
  • 网络catalogue for guidance of foreign investment
  1. 中国公布新的外商投资产业指导目录

    China issues new catalogue for foreign investment

  2. 《外商投资产业指导目录》中的限制类项目;

    A Project in the category of restriction prescribed by the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment ;

  3. 根据外商投资产业指导目录及规定,有权发改委的核准通知。

    Approval notice notification from the competent development and Reform Commission in accordance with the Guideline Catalogue of foreign investment industries and the regulations .

  4. 第二十一条合格投资者的境内证券投资,应当符合《外商投资产业指导目录》的要求。

    Article 21 . QFII 's domestic securities investment activities should comply with the requirements as set out in the Guidance for Foreign Investments in Various Industries .

  5. 中国已4次修订《外商投资产业指导目录》,不断扩大市场准入,新一轮的目录修订工作已经启动。

    China has also amended the Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign-Invested Industries four times to broaden market access and a fifth round of amendment has started .

  6. 1997年以来,我们4次修订《外商投资产业指导目录》该目录是外国直接投资受到鼓励或限制行业的官方名单。

    We have revised our catalogue for the guidance of foreign investment industries the official list of industries in which FDI is encouraged or restricted four times since 1997 .

  7. 实施新修订的外商投资产业指导目录,引导外资更多投向先进制造业、高新技术产业、节能环保产业、现代服务业和中西部地区。

    We will implement the newly revised Proposed List of Industries for Foreign Investment , and encourage more foreign investment in advanced manufacturing , new and high technologies , energy conservation , environmental protection , new service industries , and the central and western regions .

  8. 国家鼓励、允许、限制、或者禁止设立合营企业的行业,按照国家指导外商投资方向的规定及外商投资产业指导目录执行。

    Industries in which the establishment of joint ventures is encouraged , permitted , restricted or prohibited by the State shall be determined in accordance with provisions of the state in the regulations on foreign investment guidelines and the Guideline Catalogue of foreign investment industries .

  9. 严格遵守《指导外商投资方向暂行规定》及《外商投资产业指导目录》等法律法规;

    Strictly observe the Interim Provisions on Foreign Investment Orientation and the Catalog of Industries for Foreign Investment and other laws and regulations relevant .

  10. 为优化外商投资结构,中国1995年首次颁布《外商投资产业指导目录》并先后5次修订逐步放宽了外资的准入限制,吸引外资进入。

    China for the first time promulgated " Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment " in1995and has gradually relaxed the foreign investment access restrictions after revising five times .

  11. 向外商转让上市公司国有股和法人股,应当符合《外商投资产业指导目录》的要求。

    The transfer of State-owned shares and legal person shares in listed companies to foreign investors shall comply with the requirements of the Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalogue .