
  • 网络state form
  1. 由武庚之乱所引起的周代国家形态之变化

    Transformations of State Form Caused by the " Wugeng Rebellion " in Zhou Dynasty

  2. 金砖四国峰会几乎没有提出什么动议,除了人们熟知的在国际货币基金组织(IMF)给予新兴市场更多投票权的要求这是一项非常合理的要求,但不需要以新的国家形态去争取。

    Little has emanated from the Bric summits except the familiar demand for emerging markets to be given more voting power at the International Monetary Fund an eminently justifiable call , but one needing no new configuration of nations to argue for it .

  3. 罗氏认为培养宽容,追求稳定主要取决于社会形态,而不是国家形态。

    Sler thinks it is mainly up to society , not the state , to bring about tolerance and solidarity .

  4. 这体现在以民权为核心的新的国家形态的建立。

    This is reflected in the " civil rights " at the core of the establishment of a new national pattern .

  5. 在中国古代社会,家庭形态、家庭结构、家庭关系和国家形态、国家权力运作有着诸多的一致性,在某种意义上说,国就是家的放大。

    In Chinese ancient society there are something in commons between the family shape , structure and relationship and the state shape and power practicing .

  6. 和谐社会源于重“道”,和谐社会也是中国国家形态的终极目标。

    Follow the Dao ; 2.After following the Dao , a harmonious society would be realized , which is the idealized goal of Chinese state craft ;

  7. 从这个层面而言,成熟的社会阶级不仅是国家形态完善的重要标志,亦是政党组织成熟的基本要求。

    From this perspective , the mature social class is not only an important symbol of perfect national form , also the basic requirements for a mature political organization .

  8. 可以说,所有地球人类无论是大多数穷人,还是少数的富人都无一不对自己所处在的国家形态和体制不满意。

    Can say , all earth humanity whether the majority of the poor , or a few rich does not own the state pattern and system is not satisfied .

  9. 马克思科学社会主义理论提出了社会主义建立和发展的两个基本条件:一是高度发达的生产力基础,二是公有制、计划经济体制的国家形态。

    The Socialist Theory proposes two basic hypotheses about socialist foundation and development : one is highly developed productivity , the other is common ownership and planned economy system .

  10. 民族学的民族国家形态及其他&中国民族学史散论世纪之交谈我国的民族、民族问题状况与民族学研究

    On the Nation-state Morphology of Ethnology & History of Ethnology in China A Discussion at the Turn of the Centuries of the Situation Regarding Nationalities , their Problems and Ethnological Studies in our Country

  11. 1949年新中国成立后,中国社会在社会主义的国家形态下继续推进现代化进程,乡村社会也在建构新的社会结构下开始着转型。

    After the founding of New China in 1949 , the Chinese community in the form of socialist countries continue to push forward the process of modernization , rural community is also building a new social structure began with the transition .

  12. 文章认为,文化建设最终要实现对传统文化和外来文化的超越、借鉴、转换、重构,其主要内容就是实现:文化阶级化向社会化;国家形态化向世界形态化;

    Attentions ought to be attached cohesively both cultural history and correct situation . The author holds that the ultimate goal of cultural construction is the realization of the transcendence and reference of traditional culture , and the transformation of foreign culture .

  13. 可以说,中国社会中的习惯法就是对这样一种非国家形态的法,它虽然未经国家制定或认可,但却与国家制定法一起指导、影响和调控着人们的日常生活。

    We may say , customary law is such a kind of " law " . Although it does not decided or approved by the government , it has the same affect as national law of directing , affecting and adjusting daily life of people .

  14. 国家组织形态的变迁。

    The changes of national organization patterns .

  15. 近代以来,中国早期改良派在对西方国家政治形态的观察中,形成了对共和制度的初步认识。

    From 1840 , Chinese reformist formed the cognition about republicanism during their observation of western political systems .

  16. 全球化促进了不同国家社会形态和文化模式的广泛交流,对中国城市商业步行街建设产生了极大的影响。

    Globalization promotes extensive exchanges of social formation and cultural patterns in the different countries , and brings great impacts on Chinese urban constructions of commercial pedestrian street .

  17. 在黑格尔道德哲学体系中,伦理实体是由家庭市民社会国家诸形态构成的辩证发展的体系。

    In Hegel 's theory of moral philosophy , ethical entity is a system of dialectical development , that is , the evolution from the stage of family , the stage of civil society , to the stage of state .

  18. 品牌命名反映了一个国家的文化形态和价值观念。

    Brand naming reflects the culture and values of a nation .

  19. 它是国家的萌芽形态。

    It is the country 's embryonic form .

  20. 这些特征促进了发达国家新经济形态的形成。

    These characteristics has promoted the formation of new economic in the developed countries .

  21. 江苏省吴江市国家公务员身体形态与机能状况研究

    Study on the Physique Condition of the National Government Functionary of Wujiang City in Jiangsu Province

  22. 通信技术、计算机技术和网络技术的迅猛发展和普及,使世界许多国家的社会形态越来越具备了信息社会的基本特征,为孕育出新的作战样式和战争形态提供了温床。

    The development and popularizing of communication technology , computer technology and network technology make a lot of countries ' social form hold essential feature of information-intensive society , and offer the hotbed to the new fight design and war form .

  23. 考察虽是以个别地区的个别案例为对象,但作为抽象国家的具体形态&政府,对其具体行为的考察与今后建设的思考也会给一个国家或地区的经济和社会带来深远的影响。

    Although the investigation takes the particular cases of the individual regions as objects , the concrete form of an abstract concept & government , the investigation and thinking of whose specific acts and future construction will have a far-reaching impact on economy and society in the county or region .

  24. 圣经时代以色列人的国家观念与国家形态

    The National Idea and Governmental Formation of the Jews in Biblical Times

  25. 金融性国有资产是国家所有的金融形态的资产,即国家以债权或股权的形式投入到银行和金融机构的资产以及用其获取收益部分继续投入生产或营运的资产。

    The state financial asset is an important part of state assets .

  26. 二者的合一构成了国家秩序的具体形态。

    The unity of both constitutes the concrete form of the state order .

  27. 文学现象是一个历史阶段的时代精神被体现在相互影响的国家中的不同形态,同时期的文学现象有着相同的历史发展背景,又发生于不同国度与文化语境之中。

    Literature phenomenon is temporal spirit which is showed off different forms in inter-effected countries .

  28. 在现代文明社会中,民族国家成员的人格形态通常是以公民的身份出现的。

    Citizen is the member of nation-state , and is a personalistic configuration of modern civilization .

  29. 鸦片战争之后,中国的国家政体和经济形态发生了巨大转变。

    After the Opium War , the form of government and economic pattern of China has changed greatly .

  30. 这种种行为,加之跨国家、跨经济形态、跨文化的传播和沟通,就是投资促进。

    These acts , coupled with cross-country , cross-economic patterns , cross-cultural communication and communication are the investment promotion .