
  • 网络Agunizima
  1. 与那国岛海底地形(YonaguniMonument)位于离琉球群岛(RyukuIslands)海岸线不远处,是一处沉入水底的巨石建筑遗址,也许日本所有著名的石碑建筑中没有哪个可以与与那国岛海底地形相提并论。

    Of all the famous monuments in Japan , perhaps none is more perplexing than Yonaguni , an underwater rock formation that lies off the coast of the Ryuku Islands .

  2. 1987年一群观测双髻鲨(Hammerhead)的潜水者发现了与那国岛海底地形,此后立即引起了日本学界激烈的讨论。

    It was discovered in 1987 by a group of divers who were there to observe Hammerhead sharks , and it immediately sparked a huge amount of debate in the Japanese scientific community .

  3. 围绕着与那国岛海底地形有着持续的争论,其争论的焦点可以总结为:这个石阵到底是自然形成的还是人类文明的遗迹。

    The ongoing debate surrounding Yonaguni centers on one key subject : is the monument a natural phenomenon , or is it man-made ?

  4. 如果假设是正确的,那么更有趣的谜团出现了——是谁建造的与那国岛海底地形?到底是出于何种目的?

    If they are right , then an even more interesting mystery presents itself : who constructed the Yonaguni Monument , and for what purpose ?

  5. 当然要从塞舌尔共和国主岛马伊(Mahi)到达弗雷格特岛并不是一件容易的事,旅游旺季的飞机票费用往往高达2000美元。

    Just don 't forget to factor in the flight from Mahi , the Seychelles'main island , which starts at almost $ 2,000 during the high season & not to mention the flight to Mahi itself .

  6. 我国海南岛热带土壤的养分特征

    Nutrient characteristics of tropic soils in Hainan Island of China

  7. 我国台湾岛的地震构造特征

    The characteristics of seismotectonics of Taiwan island , china

  8. 我国台湾岛的海岸地貌类型

    Types of coastal morphology of taiwan , China

  9. 从卫星影像上分析我国台湾岛活动断裂及其与地震的关系

    Analysis of active faults in Taiwan Province and their relation to earthquakes from satellite images

  10. 我国无人岛保护与持续利用途径研究:生境更新的方法及应用

    Protection and sustainable utilization model of uninhabited islands in China : approaches and application of habitat renewal

  11. 采用我国海南岛产腰果油制得的槚如果酚合成了高邻位热固性酚醛树脂,并对所合成的树脂的结均、固化条件、固化后树脂的性能进行了分析。

    The paper analyses the structure , curing conditions and the properties of the cardanol resol which can be made from cashew nut oil produced in Hainan Island .

  12. 本文应用人工神经网络原理,以地震构造和地震活动性为主要特征,对我国海南岛进行了潜在震源区的定量划分。

    Applying the artificial neural network theory , setting the factors of tectonics and seismicity as the main characters , the Hainan island potential earthquake sources are quantitatively identified .

  13. “黄蜂”在周末登陆日本境内。在其肆虐该国冲绳岛南部地区之前还带来了强降雨和强风,由于破坏力强,移动缓慢使得当地损失惨重。

    Vongfong weekend , before it hit the southern Japanese island of Okinawa , it 's still blasted the area with powerful winds and heavy rainfall , things made worse by the fact that the storm is large and it moved slowly .

  14. 按照保护性开发和生态恢复等原则,运用生境更新的原理和方法,将我国无人岛划分为生态型、开发型、居民迁出型及国防型4种类型,以利于实行有效的分类管理。

    Based on the principles of protective development and ecological restoration , and rationales and methodology of habitat renewal , these islands can be sorted into four types , ecological , developmental , inhabitant-free , and defense-oriented , which facilitates effective respective management .

  15. 1508年,西班牙君主国对波多黎各岛实行严厉的殖民统治。

    In1508 the Spanish monarchy began seriously colonizing the island .

  16. 如果你是格列佛,你会想要离开小人国那座岛吗?

    If you were Gulliver , would you want to leave the island ?

  17. 综合阐述了国际无线电咨询委员会报告中有关短波地波、天波场强的估算方法,并对我国南海台湾岛周边海域上200公里的作用距离下地波、天波场强进行了具体计算。

    And the numerical evaluation of groundwave and skywave field intensities are computed in the ocean region 200 kilometers around Taiwan .

  18. 提要:郑和下西洋是否到达我国的台湾岛,历来众说纷纭,莫衷一是。

    The opinions about whether Zheng He even set foot on the Taiwan Island always vary and people are unable to decide which is right .

  19. 郑和的形象不是一个强大的国家要对那些当地居民进行殖民化,提要:郑和下西洋是否到达我国的台湾岛,历来众说纷纭,莫衷一是。

    The image of Zheng He was not of a powerful nation who sought to colonize the land of those natives , The opinions about whether Zheng He even set foot on the Taiwan Island always vary and people are unable to decide which is right .

  20. 西印度群岛上的一个共和国;位于伊斯帕尼奥拉岛东部。

    A republic in the West Indies ; located on the east of the island of Hispaniola .

  21. 去年12月份,新加坡政府批准云顶集团在该国圣淘沙观光岛经营一家赌场。

    Genting was given permission by Singapore in December to operate a casino on the city-state 's resort island of Sentosa .

  22. 一九四三年,同盟国准备进攻西西里岛。英国情报机关于是设法蒙骗轴心国,令他们以为盟军要进攻的是其他地方。

    In1943 , the Allies were getting ready to invade Sicily , and British Intelligence were looking for a way to deceive the Axis powers into thinking that the invasion would take place elsewhere .

  23. 在八国集团的压力下,布什同意将谈判纳入联合国进程,使联合国得以安排巴厘岛会议的时间表,就2012年后的框架展开全面谈判。

    Under pressure at the G8 , Mr Bush accepted that the talks should feed into the UN process which made it possible for the UN to schedule comprehensive discussions on a post-2012 framework for the meeting in Bali .

  24. 上述仲裁庭认为,无论哪国实际拥有争议性岛礁——其中很多岛礁已经被中国和其他主权声索国改造为人工岛——其所有国并不因此具有主张扩张性的“专属经济区”的权利。

    The tribunal held that , regardless of who actually owns contested reefs , many of which have been transformed into man-made islands by China and other claimants , the features do not entitle their owners to expansive " exclusive economic zones . "