
  • 网络war of words
  1. 本周,中国网络上掀起了一场口水仗。

    A war of words has raged on the Chinese Internet this week .

  2. 我不期待与禅师展开任何口水仗。

    I 'm not looking to get in any war of words with Phil Jackson .

  3. 这一动议是苹果对法庭作出的首次回应。此前,苹果首席执行官蒂姆•库克(TimCook)与FBI局长詹姆斯•科米(JamesComey)已打了一周多的口水仗,争论的火药味也越来越浓。

    The filing is Apple 's first response to the court after more than a week of increasingly bitter argument between chief executive Tim Cook and FBI director James Comey .

  4. 由于存在互相竞争的4g标准,各自的支持者之间就不可避免地出现了口水仗尤其是在运用不同的4g技术会有哪些相对成本和优势方面。

    Inevitably , the existence of rival 4G standards has led to a battle of words between proponents in particular about the relative costs and advantages of deploying different 4G technologies .

  5. 这不是一场跨大西洋的口水仗,欧盟委员会之所以会展开调查,只是刚好这里的竞争制度比较严格而已。

    This is not a transatlantic spat . It just so happens that Brussels has a tougher competition regime .

  6. 在知识产权领域激烈的口水仗当中,诺基亚已成为最令人憎恶的专利流氓。

    In the heated rhetoric of the intellectual property industry , Nokia had become that most detested of animals : a patent troll .

  7. 至少,惠普的这场口水仗表明,高管中敢于“直言犯忌”的人比市场期望的要少。

    At the very least , what the HP spat shows is that there is a gap in the market for more feather-rufflers among top people .

  8. 但人们仍远未清楚,他们是否会采取那种单边行动,从而将这种冲突从激烈的口水仗升级为可能具有爆炸性的法律行动。

    But it remains far from clear they will produce the kind of unilateral action that will escalate this conflict out of heated rhetoric into potentially explosive legislation .

  9. 上海两所着名高校近日卷入争抢生源的口水仗中,大陆高校争抢生源的竞争愈演愈烈。

    Two of Shanghai 's leading universities are involved in a fierce dispute over alleged poaching of talented students , as competition among universities on the Chinese mainland continues to intensify .

  10. 乐视影业是一家已有两年历史的影视公司,电影发行商、乐视在线门户网站总裁张昭说,他并不为双方的口水仗感到烦心。

    Zhang Zhao , chief executive of Le Vision Pictures , a 2-year-old film branch of the online portal Le TV , which is distributing the film , said he wasn 't bothered by the war of words .

  11. 希尔德曾于几日前携带两只宠物狗进入澳大利亚,违反了当地的生物安全管理条例,夫妇二人因此事与澳大利亚副总理兼农业部长巴纳比·乔伊斯打起了口水仗,登上了新闻头条。

    Depp and Heard recently hit the headlines for a bizarre spat with Australian deputy prime minister and minister for agriculture Barnaby Joyce , after Heard fell foul of biosecurity rules for unlawfully bringing the pair 's dogs into the country .