
  • 网络Crossover design;cross over design;Cross-over Design
  1. 临床试验中最常见的设计是平行组设计和交叉设计。

    The most common designs in clinical trial are parallel design and cross over design .

  2. 二阶段交叉设计资料的方差分析在SPSS中的实现

    Statistical methods of analysis of variance with two stage cross-over design data in SPSS

  3. 自身前后交叉设计,在比格犬体内进行了PK比较研究:血药浓度采用HPLC法测定。

    And its concentration in plasma is determined by HPLC .

  4. 文中建立的数学模型部分已用C语言实现,可作为道路交叉设计中的基础模型。

    Some mathematical models established in this paper have been realized by-computer language , which can be used as the basic models for road intersection design .

  5. 介绍用电子表格(Excel)编制双交叉设计的生物等效性检验分析表格的方法。

    The method to analyze 2 × 2 crossover designed bioequivalence test by EXCEL form was introduced .

  6. 运用概化理论(GT),采用5个单侧面交叉设计(OnefacetCrossedDesign),即:p×r,对全国海船船员动力装置操作评估5个评分要素测评精度进行了探讨。

    Generalizability Theory ( GT ) was applied to explore the accuracy and reliability of the assessment of seafarers ' operating marine powered equipment .

  7. 方法:利用Excel编制双交叉设计的生物等效性贝叶斯法分析表格,简化后验概率计算步骤。

    METHODS : The procedures of the posterior probability calculation were simplified by means of the Excel-programmed double crossover designed Bayesian statistics analytical table for bioequiavailability .

  8. 方法人体试验采用双交叉设计,18名健康志愿受试者交叉sc奥曲肽供试制剂与参比制剂。

    METHODS A randomized crossover design was performed in 18 healthy male volunteers . In the two study periods , a single 200 μ g dose of either test or reference preparation was administered to each volunteer .

  9. 结果用SAS程序实现了交叉设计混合效应模型分析,得到了有关参数的估计值和直接处理效应的比较结果,实例分析表明,混合效应模型能够提供更多的有效信息。

    Results The estimators for model parameters and comparisons of direct treatment effects are got by submitting SAS programs in mixed effects model analysis , and more useful information is provided by this model , along with a medical example .

  10. 目的:探讨利用Rubin提出的多重填补的方法处理有缺失数据的2×2交叉设计的资料,以避免医学科研中常常发生观测数据的缺失而造成统计分析的困难。

    AIM : To handle 2 × 2 cross-over data set with missing data by using Multiple Imputation method provided by Rubin and to avoid the difficulties in statistical analysis owing to missing data in medical research .

  11. 紫外检测波长为220nm。人体药动学试验采用双周期交叉设计方案,将18名男性健康志愿者随机分为2组,分别单剂量口服氧化苦参碱分散片和氧化苦参碱胶囊600mg。

    A single oral dose of 600 mg of oxymatrine dispersible tablet and oxymatrine capsule was given to each of 18 healthy volunteers in an open randomized two-way crossover design .

  12. 方法采用开放随机交叉设计实验,用高效液相色谱法测定8名健康受试者分别单次静脉滴注2g或4g奥拉西坦后的血清中药物浓度,数据处理采用DAS软件处理。

    METHODS A single dose of 2 or ~ 4 g oxiracetam injection was given to 8 healthy volunteers in an open randomized crossover design . Serum concentrations of oxiracetam were determined by HPLC . Data were processed by drug and statistics ( DAS ) software .

  13. 基于此,借鉴了其它学习环境的成熟做法发展了CLEs的设计模型,提出八要素设计与十二个评价变量组成的交叉设计网络。

    On this basis , by referring to some other mature learning environments theories , the writer puts forward a CLES design model , which is a crisscrossing design network composed of eight elements and twelve evaluation variables .

  14. 道路交叉设计中的边线敷设问题浅析

    Elementary Analysis of Boundary Line Laying out of Road Intersection Design

  15. 环形交叉设计非语言表达应用的几点设想

    Tentative Ideas about Applying Non-language Express form in Annular Crossing Design

  16. 用电子表格进行双交叉设计的生物等效性检验分析

    Microsoft Excel in Analysis 2 × 2 Crossover Designed Bioequivalence Test

  17. 广义估计方程在交叉设计等级资料分析中的应用

    Analysis of the ordered categorical data in cross-over trial using generalized estimating equation

  18. 除平纵横设计模块之外,系统还具有土石方量自动和交互调配、平面交叉设计等功能。

    Automatic and interactive earthwork prepare and plane cross design are also supplied .

  19. 多交叉设计生物利用度试验的等效性分析

    Equivalence Analysis for Multiple Cross-over Design of Bioavailability Trials

  20. 互通式立交中T形平面交叉设计探讨

    Design of T-form grade crossing in interchange and crossed-freeway

  21. 含巢式和交叉设计的实验分析

    Analysis of the experiments with nested and cross designs

  22. 方法10名标准对象按交叉设计法分为对照组和驾驶员组。

    Methods Ten cross-designed standard subjects were divided into control group and driver group .

  23. 病例-交叉设计能有效地识别职业伤害的危险因素,揭示其作用强度。

    Case-crossover design can identify the risk factors of occupational injuries and its intensity .

  24. 遵循随机、重复、对照的实验三原则,采用二阶段交叉设计方法,将临床研究分Ⅰ、Ⅱ两个试验阶段(各一天)。

    In cross-over design method the clinical research was divided into two stages (ⅰ、ⅱ) .

  25. 方法采用病例-交叉设计的方法。

    Methods The case crossover design was used .

  26. 交叉设计资料的混合效应模型分析

    Mixed Effects Model for a General Cross-over Design

  27. 运用概念的案例教学,实施概念与案例的交叉设计;

    Using the case study of concept and cross design of concept and case ;

  28. 新药临床试验的交叉设计

    Cross-over design in new drug clinical trials

  29. 方法:各受试者按随机交叉设计进行三次试验,分别为:(1)不服用药物;其次,学科交叉研究。

    METHODS : Each subject participated in a three - phase randomed crossover study . 2 . Subject crossover .

  30. 目的放宽交叉设计方差分析对残留效应假定和探讨交叉设计混合效应分析模型。

    Objective To relax assumption of carryover effects in analysis of variance for cross-over designs and explore mixed effects model .