
kǒu tiáo
  • pig's or ox's tongue;pigs or ox tongue(as food);tongue
口条 [kǒu tiáo]
  • [pigs or oxs tongue(as food)] 〈方〉∶用做食品的猪舌或牛舌

口条[kǒu tiáo]
  1. 火腿加口条三明治.这三个人口众多的州。

    Ham and tongue sandwiches three states with large populations .

  2. 服务员:我(这里)有煮口条,炸猪肝,和猪蹄。

    Waiter : I have boiled tongue , fried liver , and pigs'feet .

  3. 把牛口条放在腌菜汁里腌制。

    Leave an ox tongue in salt pickle .

  4. 主要产品:卤口条、鸡翅、香肉、肠、园腿、烧、鸡、香牛肉。

    Products : Cooked pig 's tongue , roasted chicken 's wing , roasted sausage , spiced beef , etc.

  5. 止口条是这道工序最基本的形式。斜滚边是滚边发展而来的,但需要修剪滚边的毛边,这使得它做起来比较难。

    Seam binding is the most fundamental form seam binding but the need to neaten the raw edges of the binding makes its use more difficult .