
  1. 内分泌干扰物(EndocrineDisruptors,EDs)是一类能干扰机体激素平衡,引起内分泌系统紊乱并造成生理异常变化的外源化学物质。

    Endocrine Disruptors ( EDs ) is a kind of exogenous chemicals that interfere with hormone balance , cause endocrine system disorders and abnormal physiological changes .

  2. 外源化学物质诱导红花对锈病的抗性研究

    Induced Resistance in Safflower Against Safflower Rust Disease by Exogenous Chemicals

  3. 外源化学物质诱导玉米对弯孢菌叶斑病的抗性研究

    Induced Resistance in Maize Against Curvularia Leaf Spot Disease by Exogenous Chemicals

  4. 外源化学物质对盐胁迫下烟草生长发育的影响研究

    Studies of Effects of Exogenous Substance on Tobacco Seedlings Growth and Development under Salt Stress

  5. 在现阶段,通过改良栽培措施和使用外源化学物质等已经成为提高蔬菜产量和品质的行之有效的手段。

    Now , improving cultivation manner and application of growth regulators are the most effective means to enhance yields and qualities of vegetables .

  6. 小麦光温敏不育系的发现和应用是二系杂交小麦技术的基础,利用外源化学物质人工诱导花药开裂,对于提高不育系的自我繁殖能力,降低制种成本具有重要意义。

    Its discovery and application of Photoperiod-Temperature Sensitive Genic Male Sterile ( PTSGMS ) wheat series is the base of the two-line hybrid wheat . Anther dehiscence induced by MeJA is an important means to improve Self-reproduction ability and reduce costs of seeds .

  7. 研究表明,外源性化学物质如水杨酸(SA)等预处理种子或幼苗能提高作物的耐Cd性能。

    It has been known that the application of exogenous chemicals such as salicylic acid ( SA ) to pretreat crop seeds or seedlings can enhance Cd tolerance .

  8. 一些外源性化学物质、药物、细胞因子或其他环境因素如紫外辐射、电离辐射等均可促使ROS的生成[1]。

    Some exogenous chemicals , drugs , cytokines or other environmental factors such as ultraviolet radiation , ionizing radiation can also promote the generation of ROS .

  9. 细胞色素P4501A1(CYP1A1)和N-乙酰基转移酶(NAT2)分别是参与外源性化学物质体内生物转化的重要的Ⅰ相和Ⅱ相解毒酶,它们在人群中的分布存在种族差异。

    Phase I enzyme cytochrome P450 ( CYP1A1 ) and phase II enzyme N-acetyltransferase 2 ( NAT2 ) are main enzymes which involve in the metabolism of xenobiotic . They were found to be distributed differently in different race , and their activity is obvious different in different individuals .

  10. 肝脏是人体内新陈代谢的中心站,是人体重要的解毒器官,是许多药物、外源性化学物质、氧化性毒物的重要靶点。

    The liver is the central station of metabolism in vivo , the important detoxication organ , the important target of drugs , xenobiotics and oxidative toxicant .

  11. 环境雌激素是指能够模拟或干扰机体内天然雌激素的合成、分泌、转运、结合、排泄、生理作用等的一类外源性化学物质。

    EE are exogenous chemicals , which could mimic or interfere the synthesis , secretion , transfer , combination , excretion and physiological function of endogenous natural estrogens .

  12. 更重要的是,斑马鱼基因组与人类基因组高度同源,而且斑马鱼有与人类类似的解剖学和生理学特征,对外源性化学物质的反应也与人类非常相似。

    The most important thing is zebrafish genome has the close homology with the human genome as well as physiological and anatomical similarities . When introduced to xeno-substances , zebrafish and mammals demonstrate a similar physiologic response .

  13. 啤酒作为一种安全食品,在其加工的各个阶段都有可能受到外源物质和化学物质的侵扰。

    Beer is a safe product where foreign bodies and chemicals may contaminate it at various stages within the process .