- 网络exterior differential;Exterior derivative

The Exterior Differential Method in Finsler Geometry
Exterior differential , Hodge star-operator and residual differential are introduced , and the unified form of generalized differential is put forward in this paper .
Exterior differential forms of Maxwell ' equations
In this paper we study the moduli space of surfaCes with one family ( or two families ) Of spherical lines of curVature in R3 by use of E. Cartan 's theory of exterior differential systems .
We have taken exterior differential to Maurer-Cartan form of Lie Group as symplectic structure and given the definition of Symplectic Lie group , further we have discussed the special properties of Symplectic Lie group .
By using the outer differential forms and the outer algebra of matrices , we deform the Beltrami equation with double characteristic matrices to a nonhomogeneous p-harmonic equation , in which we only use the uniform elliptic condition of the characteristic matrices .
The Out-differential Equation of Ideal Fluid in General Theory of Relativity
Analysis of Physical Systems with Distribution Parameters Using Out Differential Method
Applications of Differential Form Theory and Exterior Differential to the Electrodynamics
A Unified Way of Using Exterior Differential method in Deriving Thermal Relations
Exterior Differential and Field 's Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinate Form
The uses of exterior differential form on thermodynamics
Theory of differential polynomials in the exterior of a circle and the zeros of solutions for differential equations
Expressions of entropy , enthalpy and Gibbs function are formulated by exterior differential derived from second law of thermodynamics .
The uniqueness theorem for electrostatics , magnetostatics and time harmonic fields is unified and proved by language of differential geometry .
The effects of device temperature on the laser threshold current , external differential quantum efficiency ( DQE ), and output wavelength are also investigated .
In this paper characterstic function of optics was studied and property of symplectic structre was deduced from the characteristic function by using the opertion of exterior differentiation .
An inquiry is made on the expression of second-order differential equation in electromagnetic theory by applying exterior differential , Hodge star operator , codifferential , and Laplace-Beltrami operator .
In course of the education reform of complex function theory , the author uses the exterior differential tools shortly to prove well & known Cauchy theorem and formulas .
Through applied to physical systems with distribution parameters , this effective method shows that physical systems can be analyzed more concisely and directly than tradition mathematics deducing method .
Two Methods of computing the Jacobian matrix are introduced . Expressions of entropy , enthalpy and Gibbs function are formulated by exterior differential derived from second law of thermodynamics .
By using exterior differentiation and inverse method , exact stationary solutions of strongly nonlinear MDOF systems subject to Gaussian white noises are obtained , which are generally independent of energy .
Physical laws can be given neat and concise formulation in terms of exterior differential forms . Its calculus is not only natural and automatic but also unrestricted by space dimensions .
External differential quantum efficiency as high as 2.2 and light power output of 2.5 ? W per facet ( under 2A drive current ) are achieved from an uncoated novel laser device with three active regions .
The absolute out-differential is introduced into fluid mechanics , we obtain the basic equations of ideal fluid in general theory of relativity , which satisfy the covariant principle of relativity and also satisfy the anti-symmetry of some physical quantities .
In this paper , the mathematical connection from the conservation law of elec-tric charge and Maxwell 's equations is established by unsing the interior product ( contraction ) of a differential form by a vector field and converse of Poincare 's lemma in exterior differential form .
The findings indicated that , except Pb and Mn , the differential spectrum model has good estimating effect , the relative deviation mostly is lower than 15 % .
The real-time solution for differential equations of exterior ballistic on antiaircraft artillery is an important research problem in fire-control domain .
An external recycle differential reactor capable of simulating the operating conditions of commercial scale trickle bed reactors has been designed .
Based on one dimensional constitutive equations of Revlon materials and the motion equations of the cable , the partial differential equations of the viscoelastic cable in inner and outer of plan under the gravity are investigated .