
  • 网络Managing Bank
  1. 留给他们管理银行账户的时间不会太多,而银行账户又需要密切的关注。

    That does not leave much time for managing bank accounts , which need close watching .

  2. 但应该看到,目前银行的日常风险管理实践还不能满足有效管理银行危机的需要,突出表现为:管理视野有限,管理强度不够,以银行危机为管理对象的非常规管理较为薄弱。

    However , the routine risk management can not meet the needs of managing bank crisis effectively , as its vision is limited , its intensity is not enough . The unconventional management dealing with bank crisis is very poor compared with banks ' habitual routine risk management .

  3. 联邦存款保险公司-美国负责管理银行存款保险的管理机构。

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC )

  4. 可以使用Adobe和IBM产品来创建独立、统一的系统管理银行中的流程、业务内容及文档。

    Adobe and IBM products can be used to create a single , unified system to manage banking processes , business content , and documents .

  5. 监督管理银行间同业拆借市场和银行间债券市场;

    Regulate and supervise the inter-bank lending market and the inter-bank bond market ;

  6. 现代商业银行的经营本质上是以信用为基础和保证的,如何有效管理银行的信用风险,始终是商业银行面对的重要问题。

    In fact , the operation of modern commercial banks is based on credit .

  7. 刍议用贝叶斯网络管理银行信贷风险

    Bayesian Network Methods for Managing Credit Risk

  8. 这里不再有那么多的西方人来讲课,告诉中国人如何管理银行。

    We have no more lecturing visitors coming from the West to tell the Chinese how to run their banks .

  9. 在其整个历史过程中,管理银行的人士都是公众人物,但目前对这些人的了解甚少。

    The men who ran it for almost its entire history were public figures , yet little is known of their lives .

  10. 这里涉及到如何在一个总体经验水平较低的环境中管理银行业务的高增长。

    It is a question of managing high rates of growth in the business in an environment of low general levels of experience .

  11. 就国有商业银行内部制度而言,政府以股东身份管理银行,需要指导国有商业银行实现股权多元化,并建立与之相适应的公司治理内部机制。

    As far as inside system is concerned , Government should guide state-owned commercial banks to introduce multi-shareholders and build corporate governance system .

  12. 中行为何会冒如此大的风险,可能也反映了中国国内管理银行资产负债表的一些问题。

    The reason it took such a gamble may well reflect some of the problems of managing a bank 's balance sheet in china .

  13. 他最终抽出的一本书是1567年写的手册,手册制定了选举司库管理银行的规章制度。

    The book he eventually pulled out was a manual from 1567 setting the rules and regulations for appointing treasurers to run the bank .

  14. 不过,金曼坚称,他无意管理银行,也绝不会运用自己的影响力来鼓励银行做出违反商业逻辑的事。

    But Mr Kingman insists he is not there to manage the banks and will never use his clout to encourage the banks to act uncommercially .

  15. Siri还有任务管理、银行业务以及提供VR(虚拟现实)代码等新功能。

    There are new capabilities like task management , banking , and bringing up VR codes .

  16. 奎特隆被控妨碍司法公正,原因是当他获知美国证交会(SEC)正在对他管理的银行展开调查时,他命令下属销毁以往的电子邮件。

    He has been accused of obstructing justice by ordering underlings to destroy old emails at a time when he knew the bank was under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission .

  17. 风险管理是银行整体业务的重要组成部分。

    Risk management is an important part of the overall bank management .

  18. 信用风险管理是银行战略决策的重要基础。

    Credit risk management is an important basis for banks ' strategy decision .

  19. 银行的风险管理是银行管理人员及监管部门都十分重视的问题。

    Risk management has become increasingly important to bank managers and bank regulatory authority .

  20. 眼下,他很乐于管理巨额银行业服务“小机构”。

    For now he is enjoying running his " boutique " multi-billion-pound banking service .

  21. 银行对于企业的信用风险管理是银行多种管理活动中的一项极为重要的活动。

    Credit risk management of the enterprise is a very important activity for the bank .

  22. 对现金管理,银行,信用管理,存货评估和成本管理进行全方位的负责?

    Responsible for all aspects of cash management , banking , credit control , inventory valuation , costing ?

  23. 诚实守信、人性化管理、银行从业人员的职业道德等都颇为重视,对此研究也较多。

    Honesty , credibility , humanity management and professional morality of banking personnel has long been emphasized and studied .

  24. 一定程度上,排队管理成为银行获取消费者满意、增加竞争优势的营销措施。

    To a certain degree , queuing management is a step for bank to gain customer satisfaction and competitive advantages .

  25. 风险管理参与银行价值创造,文化与技术的结合将为信用卡行业创造更多新的机会。

    Risk lunwen114Management participating banks value creation , culture and technology for the credit card industry to create more new opportunities .

  26. 全面风险管理要求银行从整体资产的角度来计量和管理风险,投资组合是其最为核心的理念。

    Total risk management with the portfolio theory as its core demands that banks should measure and manage risks from the whole asset profile .

  27. 通过经济资本管理,银行资本管理实现了从监管资本到经济资本的飞跃。

    The adoption of economic capital management , the capital management of bank has moved a great step from regulatory capital to economic capital .

  28. 本文的研究从风险的认识入手,指出利率风险管理在银行经营管理的重要地位。

    Begin with the awareness of risk , the paper points out the important role of the interest rate risk management in banking administration .

  29. 首先从单阶段和无限重复博弈模型的角度出发,对上市公司盈余管理的银行监督机制进行了理论分析。

    To begin with , from the single-stage and infinite game models , bank monitoring mechanism of earnings management of listed companies is analyzed theoretically .

  30. 贷款管理作为银行重要的资产管理内容,对于银行的收益水平、资产质量和客户结构都具有重要的意义。

    As one of important fields concerning assets management , credit management has a significant bearing on the profit , assets structure and customer structure of banks .