
  • 网络informationalization;informatization;mes
  1. 基于J2EE的规划管理信息化软件体系研究

    A Study on the Software Architecture of Planning Management Informatization Based on J2EE

  2. 第二部分:我国基于ERP的企业管理信息化建设的状况调查和实施过程分析。

    The second chapters : The developing status and countermeasure of China 's Business Informatization .

  3. GIS在土地管理信息化方面的应用

    Geographic Information System Application in Land Management

  4. 加快建设CIMS工程实现管理信息化

    Speeding up the Establishment of CIMS Project and Realizing the Management Informatization

  5. 特别是对制造业企业而言,对ERP的投入是推动企业管理信息化的重要步骤。

    Especially for manufacturing enterprises , Input to the ERP is an important step to promote information technology in enterprise management .

  6. 根据黄金生产管理信息化的需要,提出了基于Internet环境构建黄金生产信息网络管理系统的基本内容和方法。

    According to the need for the modernization of gold production information management , the contents and methods to construct the internet-based gold production management information system are discussed in this paper .

  7. CS公司全面质量管理信息化(SAPR/3系统eTQM)研究

    Analyse of Informationization of TQM System ( e TQM of SAP R / 3 System ) in CS Company

  8. 浅析在工程项目管理信息化建设工作中建立并推行CIO制度

    Compendious Analyses of CIO System Application in Project Construction Information Management

  9. 随着医院信息化建设的逐步推进和深入,医院的信息化建设已经由原来以财务为主线的收费结算系统,向临床管理信息化阶段(CIS)过渡。

    With the gradual propulsion of the construction of information-based society in the hospital , the mode has transited from finance-majored system into CIS .

  10. 采用Flex+J2EE多层网络应用程序开发技术,建立基于4D理论的黄河大桥施工过程动态仿真系统,并实现桥梁施工管理信息化、可视化。

    Using the Flex + J2EE multi-layer network application development technology , the " Yellow River Bridge construction process dynamic simulation system " was established .

  11. Internet及Web技术不断发展,计算机处理速度和网络带宽及覆盖面的不断提升,网络接入形式多样化,为基于Internet及Web技术的工程建设管理信息化发展奠定了技术和物质基础。

    The continuous development of the Internet and Web techniques , the augment of the calculator speed and the bandwidth , and the diversification of the form to connect to network , these turn into the material and technical foundation for engineering construction management by internet techniques .

  12. 论会计管理信息化的ISCA模型

    On Model ISCA of Accounting Management Information

  13. 针对离散制造业的特点,在离散制造业ERP的基础上进行深层次制造执行系统(MES)的研究,为离散制造业生产管理信息化提供合理的解决方案。

    Being directed against the features of discrete manufacturing industry and deep research of manufacturing executive system MES based on discrete manufacturing industry adopting ERP , which provide complete solving plan for discrete manufacturing industry production management informationization .

  14. 并阐述了采用SOA体系结构开发数字校园系统的软件重用、系统结构、服务组成等实现技术,为实现校园教学管理信息化和科学化提供了一种有效的解决方案。

    The validity of the method is illustrated by the presentation of its application , an E-education platform for Digital Campus using the SOA by the utilization of Web Services , and it provides an effective solution for informationization and scientificalness of campus educational administration .

  15. ERP作为企业管理信息化的关键技术,对企业管理信息化的推进起到了很大的作用,在供应链管理模式下,企业通过内部网并采用ERP管理软件实现信息共享。

    As a key technology of the enterprise management of information technology , has played a large role in promoting the enterprise management of information technology . In the mode of supply chain management , enterprise uses the intranet and ERP management software to share information .

  16. 随着工厂生产自动化和管理信息化发展的要求,如何获取、控制这些传感器/执行器/控制器的信息和状态以及如何将这些信息整合到企业的ERP系统和管理决策系统中成为研究的重点。

    With the development of factory automation and management informationization requirements , the accessing and controlling of these sensor / actuator / controller , and integrating its ' information and status to the enterprise ERP systems and management decision-making systems become the focus of the study .

  17. 分析企业人力资源管理信息化现状,提出基于战略性的现代人力资源管理的5P模式;

    Current status of enterprise human resource management informatization is analyzed and a 5 P mode of modern human resource management based on stratagem is put forward .

  18. 加强教学管理信息化建设提高管理效率

    Strengthening the Building of Teaching Management Information to Enhance Management Efficiency

  19. 办公自动化是部队日常工作管理信息化建设的基础,对部队管理及信息化建设具有重要的作用。

    Office automation plays an important role in military routine management .

  20. 网络环境下我国体育管理信息化的理论与实践探讨

    The Theory and Practice of Sports Administration Informatization in Network Environments

  21. 高校国有资产管理信息化研究与探索

    Research and Exploration in Informationization of State-owned Assets Management in Colleges

  22. 面向高校管理信息化的异类信息资源整合研究

    Study on the Heterogeneous Resources Integration for the University Management Informatization

  23. 税务管理信息化的原则和重点

    On the Principle and the Stress of the Computerized Taxation Management

  24. 教学管理信息化的动力系统及优化研究

    The Dynamical System and Optimization Study of the Informationization of Teaching Management

  25. 萍矿集团人力资源社会保险管理信息化的实践与探讨

    Discussion on Informatization Management of Social Insurance of Human Resources

  26. 电视剧生产经营管理信息化探究

    The Exploration of Information Management in TV Series ' Producing and Manufacturing

  27. 灌区用水管理信息化建设信息传输基本途径

    The Basic Approaches of Message Transmission for Irrigation Water Use Management Informatization Construction

  28. 对民航企业人力资源管理信息化建设的思考

    Informatization of Human Resources Management of Civil Aviation Enterprises

  29. 人力资源管理信息化的4个层次

    Elementary analysis on four levels in human resources informational-management

  30. 水利工程建设管理信息化发展方向

    Water informationization development in water project construction and management