
  • 网络port economy
  1. 我国沿海地区经济发展的经验证明,口岸及口岸经济的发展能够有利推动地区经济发展。

    The successful experience of coastal areas in our country proved that the development of port and port economy would promote regional economy .

  2. 由于对口岸重要性的认识偏差,口岸建设资金投入不足,口岸经济的产业结构很不合理;

    As we used to have a wrong way of looking at things , the money invested in the construction of the ports is not enough and the industry structure of port economy is not rational .

  3. 关于中越口岸经济合作的建议

    Proposals to the Economic Cooperation in the Sino - Vietnamese Border Ports

  4. 延边地区口岸经济发展现状与对策研究

    Study on Status and Strategies of Part Economic Development of Yanbian Area

  5. 内蒙古满洲里口岸经济发展态势分析

    Analyze the Economic Development Tendency of Inner Mongolia Manzhouli Port

  6. 东北地区沿边开放与口岸经济的发展

    Regional architecture opening to outsides along border of Northeast China and developing of border economy

  7. 最后,针对出现的问题,提出内蒙古口岸经济发展战略及其对策建议。

    Focusing on these difficulties and problems , the government put forward economic development strategy of port and policy proposals .

  8. 第六章提出明确边贸政策定位、设立特殊口岸经济区给予特殊优惠政策的结论。

    Chapter VI is the conclusion of clearing the position of border trade and setting up special port economic zone to give special preferential policies .

  9. 加强口岸经济合作,促进广西龙州与越南高平、谅山边境经济发展关于中越关系及南宁谅山河内海防经济走廊建设的一些看法

    Strengthening the Economy Cooperation in Port , Promoting the Development of Frontier Economy between Longzhou , China and Gaoping Liangshan , Vietnam On Sino-Vietnamese Relations and Proposals on the Construction of Nanning-Lang Son-Hanoi-Haiphong Economic Corridor

  10. 口岸经济的发展促使口岸城市的产业结构随之产生了巨大的变化,并将在今后持续影响口岸城市的产业结构的演进。

    The development of port economic has made a tremendous change to industrial structure in port cities , and also has continuing impact on the evolution of industrial structure in the future in port cities .

  11. 应通过推动口岸经济区,建设大口岸,加强边境政府及相关部门服务,建立中越边境省份省长会议机制等措施,拓展创新中越边境贸易。

    It is advisable that some measures , such as promoting the port economic zone , constructing large ports , strengthening border government services and setting up the governors ' routine meeting of Sino-Vietnam frontier provinces , should be taken to broaden and innovate Sino-Vietnam frontier trade .

  12. 在这一转移过程中,口岸的经济腹地宽阔与否、口岸自身条件以及口岸与经济腹地沟通方式等起到了至关重要的作用;

    The main considerations of the moving were the port 's economic hinterland , its natural conditions and its communication with the hinterland .

  13. 加快口岸建设带动经济发展

    Speeding up the construction of ports to lead the development of economy

  14. 经济和教育的关系;近代口岸与腹地经济关系新探&以闽江流域为例

    On the Economic Relations Between the Ports and Their Hinterlands in Modern Times

  15. 由于福州口岸对腹地经济发展的带动作用相当有限,近代闽江流域腹地对口岸的经济影响反而起着主导作用。

    While the promoting effect of Fuzhou was limited , the influence of the Min River basin was dominant .

  16. 主要是在地缘方面位于中、朝、俄三国边界,因此,不仅可以充分利用各通商口岸发展对外经济贸易,而且可以借助图们江开发的优势。

    Mainly , it lies in the border of China , North Korea , and Russia . Therefore , it not only can take full advantage of the development about the foreign economic and trade , but also can take the advantage about helping the development of Tumen River .

  17. 略谈口岸资源在沿边经济发展中的作用

    The tentative discourse about the action of port resource in edgeways economical development

  18. 鸦片战争后,被辟为五个通商口岸之一,厦门经济发展迅速成为闽南商贸中心。

    After Opium War , Xiamen was to be the one part of five ports and to be the trade center in Fujian province .

  19. 昆河经济走廊将建立以交通干线为辐射带的优势产业体系、城市体系、口岸体系和边境经济合作区。

    This includes the building of a promising industrial system , a city system , a trade-port system and a border economic development zone along the main line of communication .

  20. 并提出了口岸城市西安与经济腹地协调发展的建议:合理分布及优化区域空间功能区;注重空间整合;分清不同区域的发展阶段,合理进行区域经济规划,促进经济的可持续发展。

    And made recommendations for the coordinated development between Xi ' an and the economic hinterland : rational distribution and optimization of regional space functional areas ; focus on spatial integration ; distinguish different regions stage of development and do reasonable regional economic planning to promote the sustainable economic development .

  21. 口岸农业是为涉外农业生产经营活动提供服务的口岸流量经济。

    Port agriculture is the port flux economy providing the service for the production and management activities of importing / exporting agriculture .

  22. 进一步优化口岸对外开放环境,加大口岸地区招商引资力度,加快口岸经济促进体系建设等措施以加速我区口岸经济发展。

    We should also further better the opening environment to the outside world and expand the scope of attracting investors and capital in order to quicken the port economy and to promote the system construction .

  23. 近代闽江流域就是一个以福州为口岸,以流域整体为腹地的一域一口的口岸&腹地经济互动模式类型。

    The Min River basin , where Fuzhou was the port and the whole basin served as the hinterland was a good example of the interaction between the port and the hinterland .

  24. 改革开放以来,我国陆路沿边口岸城市通过扩大对外开放,充分利用自身的区位优势和资源优势,大力发展口岸经济。

    Since reform and opening up , China is expanding ports to the outside world , by making full use of ports advantages and natural resources , port and the port economic has been rapidly developed .