
ɡuó jì hǎi shì fǎ
  • international maritime law;maritime international law
  1. 国际海事法要求船舶以悬挂船旗的方式明确表明船籍。

    International maritime laws require vessels to visibly identify the countries to which they are flagged .

  2. 除了赋予联合国成员国更多的权力,决议还明确表示,决议所涉及的仅仅是索马里问题,而并非为国际海事法创造先例。

    While it gives additional powers to member states , the resolution makes clear that it applies only to the Somalia problem and does not set a precedent for international maritime law .

  3. 随着海难救助制度的发展,如何鼓励救助人积极救助遇难船舶和减少环境污染,已经成为国际海事法中急需解决的问题。

    With the development of salvage at sea , how to encourage the salvor to take the salvage operation positively and reduce the environment pollution has been an emergent problem in the international admiralty law .

  4. 在国际海事委员会制定运输法草案的过程中,各国代表团对是否应该取消航海过失免责的意见并不统一。

    The opinions on whether the nautical fault exemption should be eliminated from every delegation were disunion during drafting the Draft Instrument on Transport Law by CMI .