
  • 网络North Korea nuclear test
  1. 朝鲜核试验搅动东亚利益格局

    East Asia Interests Structure Affected by North Korea ' Nuclear Test

  2. 核扩散与反扩散:当代国际安全深化的困境&以朝鲜核试验为例

    Deepening Predicament of International Security : The DPRK 's Nuclear Test and Its Empirical Implications

  3. 美国总统布什(GeorgeW.Bush)谴责了朝鲜核试验,称其是不可接受的,他还表示,这对全球和平及安全构成了威胁。

    President George W. Bush denounced the proclaimed test as unacceptable and said it posed a threat to global peace and security .

  4. 联合国决议将朝鲜核试验称作是对国际和平与安全的明显威胁。决议将允许各国阻拦出入朝鲜的货物,以搜查大规模杀伤性武器(WMD)或相关供应品。

    The UN resolution labelled the test a clear threat to international peace and security . It will allow countries to stop cargo going to and from North Korea to check for weapons of mass destruction ( WMD ) or related supplies .

  5. 朝鲜核试验后的局势和中国的选择

    Situations and China 's Choice concerning Post North Korea Nuclear Testing

  6. 双方领导人都同意妥善处理最近的朝鲜核试验问题。

    the two leaders have agreed to appropriately deal with North Korea 's latest nuclear test .

  7. 奥巴马星期二发表年度国情咨文演讲时,誓言将针对朝鲜核试验采取坚决的行动。

    Speaking Tuesday at the annual State of the Union address , President Obama vowed to take firm action in response to the test .

  8. 他表示,日韩两国和中国一致认为:“朝鲜核试验构成了严重威胁,不会被容忍。”

    He said the two , along with China , had agreed : " a North Korean nuclear test constitutes a grave threat that will not be tolerated . "

  9. 周一,当朝鲜核试验的震波传遍全世界之际,上证综合指数创下5年高点,成为一个新的重大里程碑。

    On Monday , as the tremors from the North Korean nuclear test vibrated across the world , the Shanghai Composite reached a significant new landmark , hitting a five-year high .

  10. 虽然在禁止核试验和不扩散核武器这一专门领域已经制定了多项条约,但是这些最直接的特殊法都难以用来作为证明朝鲜核试验之非法性的法律依据。

    Although there have been several specialized treaties prohibiting nuclear tests and supporting the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons , these special laws can hardly be used to prove the unlawfulness of the DPRK nuclear test .

  11. 中国常驻联合国代表刘结一参加会议并表示中国坚决反对朝鲜核试验,该试验无疑是在无视国际社会的反对。

    Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations Liu Jieyi addressed the Council meeting and said that China firmly opposes North Korea 's nuclear test , which is the universal objection of the international community .

  12. 自北朝鲜核试验以来六国裁军会谈首次召开,这时北朝鲜却于周一坚持要求其应受资深核大国待遇,但美国称对平壤而言拆除核武库的时间正在流逝,并威胁要进行更多的制裁。

    North Korea insisted Monday it be treated as a full-fledged nuclear power as six-nation arms talks convened for the first time since its atomic test , but the United States said time was running out for Pyongyang to dismantle its nuclear arsenal and threatened more sanctions .

  13. G8还担忧朝鲜的核试验和导弹试验使紧张形势升级,要求朝鲜放弃所有核武器。

    The G8 also expressed concern that nuclear and missile tests by the North have increased tension , and called on the country to abandon all nuclear weapons .

  14. 但中国会要求朝鲜停止核试验作为一个开始。

    But China will demand and end to nuclear tests , for starters .

  15. 朝鲜进行核试验是在20062009和2013。

    North Korea carried out nuclear tests in 2006 , 2009 and 2013 .

  16. 联合国安理会在纽约谴责朝鲜的核试验。

    In New York the UN Security Council denounced the North Korean test .

  17. 韩国这个行动是北朝鲜的核试验及多次明目张胆的短程导弹的试射所导致的。

    The move comes after a nuclear test by the North , and several apparent short range missile launches .

  18. 美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿宣布朝鲜暂停核试验时如是说道。

    The words of the US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton announcing North Korea 's freeze of summit its nuclear activities .

  19. 关于你提到的最后一个问题。中方坚决反对朝鲜进行核试验,我们也已多次表明立场。

    On your last question , China firmly opposes the DPRK 's nuclear test , a position which we have made clear repeatedly .

  20. 在这一个小时里,联合国安理会通过了对朝鲜进行核试验惩罚的决定。

    In the news of this hour , The United Nations Security Council has passed a resolution to punish North Korea for reportedly testing a nuclear device .

  21. 同盟国已向联合国提出申请,要求联合国制裁朝鲜的核试验行为,并暗示朝鲜将会对美韩进行威胁性攻击。

    The allies have led U.N efforts to punish North Korea over its recent nuclear test , prompting the North to threaten attacks on the two countries .

  22. 朝鲜的核试验惹怒了中国和美国,再一次令人思考,究竟我们要做些什么才能制止朝鲜发展核武器。

    The North 's nuclear test angered both China and the United States and again raised questions about what can be done to stop its development of nuclear weapons .

  23. 尽管中国仍不愿动用其作为援助国而具备的一切手段,但朝鲜此次核试验使中国面临前所未有的压力,使其不得不与其它国家一道管束朝鲜。

    The test puts China under greater pressure than ever to join other nations in marshalling North Korea , even as it remains reluctant to use whatever leverage it has through the aid it extends to Pyongyang .

  24. 美国针对朝鲜最近的核试验及导弹发射,将对这个斯大林主义政权实施更严厉的制裁。巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)警告说,面对平壤的挑衅行为,美国不会继续其屈服的策略。

    The US is moving to impose tougher sanctions on North Korea over the Stalinist regime 's recent nuclear and missile tests , with Barack Obama warning that Washington would not continue a policy of capitulating in the face of provocative acts by Pyongyang .

  25. 中国方面对于朝鲜最近这次核试验的措辞要比以往强硬得多。

    The latest nuclear test has seen much tougher Chinese language .

  26. 第1874号决议强化了2006年朝鲜第一次核试验后对其实施的制裁。

    The resolution strengthened sanctions imposed after a first test in 2006 .

  27. 例如,中国曾经批评过朝鲜的核武器试验。

    For example , China has criticized North Korea 's nuclear weapons tests .

  28. 美国高层特使今天在日本商议朝鲜最近的核试验问题。

    Top US envoy is in Japan today to discuss North Korea 's recent nuclear test .

  29. 联合国安理会一致通过一项决议,对朝鲜自称的核试验进行制裁以示惩罚。

    The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution imposing punishing sanctions on North Korea for its claimed nuclear test .

  30. 联合国安理会星期二将举行会议,讨论针对朝鲜最近进行核试验而对其实施新制裁的问题。

    The United Nations Security Council is meeting Tuesday to discuss new sanctions in response to North Korea 's latest nuclear test .