
kǒu suàn
  • Mental arithmetic;chant out the result while doing the sums in one's head;poll tax
口算 [kǒu suàn]
  • (1) [chant out the result while doing the sums in one's head]∶一边心算一边口说地运算

  • (2) [poll tax]∶口赋

口算[kǒu suàn]
  1. 加强计算基本训练,通过分、小、百互化口算的练习,使学生熟练地掌握基本的计算技能。

    Strengthen basic training of calculation , get the kids to grasp the radical calculating ability craftily .

  2. 大学生口算能力的实验研究

    The Experimental Research on the Ability of College Student 's Mental Arithmetic

  3. 小学生加法口算速度和广度的发展研究

    The Developmental Study of the Speeds and Spans of Mental Addition of Pupils

  4. 试压盲板厚度简易口算公式推导

    Derivation of simple oral formula for calculation of thickness of pressure testing blind flange

  5. 小学生加法口算时间的差异性研究

    A Study of the Difference in Time of Pupils ' Mental Arithmetic on Addition

  6. 小学生与大学生口算时间和广度的比较研究

    The comparative research of mental arithmetic spent time and spans between pupils and College Students

  7. 四、六年级共90名小学生接受了加法口算的实验。

    90 pupils in the second , the fourth , and the sixth grades were tested .

  8. 有许多专家、学者和教师从教学实践出发,探讨口算教学现状及策略,取得了一定的成效,本论文基于以上研究提出了改进小学低年级口算教学的基本策略。

    The author of this paper intends to explore some basic strategies to improve lower-grade mental arithmetic teaching practice .

  9. 以180名1至6年级小学生为被试考察了加法口算速度和广度的发展。

    The experiment investigated the development of the speeds and spans of mental addition of 180 primary school students .

  10. 罗格列酮影响2型糖尿病患者颈动脉内膜中层厚度及斑块的超声评价超声测值口算法预测胎儿体重

    Ultrasonic Estimation of Effects of Rosiglitazone on Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Plaque in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

  11. 180名1至6年级城市小学生接受了口算能力的测验,结果显示:小学生口算的速度和广度随年级的增长而加快和扩大。

    The results showed : ( 1 ) the speeds and spans of the pupils ' mental increased with their grades .

  12. 本研究的目的是比较小学生与大学生在口算时间和广度上的差异。

    The purpose of the research is to compare the differences between pupils and college students in mental arithmetic times and spans .

  13. 研究结果表明,2、4、6年级小学生口算时间随年级的增高而减少;

    The results show that mental arithmetic time of pupils from Grade 2 , 4 and 6 decreases with the increase of grades .

  14. 在一位数加多位数不进位加法口算中,口算时间差异主要源于运算时间差异和整合时间差异;

    In the non-carry mental addition of 1-digit number and multi-digit number , mental arithmetic time differences lie in arithmetic time differences and integration time differences .

  15. 在多位数减一位数不借位减法口算中,运算时间年级差异不显著,而整合时间存在显著的年级差异;

    In the mental subtraction of multi-digit number subtracting 1-digit number , there are no grade differences of arithmetic time and there are significant grade differences of integration time .

  16. 将口算时间分解为运算时间和结果整合时间。二、四、六年级共90名小学生接受了加法口算的实验。

    The author of this paper divided pupils'mental arithmetic time into operation time and integrating time.90 pupils in the second , the fourth , and the sixth grades were tested .

  17. 口算是日常数学与学校数学的良好契合点,我国数学教育应大力培养学生的口算能力。

    Mental arithmetic was an ideal point of conjuncture between everyday mathematics and school mathematics . Mathematics education in China ought to strongly promote students ' ability in mental arithmetic .

  18. 在减法和除法的口算时间上,大学生明显短于小学六年级学生,但在乘法口算上无显著差异。

    That the spent times of subtract and division mental arithmetic of college student are significant briefer than that the pupils , but there are no significant differences in the multiplication .

  19. 结果显示:(1)大学生口算的广度明显大于小学六年级学生的口算广度。数字广度也大于小学生,但两者差异不显著;

    The results shows : ( 1 ) that the spans of mental arithmetic of college students are more than that of pupils except multiplication , there are no significant differences in the multiplication .