
  • 网络philosophical paradigm
  1. 新世纪初我国西方马克思主义研究的突出进展是研究视域的拓宽,目前存在的一个重要缺陷是缺乏对于西方马克思主义所代表的哲学范式转换的意义的认识。

    A chief drawbacks is the ignorance of the significance of Western Marxist transformation of philosophical paradigm in China .

  2. 时代变迁与哲学范式转换&从革命的哲学到建设的哲学一个引起革命的哲学思想。

    Change of theme of the times and transformation of Philosophical Paradigm & from Philosophy of Revolution to Philosophy of Construction ;

  3. 马克思主义科学哲学范式探析马克思哲学与存在论范式的转换

    Switchover of Marxist Philosophy and the Paradigm of the Doctrine of Being

  4. 这一哲学范式转型也意味着社会理论的范式转型。

    This philosophy paradigm transition also means the transition of society theory paradigm .

  5. 现代化和犯罪问题的哲学范式研究

    Study on The Philosophical Pattern of Modernization and Crime

  6. 谱系学:话语哲学范式转换述评

    Genealogy : Review of Paradigm Changes of Discourse Philosophy

  7. 中国传统哲学范式的现代转型

    The Modem Transformation of Traditional Paradigms in Chinese Philosophy

  8. 而马克思的自然观实现了哲学范式的革命。

    Marx transformed the paradigm of natural view .

  9. 生存论视域下的技术哲学范式问题

    The Problems about the Paradigm of Philosophy of Technology in the Horizon of Existentialism

  10. 生产理论与马克思哲学范式的新探索

    The Theory of Production : New Marxist Explorations

  11. 这些都为社会工程哲学范式与环境法学研究相结合提供了可能性。

    All those provide possibility for combining social engineering paradigm and Environmental Law Research .

  12. 外史:马克思哲学范式革命的基础维度

    Outside History : the Fundamental Dimension of the Paradigm Revolution of Marx 's Philosophy

  13. 深生态学与哲学范式的转换

    Deep Ecology and Change of Philosophic Paradigm

  14. 第二部分述评后现代话语哲学范式转换及其三个流派;

    Secondly , reviewing the theories of post modern discourse philosophy and its three schools ;

  15. 西方美学体系的历史演变,以相应哲学范式的历史演变为基础。

    The historical changes of western aesthetics are based on the changes of the historical changes of western philosophy .

  16. 第三部分述评交往实践话语哲学范式转换&超越现代与后现代话语哲学的积极尝试。

    Thirdly , reviewing communication practice paradigm changes of discourse philosophy a new exploration of exceeding modern and post modern discourse philosophy .

  17. 本文分三部分述评话语哲学范式转换:第一部分述评现代话语哲学范式转换及其三个流派;

    There are three parts in the article : firstly , reviewing the theories of modern discourse philosophy and its three schools ;

  18. 如何将历史进化论思想和历史哲学范式有机结合在一起,这成为启蒙运动之后西方历史哲学家们所面临的新的课题。

    How to integrate the history evolution concept and history philosophy paradigm organically is the new subject for western historical philosophers after the Enlightenment .

  19. 哲学范式的变革诠释出本体论的视阈,对此辩证互动关系的研究具有重要理论意义。

    The development of philosophical paradigm explains the visual threshold of substantialism , and the study on this dialectical interactive relationship has important academic significance .

  20. 并从哲学范式、世界观、价值观、平等观四个方面揭示了深生态学对传统的人类中心主义所实现的超越之维

    Announce from philosophy type , world outlook , values , equal view four aspects deep ecology that what doctrine realize surmount to link to traditional anthropocentrism

  21. 这样才能使生态经济学走出乌托邦式的哲学范式,接近公众从而找到其动力源泉。

    Only in this way could the ecological economics get rid of the Eutopia philosophical assumptions , approach the public and find the source of its momentum .

  22. 有鉴于此,本文追溯了深哲学范式的历史资源,讨论了深层思维的可能出发点,提出了建构合乎生态健康的新型语言的途径。

    The paper further investigates the origin of this philosophical category and its potential for initiating deep thinking , with the view to establishing a healthy language use .

  23. 马克思生存论诉诸于感性对象性活动,通过国民经济学批判,扭转了传统形而上学的思维方式,真正贯穿了内在性,实现了哲学范式的变革。

    Marx 's existentialism transcends the mode of thinking of traditional metaphysics , changes the philosophical pattern and runs though inherence by appealing to practice and criticism of political economy .

  24. 这是对费尔巴哈人本学的超越,实现了生活哲学范式和生活思维方式的根本性转折。

    This is to transcend Feuerbach 's humanism , namely , to realize radical turn in the canonical form for philosophy of life and in the way for thinking of life .

  25. 因而,要建构自觉理性的可持续发展观,必须超越启蒙精神的悖论,启蒙精神是我们必须加以创造性转换的哲学范式之一。

    Therefore , to establish a self-conscious and reasonable outlook of sustainable development , we must transcend the paradox of enlightenment spirit & it should be creatively recognized as a philosophical normal form .

  26. 文章分析了语言交往共同体的规范性和先验性,以及由先验性之争而引起的哲学范式转换。

    In this article the author analyses the regularity and transcendentality of language communication community , and elucidates the transformation of philosophical paradigm which is based on the debates in the transcendentality language communication community .

  27. 其思想不仅体现着现代生态观的纵深发展,而且反映了人类认识和把握人与自然关系的哲学范式的转换,更形成了后现代生态世界观的重要前提。

    Its thoughts not only reflect the development of modern ecology and change of philosophic paradigm in recognizing the relations of man and nature , but particularly form an important precondition of postmodern ecological world view .

  28. 第二,社会认识论关于智力劳动分工的思想,使我们认识到至少可以有三种分属于不同认知主体的工程哲学范式,即工程师的工程哲学,哲学家的工程哲学,决策者的工程哲学;

    Secondly , by quoting intellectual division of labor in social epistemology , we should recognize that " Engineering philosophy " can takes three forms : Engineering philosophy of engineer , of philosopher and decision maker ;

  29. 因此,应首先关注哲学范式的问题。哲学创新的关键是以回归生活世界的文化哲学范式替代抽象化的意识哲学范式。

    The key to innovation in philosophical studies lies in replacement of the abstract paradigms of the philosophy of ideas with the paradigms of the philosophy of culture , which features a return to the world of life .

  30. 马克思从社会历史观的高度,把生产力作为社会存在和发展的基础和动力,以新的哲学范式结束了人们在黑暗中对历史之谜的求解。

    From the high perspective of social history , Marx took productive forces as the basis and drive for social existence and development and ended the quest of historical myth in the darkness with a new philosophical paradigm .