
  • 网络international integration;globalization
  1. 因此,看到一些新的研究强调国际一体化加深过程中的积极方面,的确令人精神振奋。

    It is therefore refreshing to see some new research highlighting the positive side of greater international integration .

  2. 英国经济学家罗布森在其《国际一体化经济学》一书中阐述了自由贸易区的经济理论。

    The English economists Robson described the free trade areas economic theory in his book The Economics of International Integration .

  3. 冲突与合作:国际一体化对国家间关系的影响

    Conflicts and Cooperation : Impact of World Integration on International Relation

  4. 中国经济国际一体化进程的实证研究

    Empirical Studies on China 's Integration into the World Economy

  5. 随着国际一体化的不断发展,中国和泰国、老挝的关系日益密切。

    As the continuing development of internationalization , the relationships between China and Thailand and Laos are intimate .

  6. 随着市场经济和国际一体化的发展,企业的经营环境在不断的发生变化。

    With developing of market economy and international integrating , the management environment is changing day by day .

  7. 随着会计反倾销与会计国际一体化的进程,社会责任信息列报成为必然。

    With the development of accounting antidumping and accounting internationalization , information statements of social responsibility is inevitable .

  8. “城市处于以国际一体化、投资和创新为基础的发展战略的核心,”吉尔博士说。

    " Cities are at the core of a development strategy based on international integration , investment and innovation ," said Dr Gill .

  9. 在国际一体化大背景下,行业内及行业间的事务往来空前频繁,信息交流频率呈爆炸式增长。

    On the background of global integration , business dealings of all trades become unprecedented frequently . Moreover , the growth frequency of information exchange appears fiercely .

  10. 伴随着化学品贸易与环境管理的国际一体化趋势以及国内对环境保护的呼声越来越高,迫切要求建立、健全化学品环境管理法规。

    Global uniformed chemical trade and environmental management system and the higher domestic requests for the environmental protection have brought on exigent needs for the systematic chemical legislation .

  11. 环境问题导致全球环境外交和南北关系的改善,促进了国际一体化发展。

    And the environmental problems result in the improvement of global diplomacy and south-north relationship , which helps to improve the global-aiming development of international as a whole .

  12. 本文从经济全球化的角度,分析劳动力市场的国际一体化和我国剩余劳动力的出路。

    The study examines the relationship between the international integration of labor markets in the economic globalization process and the exodus of the plentiful surplus labor in China .

  13. 国际一体化需要相应的国际制度机制作为保障,国际一体化的大国主导是一种直接主导而非霸权主导。

    The " Power Peaceful Leadership " in the International integration is not " Hegemony Dominance ", but " Direct Leadership ", which needs corresponding with international regime .

  14. 国家能力是决定一国在竞争中能否获胜的主要手段,国际一体化推演了某种大国主导的逻辑。

    The capability of one nation is the chief element that determines whether one nation can win in international competition . International integration deduces certain logic of " Power Dominance " .

  15. 国际一体化主要基于合作的主导模式,重视主导的道义与制度规范的作用,将使主导大国的强制倾向受到制约。

    Chiefly based on cooperative leadership model , international integration attaches importance to the moral of leadership and the function of institution norms . It will restrict the preference of compulsion .

  16. 当前,我国正从计划经济体制向市场经济体制转变,从内向型经济向国际一体化转变,政府职能必然发生变化。

    Nowadays China is experienced a transformation from central plan-oriented economy to market-oriented one , from domestic economy to international one . As a result , the governmental functions would be changed .

  17. 在音乐艺术等全方位趋同国际一体化的社会背景下,我们需要发扬一种对陌生音乐文化宽容的态度和一种海纳百川的气度,让民乐拥有更大的生存空间和市场。

    Under the social background of internationalization trend , we need to carry forward a magnanimous and tolerant attitude towards new music culture so as to create more space and market for folk music .

  18. 国际一体化是当代国际关系发展的一个重要趋势。区域一体化的研究已形成众多的理论流派或理论解释模式,功能主义和新功能主义理论是其中比较重要的流派。

    Globalization is a trend in the development of international relationship , and the research of integrated region has produced many theoretic schools and theoretic modes , of which functionalism and neo-functionalism are two important schools .

  19. 跨国公司在全球范围的投资和扩张促进了国际一体化和世界经济的快速发展,但在对外直接投资规模不断增大的同时,跨国公司从东道国撤资案例越来越多。

    Worldwide expansion and investment of multinational enterprises have promoted international integration and rapid development of world economics . When scale of foreign direct investment is growing , more and more multinational enterprises divest form host countries .

  20. 本文适应国际一体化的竞争形势下企业创新的迫切需求,分析提升中小企业创新的企业竞争力,对我国中小企业融入国际化大潮具有一定的借鉴意义。

    This paper analyses the methods of improving the enterprises competition to adapt enterprises innovation to impending requirement of globalization and integration in economic and give a case of internationalization of china the small and medium-sized enterprises .

  21. 因此,成功的国际一体化主导模式应该是一种大国和平主导模式,欧洲一体化的法德核心是大国和平主导的典型案例。

    From this dimension , a successful leadership model of international integration should be a " Power Peaceful Leadership " model , as " France-Germany Core " in European economic integration , which is a typical case of the " Power Peaceful Leadership " .

  22. 论IMF和worldbank在国际金融一体化中的作用

    The Role of IMF and World Bank in International Financial Integration

  23. 中国加入WTO,将直接融入国际经济一体化的进程中,对会计行业而言,入世就意味着开放会计信息服务市场,WTO关于会计服务贸易的相关规定,要求中国所有的会计服务壁垒都需清除。

    With the membership of the WTO , China is obliged to open up its accounting information services market .

  24. 随着国际经济一体化和中国加入WTO,中国企业面临的竞争环境会更加恶化,为迎接挑战,中国企业必须发展自己的核心能力。

    Chinese corporations should develope their strong core competence to meet the challenge of the international economic integration and WTO .

  25. 随着国际经济一体化进程的加快和中国加入WTO,中国最终将开放金融市场,实现汇率自由浮动和利率市场化。

    China will open her financial market and achieve free float of exchange rate and interest liberalization with the quickened integration of international economy and the entry to WTO .

  26. 并通过分析全球经济一体化所导致的国际立法一体化对我国竞争立法产生的影响,指出我国在加入WTO后应尽快完善竞争立法,以更好地应对形势需要。

    How the economic integration and the legislation integration will affect our competition law legislation is studied . And what we should do to perfect the competition law is put forward .

  27. 随着企业信息化发展及Internet等公共网络和国际经济一体化的迅速发展,企业内部及企业间通过网络传递信息的需求越来越多。

    With the developing of enterprise information technology and the rapid development of internet and other public networks and international economic integration , the internal and inter-firm demand for transmission of information through the network become more and more .

  28. 中国加入WTO后,建筑市场将面临着更加激烈的竞争,作为服务贸易的工程造价管理无疑也将被纳入国际经济一体化的进程中。

    After China joins WTO , The construction market has met the even more intense competition . The management of pro-ject cost , which serves for trade with no doubt , is put into the international process .

  29. 国际经济一体化和区域经济集团化是当前世界经济的重要发展趋势之一,尤其以区域贸易安排(RTA)引人注目,其数量迅速增长。

    International economy unification and regional economy collectivization are the important development trend of current world economy . Especially RTA is conspicuous .

  30. 随着我国加入WTO,国际经济一体化对中药产业提出了现代化、国际化的要求,而中药国际化的关键在于中药的质量评价体系科学化。

    After entering WTO , international economy incorporation bring forward a demand of modernization and internationalization to industry of Traditional Chinese Medicine , however , the key of internationalization to Chinese traditional medicine industry was the scientization of quality appreciation system .