
  1. 20世纪中国合唱创作的开山祖,当推萧友梅、赵元任两位。

    The founders of Chinese choral music in the20th century were Xiao Youmei and Zhao Yuanren .

  2. 所以贝多芬作品第一次面向中国人、由中国人演奏,要归功于萧友梅。

    So the first time that Beethoven was played by and for Chinese was thanks to Xiao Youmei .

  3. 1923年萧友梅大型钢琴曲《霓裳羽衣舞》出版,这已是比较专业化的钢琴作品了。

    In1923 Xiao Youmei published his piano composition Raiment of Rainbows and Feathers Dance , which was a fairly professional piece of music .