
chá fǎng
  • make calls and investigate;go about to find out;go around and make inquiries;investigate;inquire;look into
察访 [chá fǎng]
  • [inquire;investigate;look into;go about to find out] 调查访问

察访[chá fǎng]
  1. 察访这些珍贵艺术品的下落花费了多年的时间。

    The investigation and inuquiry into the whereabouts of the art treasures took years of work .

  2. 当时,一个米其林(michelin)察访员来做一个初步匿名品尝,结果他最后跑到厨房去和罗斯作陪,并帮他上菜。

    When a lone Michelin inspector came by for a preliminary and anonymous tasting , he ended up keeping rose company in the kitchen and helping him serve .

  3. 把新闻节目和察访录下来,以便回首回头回忆。

    Record news programs and interviews so you can listen to them later .

  4. 获取证据的方法主要有情讯法、刑讯法、勘验鉴定法、察访询问法和运用易术、鬼神之术等。

    The chief methods for obtaining evidence were : " common sense method ", " torture method ", " inspection and identification method ", " mission asked method " and " ghosts and spirits method " and so on .