 发言人表示,这位30岁的准妈妈星期一正在伦敦医院接受妊娠剧吐治疗。妊娠剧吐是晨吐的一种急剧形式。

    The spokesperson confirms that the 30-year-old mom-to-be was admitted to a London hospital Monday with Hyperemesis Gravidarum , an acute form of morning sickness .

  22. 接触组女工妊娠剧吐、贫血、高血压综合征、先兆流产等并发症的发生率以及孕龄、孕期产前检查次数和孕期服药等与对照组比较均无明显差异;

    There were no significant differences between two groups in pregnant complications , gestational age , medicines using and the numbers of examination during pregnancy .

  23. 针灸与穴位注射治疗妊娠剧吐的临床疗效观察

    Clinical observation on therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion and acupoint injection on hyperemesis gravidarum to search for a more effective method for treatment of hyperemesis gravidarum

  24. 结果甲亢合并早孕者16例,发生妊娠剧吐10例,先兆流产6例;

    Results 16 cases of the first trimester of pregnancy combined with hyperthyroidism were collected . And there were 10 cases of hyperemesis gravidarum , 6 cases of threatened abortion .

  25. 目的观察比较针灸与穴位注射治疗妊娠剧吐的疗效差异,探寻临床治疗该病的较好方法。

    Objective To compare the therapeutic effects of acupuncture and moxibustion and acupoint injection on hyperemesis gravidarum , and to search for a more effective method for treatment of the disease .

  26. 方法:将150例妊娠剧吐患者随机分为3组,针灸组、中药组、西药组各50例。

    Methods One hundred and fifty cases of hyperemesis gravidarum were randomly divided into 3 groups , acup-moxibustion group , Chinese drug group and western medicine group , 50 cases in each group .

  27. 随着现代生活节奏逐渐加快,妊娠剧吐的发病率有升高趋势,因而妊娠剧吐的治疗越来越受到围产医学医务工作者的关注。

    With the gradual speeding up the rhythm of modern life , it has rising trends in the incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum . So perinatal medical workers have more and more attention on the treatment for hyperemesis gravidarum .

  28. 对于症状严重的女性,包括一种称作妊娠剧吐的严重形式,该研究建议应采取包括住院治疗和心理健康援助在内的特殊治疗。

    For women with more difficult symptoms , including a very severe form , known as hyperemesis gravidarum ( HG ) , specialist treatment , including hospital admission and mental health support , should be offered , it suggests .

  29. 几天后,凯特宣布了怀孕,同时也开始有剧烈的妊娠剧吐反应,不得不因此暂停公众事业。

    Only a few days after that , it was announced that she is pregnant - and with that came news she was suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum , an extreme form of morning sickness that forced her to cancel her public duties .