
  1. 试论科学哲学的心理转向

    On the " Psychological Turn " in Philosophy of Science

  2. 马克思主义哲学对心理品质课教学具有不可忽视的重要指导作用;

    Marxism Philosophy has played a very important guiding role in psychology quality teaching .

  3. 文化哲学与心理咨询属于不同的领域,它们有不同的处理水平和研究方法。

    The cultural philosophy and mental consultation belong to the different fields , there are different processing levels and the research methods on value intervention .

  4. 詹姆斯的意识流思想不仅破除了西方传统哲学的心理元素主义,为未来的哲学发展开辟了新的道路,而且又从哲学的视角阐释了意识流思想的特点、意义和目的。

    Not only does the stream of consciousness eradicate traditional western Psychological elements ', but also opens up a new field for the future philosophy .

  5. 他是司法心理学、工商业心理学和美学心理学的开创者,同时他的研究还涉及哲学、心理治疗、实验心理学和教育心理学。

    A pioneer in the areas of forensic psychology , business and industrial psychology , and film criticism , he also wrote extensively on philosophy , psychotherapy , experimental and educational psychology , and current affairs .

  6. 对企业而言,对人的管理是综合性的系统工程,包含了理论、制度、科技、文化、哲学、心理等各方面因素,科学有效的人力资源管理也永远是企业所追求的理想状态。

    Management is system engineering , including the theoretical , institutional , scientific , technological , cultural , philosophical , psychological and other factors , scientific and effective management of human resources will always be ideal pursuit of enterprise .

  7. 正是立足于这个传统的观点和理论发展的实际,从文化、哲学、心理、历史等六个向度展开了中、希神话的比较,并力求找出导致中西文化和文学根本异同的深远根源。

    Based on such traditional viewpoints and theory development background , this paper compares Chinese mythology with Greek mythology in terms of culture , philosophy , psychology and history , and explores the original reasons for the differences in culture and literature .

  8. 庄子哲学对大学生心理素质教育的意义&从《庄子阐释》课引发的思考

    Significance of Zhuang Zhou 's Philosophy in Enhancing College Students ' Psychological Quality

  9. 马克思主义哲学与初中心理品质课教学

    Marxism Philosophy and Psychology Quality Teaching in Middle School

  10. 中国传统哲学与民族心理特性

    Chinese Traditional Philosophies and National Characteristics of Mentality

  11. 评论家针对读者和阅读过程分别提出自己的观点,由此出现一系列的道德的,哲学的,心理的和修辞方面的读者反应分析。

    The reader response theorists respectively come up with views about the reader and the reading process , hence the moral-philosophical-psychological-rhetorical emphasis in reader-response analysis .

  12. 人不能通过任何组织、信仰、教条、神父或仪式来到达真理,也不可能通过任何哲学知识或心理技巧来到达它。

    Man cannot come to it through any organization , through any creed , through any dogma , priest or ritual , not through any philosophic knowledge or psychological technique .

  13. 通过对中国古代传统心理治疗和现代西方心理治疗中国化的回顾,分析中国文化和哲学对本土心理治疗的影响,探讨发展中国本土化心理治疗的途径。

    Chinese traditional Psychotherapy and Chinese indigenous practices of Western psychotherapy are reviewed , influence of Chinese culture and philosophies on indigenous psychotherapy is analyzed and approaches to development of Chinese psychotherapy are discussed .

  14. 取消式唯物主义是心灵哲学中解决心理本质、地位和未来命运问题的一种最新尝试,是一种激进的本体论变革,是唯物主义大家族中的一种极端的形式。

    Eliminative materialism is a new attempt solving the questions of the essence , standing and future destiny of the mental in philosophy of mind , is a " radical ontological transformation ", and is a extreme from of the family of materialism .

  15. 过程哲学与中国传统心理文化的关系研究

    The Study on the Relation between Process Philosophy and Chinese Traditional Mental Culture

  16. 根据康德哲学的思想,心理机能被分成内向机能和外向机能。

    Following Kants thoughts , mental function is divided into extroversive function and introversive function .

  17. 人性观是对人的基本看法和哲学假设,是心理咨询与治疗的基石。

    The view of humanity is the basic viewpoint and philosophical hypothesis about human , the key to counseling and psychotherapy .

  18. 在当时,哲学受到实用主义与心理主义的威胁,即将面临没有研究领域的危险。

    At the time , philosophy threaten by pragmatism and psychologism , is about to face the danger of no research areas .

  19. 汉英两个民族连同它们的语言在思维方式、价值标准、审美取向、哲学传统、民族心理等方面都存在巨大差异。

    The English and Chinese languages differ in mode of thinking , standards for values , aesthetic perspectives , traditional philosophies and ethnopsychology .

  20. 着重从意识层面来分析哲学和社会文化心理对情节观念变化产生的影响。

    Emphasis from the sense of dimension to philosophy and social and cultural psychology on the impact of changes in circumstances of ideas .

  21. 本章分为历史渊源、社会背景、哲学基础、社会心理以及文学娱乐性需求增强等五大类,其下又分为若干小类。

    This chapter includes historical origin , social background , philosophical basis , social psychology and increased need for literature entertainment . Every type has the subdivisions .

  22. 身体动作可以反应人格与心理状态,东方文化所强调的身心合一、形神交融的哲学思想对现代心理治疗方法产生了重要影响。

    Physical action could reflect the personality and psychological state , the philosophy in the oriental culture emphasized the body and mind that reflects significantly the modern psychological therapy .

  23. 本篇论文从多角度分析了这部作品,例如历史背景、哲学、审美、心理及艺术风格。

    This paper is meant to give an analysis of this novel from various angles , such as the historical background , philosophy , aesthetics , psychology and artistic method .

  24. 在大学,你很可能从化学、地质学、哲学、摄影、心理、生物、文学、物理、政治等科目中选你喜欢的课程。

    In the university , the chances are that you can select your favorite course from chemistry , geology , philosophy , photography , psychology , biology , literature , physics , politics and so on .

  25. 哲学和社会文化心理对创作主体的影响尽管不是直接的,但是这些因素也会间接、曲折地影响情节观念的变化,从而通过情节设置表现出来。

    Philosophy and social psychology on literary and cultural impact , although not directly , but these factors also indirectly affect the plot twists and turns the concept of change , which set up through the plot shown .

  26. 并进一步从形式结构因素、哲学文化背景和心理思维等三个方面分析势为什么在中国古代这一文化背景中产生。

    Then it makes a detailed analysis of Shi 's Chinese cultural background . Form three aspects , that is , its structure and form , philosophical and psychological significances , this part will research why Shi appear in ancient China .

  27. 现代西方美学的影响、中国人观照宇宙万物的哲学态度和审美心理以及铜版画特有的材质和腐蚀技术是现当代中国铜版画语言中的非理性因素的产生重要原因。

    The impact of modern Western aesthetics , the Chinese Perspective universe attitude and the philosophy of all things aesthetic psychology and copper prints unique materials and corrosion technology is the Contemporary China copperplate language of the irrational factors in the selection of important reasons .

  28. 他在后期哲学中认为,以往哲学总是采取心理主义或本质主义的单一固定模式来理解日常语言,结果导致了哲学语言的痼疾。

    In his later philosophy , Wittgenstein thought that previous philosophers had always understood ordinary language by the simple pattern of psychologism or essentialism , which resulted in the intrinsic disease of philosophical language .

  29. 本文主要论述汉字与哲学、汉字的《易》哲学、汉字的生命哲学、汉字哲学的心理等问题。

    This paper is mainly concerned with the relation between Chinese characters and philosophy , and discusses the issues of the philosophy of the Book of Changes in Chinese characters , the philosophy of life and the philosophical psychology in Chinese charac - ters .