
  • 网络Dentist
  1. 两校口腔医生制作全口义齿时使用面弓情况的调查

    Evaluation of the use of face-bow in complete denture fabrication : a survey among dentists of two university

  2. 尽管一些口腔医生提出无糖口香糖能够减少患蛀牙的可能性,有些医生却不这样认为。

    Although some dentists claim that sugar-free gum decreases the possibility of tooth decay , others are not convinced .

  3. 结论:对双亲进行早期教育,使其尽早带患儿去看口腔医生及局部用氟。该工艺技术有着广阔的应用前景。

    Conclusion : Early dental education of prospective parent , early dental visits and regular application of fluoride are absolutely necessary .

  4. 长期以来,口腔医生一般都是使用口镜来为患者进行检查。

    Since long ago , oral cavity doctor generally all is uses mouth mirror creating disaster to carry on the inspection .

  5. 通过社会实践的效果使学生体验自我价值,增强学生专业思想,激发学生学习兴趣,为培养合格的口腔医生奠定基础。

    The social practice can make students see their self-value , strengthen their professional thinking , arouse their interest in learning , and lay the foundation for training of qualified stomatologists .

  6. 周六,俄克拉荷马州健康中心门前聚集了超过400名患者,他们要控告一名口腔医生进行不卫生的医疗操作,并希望接受肝炎或是艾滋病检查。

    More than 400 patients of an oral surgeon accused of unsanitary practices showed up at an Oklahoma health clinic Saturday , hoping to learn whether they were exposed to hepatitis or the virus that causes AIDS .

  7. 结果(1)5位临床医护人员中,口腔医生1人(1/5),护士4人(4/5),其中艾滋病专业临床护士2人,外科护士1人,急诊科护士1人。

    Results ( 1 ) Of 5 doctors and nurses , dentist in 1 ( 1 / 5 ) and nurses in 4 ( 4 / 5 ), of whom 2 working in AIDS department , 1 in surgical department , and 1 in emergence department .

  8. 随着人们审美要求的不断提高,牙科全瓷冠桥因其具有比烤瓷熔附金属修复体更美观、低热导性、耐腐蚀和良好的生物相容性,而倍受口腔医生和患者的青睐。

    With the people appreciate the beautiful increasing , the all ceramic dental restorations , including crowns and bridges , are attractive to dentists and patients because they provide better esthetics , low thermal conductive , abrasion resistance , and biocompatibility as compared with traditional porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations .

  9. 银汞充填对口腔科医生健康影响的调查

    Investigation of health influence of mixing amalgam to dentists

  10. 沈阳地区口腔科医生艾滋病职业防护知识教育干预前后的比较

    Status of occupational protection from AIDS and effect after education intervention in dentists of Shenyang area

  11. 前牙良好的唇齿关系和覆牙合、覆盖是口腔正畸医生追求的目标之一。

    The good relationship between lips and teeth , normal overbite and overjet are vital goals which orthodontists pursuit .

  12. 如何才干让患者拥有最自信、最诱人的浅笑,成为众多口腔正畸医生所关注的问题。

    How to make the patients have most confident , attractive smiling is the focus issue of numerous orthodontists nowadays .

  13. 结论长期大量使用手工调制的银汞合金,如不注意防护,口腔科医生易患慢性汞中毒。

    Conclusion Longtime amalgam-mixing by hand , dentist is easy to suffer from chronic mercury poisoning , if not paying due attention to protection .

  14. 骨性安氏Ⅱ类错(?)畸形是临床上常见的牙颌面畸形之一,对其进行治疗和研究一直是口腔科医生关注的焦点。

    Skeletal class ⅲ deformity is one of the most common dento-maxillofacial deformities in the clinical , correction of it has been the focus attention of stomatology doctors .

  15. 目的了解昆明及滇西地区口腔科医生对艾滋病知识水平、态度及其在感染控制中的行为,评价教育干预效果。

    Objective To investigate the knowledge , attitude of the AIDS prevention and occupational safety in dentist in Kunming and west part of Yunnan and evaluate the effect of education and intervention .

  16. 临床上糖尿病患者拔牙创愈合困难、牙槽骨进行性吸收和种植体周围骨形成障碍都是口腔科医生很难解决的问题。

    The delayed wound healing of tooth extraction , the activation of alveolar bone absorption and the being hindered bone formation around the implants in diabetes are difficult to be solved for dentists .

  17. 短牙弓治疗法是一种适用于中老年人牙列缺损的修复治疗方法,它是对传统修复治疗原则的挑战,目前已越来越受到世界各国口腔修复医生的重视。

    SDA method is suitable for the elderly of dentition defect repair treatments , it is a challenge to traditional principles of restoration , and it has been used now more and more dental doctors of the world attention .

  18. 多媒体技术在口腔科实习医生处理医患关系中的作用

    The role of multimedia technology in the relationship between stomatological interns and patients

  19. 口腔内科实习医生临床综合能力考核项目及评估体系的建立

    Establishment of check program and evaluation system on practicing stomatologists ' general clinical capabilities

  20. 由于这些传统方法的局限性,口腔正畸科医生们希望通过种植体的运用来获得理想的支抗。

    The limitations of these traditional methods , orthodontic practitioners are hoping to adopt the use of implants to get an ideal anchorage .

  21. 从事口腔种植学的医生必须对种植义齿修复后的并发症有较为全面的了解。

    It is very important for the dentist Practising implant dentistry to process the knowledge in implant prosthetic complication .

  22. 方法对参加第五届全国儿童口腔医学会议的医生进行问卷调查,并分析139份有效回卷。

    Methods Questionnaires were distributed to dentists who took part in the 5th conference of pediatric dentistry in China , and 139 available answers were analysis .

  23. 如果有口腔疾病,应请口腔科医生给予及时治疗,清除病根,口臭才可消失。

    If you have oral diseases , should be invited to give timely Doctor stomatological treatment , eliminate the causes , bad breath can disappear .

  24. 门诊口腔科医院感染因素分析与对策多媒体技术在口腔科实习医生处理医患关系中的作用

    Hospital Infection Factors among Stomatological Outpatients The role of multimedia technology in the relationship between stomatological interns and patients

  25. 目的:开发口腔修复CAD/CAM系统中标准牙冠和桥体数据库原型系统,帮助口腔医生快速获得牙冠设计的数据模板,为高效地设计牙冠模型作准备。

    Objective To establish the standard tooth crowns and bridges database in CAD / CAM system and help the doctor rapidly design the shape of tooth crown according to model data template from the database .