
  • 网络Intraoral Camera system;EZ go;YYX-I
  1. 数字化口腔内窥镜的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Digitized Intraoral Camera System

  2. 作为口腔内窥镜的摄像镜头,利用梯度折射率透镜质量轻、体积小、结构简单、分辨率高、成像景深大的优点,研制出一套适合医患交流及进行口腔检查与治疗的医疗装置。

    As a camera lens for intraoral camera system , GRIN ( gradient refractive index lens ) lens has many merits such as light weight , simple structure , small volume and big focal depth .

  3. CCD口腔内窥镜结构设计及其工艺分析

    Structure design and procedure analysis of CCD mouth endoscope

  4. 根据口腔内窥镜的实际使用要求进行口腔内窥镜仪器的整体方案设计。

    It provides an overall design scheme of oral cavity endoscope based on medical instrument design code and the needs in practical application . 3 .

  5. 目的:在口腔内窥镜的基础上,应用计算机信息处理、数据库和图像技术,开发口腔黏膜内窥镜管理统。

    Objective : To develop the intraoral camera management system of oral mucosal diseases by means of the techmology of information management , database nad graphics .

  6. 完成口腔内窥镜样机产品的光学成像部分、照明部分及整个系统的实用性方面的实验测试。

    It carries out experimental tests of the sample endoscope , including tests on optical imaging , illuminating as well as the practicability of the whole system .

  7. 根据口腔内窥镜仪器化要求进行样机产品的机械结构设计,包括整体外形的设计和系统各零部件的装配设计。

    It accomplishes mechanical structure design of sample products in accordance with instrumentation requirements of the oral cavity endoscope , including designs of global shape and the assemblage of system components .

  8. 以梯度折射率透镜(自聚焦透镜)为摄像镜头,通过光电转换,结合数字信号处理和数据库技术,设计并实现了数字化口腔内窥镜。

    The digital oral endoscope is designed and realized in this paper , which is based on the technologies of digital signal processing and database , by using gradient refractive index rod lens , that is GRIN-Lens , and photo-electronic imaging device .

  9. 口腔黏膜病内窥镜管理系统的开发与应用

    The development and application of the intraoral camera management system to oral mucosal diseases

  10. 文章对口腔全景曲面断层X线机、口内X线成像设备和口腔内窥镜的功能、特点和原理做了初步介绍。

    This article reviews the functions , characteristics and principles of three kinds of oral imaging instruments including panoramic x-ray unit , intraoral x-ray unit and stomatology endoscope .