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  1. 三氯苯达唑体内外杀灭卫氏并殖吸虫的效果和虫体蛋白质、糖原及DNA含量测定

    Killing effect of triclabendazole on Paragonimus westermani in vitro and in vivo and the measurements on the contents of protein , glycogen and DNA in the worm

  2. 目的:观察三氯苯达唑在体内外杀灭卫氏并殖吸虫后,虫体体壁及卵黄细胞超微结构的变化。

    AIM : To observe the ultrastructural changes in the body wall and the vitelline cells of Paragonimus westermani in vitro and in vivo before and after triclabendazole treatment .

  3. 除欧洲区域外,世卫组织所有其它区域均报告了杀虫剂耐药。

    Resistance has been reported from all WHO Regions except the WHO European Region .