
  1. 其中当交感神经兴奋性起主导作用时,最大Lyapunov指数增大,反之减小。

    And when sympathetic nerve excitability acts dominantly , the Lyapunov index will eliminate .

  2. 目的探讨抑制褪黑素(melatonin,MT)分泌对交感神经兴奋性水平的影响,及MT与中医学阴之间有否类同之处。

    Objective To investigate the influence of melatonin ( MT ) ischesis on the level of sympathetic excitability , and the similar points between MT and Chinese medical concept of yin .

  3. 事先静脉注射阿片受体阻断剂纳络酮(naloxone,Nal)均可以阻断这两种效应,但单独使用Nal对脾交感神经兴奋性没有影响。

    This effect could be blocked by intravenous injection of opioid receptor antagonist naloxone ( Nal ), while Nal alone injected intravenously had no effect on the splenic nerve activity .

  4. OSAHS可能经氧化应激,睡眠中断引起炎症反应及交感神经兴奋性改变等多条途径影响并导致冠心病发生率增高。

    OSAHS maybe through multi-ways ( oxidative stress , sleep interruption ) cause inflammatory reaction and adrenergic nerve excitability change to impact and induce the incidence rate of CHD increased .

  5. 结论MT分泌不足可促使青春期前大鼠交感神经兴奋性水平上升,而滋阴泻火方药可有效逆转这种变化,推测MT与阴有一定关系。

    Conclusion MT hyposecretion can improve the sympathetic excitability in prepuberal rats , while the prescriptions with the effects of nourishing yin and purging fire can reverse these changes . There may be a relationship by inference between MT and Chinese medical concept of yin .

  6. 因此,冠脉造影可使ADM(13-52)及ET-1均升高,可能与造影剂对血管刺激、导管直接对血管内皮的刺激及交感神经兴奋性增高有关。

    Conclusion CA made the concentrations of ADM ( 13 - 52 ) and ET - 1 elevated , it may be related to factors including the vascular stimulation of angiographic contrast agents or of catheters , and the over excitement of sympathetic nerve systems .

  7. 交感神经兴奋性增强能通过增加儿茶酚胺的释放而导致高血压。

    Increased sympathetic tone can cause postoperative hypertension by increasing catecholamine release .

  8. 疼痛是交感神经兴奋性增强的最常见起因。

    Pain is one of the most common sources of increased sympathetic tone .

  9. 3交感神经兴奋性相对增强。

    The exciting of sympathetic nerve increase respectively ;

  10. 氯沙坦通过室旁核抑制慢性心衰大鼠肾交感神经兴奋性

    Losartan inhibits renal sympathetic nerve activity in Paraventricular nucleus in chronic heart failure rat

  11. 结论:高强度噪声引起女工的心血管系统植物神经功能失调,主要表现在心脏交感神经兴奋性降低倾向。

    Conclusion High intensity noise can lead to cardiovascular vegetative nervous functional imbalance in female workers , especially the descent of sympathetic nervous excitability .

  12. 这与低氧刺激下交感神经兴奋性提高,外周化学感受器激发肾脏反应及体液调节激素的改变有关。

    The mechanism of this dehydration is due to the increased sympathetic activity and renal response stimulated by peripheral arterial chemoreceptor and change of fluid regulation hormones .

  13. 因此,左侧卧位对晚期妊娠是有益的,因为心迷走神经张力的降低和心交感神经兴奋性的增加最小。

    For women in late pregnancy , the left lateral decubitus position may be beneficial becausecardiac vagal activity is suppressed least and cardiac sympathetic activity is enhanced least .

  14. 同时我们也观察到供氧后O组心率和交感神经兴奋性还处于较高水平,说明人体仍然在进行活跃的代偿反应,仍然在高原习服的进程中。

    But the HR and the sympathetic nerve excitability were still on relatively high-level , which was proved that the compensation and the acclimatization to high altitude was still taken on the body .

  15. 结果表明,起因于胃肠内环境特别是酸碱度改变的胃肠弛缓可能不伴有副交感神经兴奋性降低,可不使用拟胆碱类药物。

    The results showed that the depressed activity of the parasympathetic nerves should not be considered as a major etiological factor in gastro intestinal atony caused by the changes of internal environment , especially acid base status of gastro intestine .

  16. 结论:Met-Enk可以在中枢神经系统内通过阿片受体介导的通路调节脾交感神经的兴奋性。

    CONCLUSION : Met-Enk can modulate splenic sympathetic nerve activity through opioid receptors in the central nervous system .

  17. 其机理认为是通过调节副交感神经的兴奋性而发挥作用。

    It is thought that the mechanism plays a role by regulating the parasympathetic nerves .

  18. 而过去有关针灸方面的研究工作显示,针刺可直接提高交感神经的兴奋性。

    Acupuncture had been shown to increase the excitability of sympathetic nervous system in the previous study .

  19. 术后高血压大多与液体量过多、交感神经系统兴奋性增强或原有高血压有关。

    Most commonly , postoperative hypertension is related to fluid overload , heightened sympathetic nervous system activity , or preexisting hypertension .

  20. 结果显示,男排运动员安静时心脏具有较大的储备能力,交感神经的兴奋性、血压等均较高,运动后,心血管机能对运动负荷表现出较好的适应性;

    The results show that male player 's heart has stronger storage capacity , higher excitability of sympathetic nerve and blood pressure at rest .

  21. 上述结果提示:肾交感神经系统兴奋性增加介导的肾脏机制,可能在应激和/或盐致高血压发病过程中具有重要作用。

    The above results indicate that the renal mechanism mediated by increased renal sympathetic nervous system plays an important role in stress and salt induced hypertension pathogenesis .

  22. 以上结果提示,IL-2可以在中枢神经系统通过某种由阿片受体介导的通路对交感神经系统的兴奋性产生影响。

    These results imply that the inhibitory effect of intracerebral IL2 on splenic sympathetic nerve activity is mediated by opioid receptors .

  23. 交感神经兴奋在外伤性脑水肿发生中的作用及机制

    Role of sympathetic excitation in development of traumatic brain edema and its mechanism

  24. 过去有关针灸方面的研究显示:针刺效应可通过影响交感神经系统的兴奋性而来发挥改善心肌缺血性损伤的作用。

    The past researches showed that acupuncture can affect the excitability of the sympathetic nervous system and protect the heart from ischemia injury .

  25. SGB与硬膜外阻滞都属于神经阻滞,对应激反应作用有相似之处,SGB可阻断通往头、颈、上肢、心脏、肺的交感神经,使其兴奋性降低。

    Both SGB and TEB belong to block nerve . There are some similarity to effect of stress response . SGB can block sympathetic nerve to head , neck , limb , heart , lung , decrease erethism of sympathetic nerve .

  26. 结论交感神经维持正常的兴奋性对脑有直接保护作用,而其过度兴奋则对脑有害。

    CONCLUSION Maintenance of normal sympathetic excitation has protective effect on cerebral circulation and blood brain barrier , but excessive sympathetic irritation is harmful .

  27. 最近我们运用规范化负荷诱发性心率变异性(HRV)研究方法证实了银屑病患者的副交感神经张力不足和交感神经兴奋性低下,也即表现为自主神经功能全面降低。

    Recently , we have confirmed the low level of psoriatic patients ' sympathetic nerve excitability and parasympathetic nerve tension by applying the evoked HRV standard successive load method , which also indicates the general decrease in the autonomic nerve functions .

  28. 实验者聆听贝多芬交响曲升高了心率变异性,能明显兴奋交感神经(P0.05),而聆听中国古典音乐虽然也提高了交感神经的兴奋性,但是并不明显。

    The testers when listen the Beethoven ` ssymphony can be improved the HRV and obviously be enhanced the excitability of thesympathetic ( P0.05 ). Chinese classical music also can , but not obviously .

  29. 结论卧床使交感和迷走神经的活性都降低,放松训练明显提高了迷走神经的兴奋性,而低氧训练明显提高了交感神经的兴奋性。

    Conclusion Fangsong training counteracted markedly the reduction in vagal activity , while hypoxia training counteracted markedly the decrease in sympathetic activity .