
  • 网络Foreign Music
  1. 我放外国音乐的时候爸爸就非常气恼。

    My father gets very angry when I play foreign music .

  2. 我毫不介意承认我无法接受这种外国音乐。

    I don 't mind confessing that I can 't stand all this foreign music .

  3. 多媒体技术在外国音乐史教学中的应用

    Multimedia Technology Applied in the Teaching of Overseas Music History

  4. 外国音乐教育思想对《视唱练耳》教学的借鉴作用

    Using Foreign Educational Ideas about Music for Reference

  5. 他们不仅喜欢中国音乐,还喜欢外国音乐。

    They delight not only in Chinese music but also in that of foreign lands .

  6. 是的,我听音乐,因为我喜欢音乐,特别是外国音乐。

    Sure , I listen to music , because I like music , especially exotic music .

  7. 她喜欢外国音乐。

    She enjoys foreign music .

  8. 外国音乐教育学的发展历史分为两个时期,即形成时期和发展时期;

    The developing history of foreign music education may be divided into two stages , namely the forming period and the developing period .

  9. 随着西方文化的侵入,西方人在其租界活动领地需要一种适合自己的娱乐方式,宗教音乐、歌舞厅音乐等外国音乐形式开始影响到汉口的音乐生活。

    With the invasion of Western culture to the West in its concession activities territories need a suitable entertainment , religious music , dance halls and other music forms begun to affect Hankou music life .

  10. 就总体而言,日本音乐的历史处于外国音乐的引进→外国音乐的日本化→日本民族音乐的兴隆→外国音乐引进过程的周而复始之中。

    The history of the Japanese music is in introduction of foreign music → the foreign music localization → prosperity of Japan 's national music → foreign music introduction course which is recycled again and again . In other words .

  11. 我曾经在印度普虚卡骆驼节上见过一个没有腿的男人坐在马路边,我录完舞蹈家普虚卡的外国音乐后,就回我的帐篷,路上重放着录音机里面的音乐。

    I once spotted a legless man sitting by a road at the Pushkar Camel Fair in India . I was returning to my tent after recording the exotic music of the dancing men of Pushkar and was replaying the music on my tape recorder .

  12. 其它绘画描绘了中国和外国的音乐,舞蹈和杂技表演。

    Other paintings depict Chinese and foreign musical performances , dancing and acrobatics .

  13. 这会导致中国对外国电影音乐等的抵制。

    It will also challenge Chinese restrictions on the distribution of foreign films , music and more .