
  • 网络word of mouth;Word-of-mouth advertising
  1. 公司还能看出,有多少人使用他人提供的链接来观看那部4分钟广告片,这是衡量口头广告影响力的一个指标。

    The company will also be able to see how many people view the four-minute feature using links supplied by others-a gauge of word-of-mouth impact .

  2. 以上述塞恩菲尔德为主角的广告为例,设计该广告就是旨在测试互联网、电视和“口头传播”广告之间的相互影响。

    The campaign featuring Mr Seinfeld , for example , has been designed to test the interaction between internet , TV and " word-of-mouth " advertising .