
  • 网络the theory of communicative action;communicative action theory
  1. 他给出的回答是交往行为理论。

    His answer is the theory of communicative action .

  2. 既而讨论了交往行为理论的理论基础。

    And then theoretical foundation of Theory of Communicative Action is probed into .

  3. 交往行为理论是哈巴马斯创建的全新理论架构。

    Communicative Action Theory is a new theoretical frame built by Habermas .

  4. 交往行为理论与国际政治研究&以德国国际关系研究视角为中心的一项考察

    Communication Action Theory and International Politics : A German Perspective on IR Studies

  5. 交往行为理论又是何以可能的?

    How is the theoryof communicative action possible ?

  6. 从交往行为理论试析英语阅读过程的交际性

    Exploring the Communication in English Reading

  7. 第一部分主要阐述了交往行为理论产生的社会背景和理论背景。

    Part One mainly presents the social and theoretical backgrounds of the theory of communicative action .

  8. 第二章阐述了生活世界和交往行为理论的内涵。

    The second chapter elaborates the contents of life world and the theory of communicative action .

  9. 法兰克福学派社会批判理论的范式转变&从传统社会批判理论到交往行为理论

    The Model Transformation of the Socio-Critical Theoryof Frankfort School : From Traditional Socio-Critical Theory to Communicative Action Theory

  10. 哈贝马斯交往行为理论体现了对主体的尊重,对现代文明传承和建设的重视。

    Theory of Communicative Action embodies the principal of respect , heritage and development of modern civilization attention .

  11. 第三部分:哈贝马斯交往行为理论评析。

    In the third part the author intends to set some comments on the theory of communicative action .

  12. 所以我对交往行为理论的切入点&普遍语用学作了交代。

    So I explain the cutting point of the theory of communicative action which is general language theory .

  13. 交往行为理论在哲学上实现三个转换:从意识哲学到语言哲学的转换;

    The theory of communicative action realized three conversions in philosophy , which are from consciousness philosophy to language philosophy ;

  14. 吕俊教授则结合哈贝马斯的交往行为理论提出了建构主义的翻译学思想。

    Based on Habermas ' theory of communicative action , Professor Lv Jun brings forward the constructivism ideas of translatology .

  15. 在现实生活中,我们看到的往往是与哈贝马斯的交往行为理论中所说的“交往”相异甚至相反的交往。

    In the real life , we always find the communication that is contrast to it in Habermas theory of communication .

  16. 从消除技术异化角度看,哈氏交往行为理论包括交往行为和交往理性、语言交往的有效性要求、改善主体学习机制、建立主体间性等内容。

    The communicative activity theory comprises communicative activities , rationalities , effective linguistic requirements , and improvement of one 's learning mechanisms .

  17. 交往行为理论认为,主体间存在着一种完全不同于工具合理性的交往合理性,以交往合理性为基础发展出一个自主商谈的公共领域,就能够抗拒生活世界被殖民化的命运。

    The public area of independent discourse that is based on communicative rationality is developed to prevent the life world from being colonized .

  18. 所谓法律修辞学,是指在法律领域里,通过论证的方式达到说服为目的交往行为理论。

    The so-called legal rhetoric means in the legal field , the communication action for the purpose of persuasion through the way of argumentation .

  19. 翻译活动可以以哈贝马斯的交往行为理论为指导,依据哈贝马斯交往合理性制定的翻译标准可以成为指导翻译活动的断标准。

    In accordance with Habermas'communicative rationality , a new model of criteria is formulated , which can function as a new guide for translators .

  20. 因此,阅读过程是一个综合复杂的心理认知、思维创造和社会交互过程,交往行为理论对英语阅读教学具有创造性的启示意义。

    Therefore , English reading is a complicated process of cognition , creation and communication , which is of great significance for teaching English reading .

  21. 话语伦理学是交往行为理论在实践领域里的延伸,寻求交往走向合理化的普遍性规范。

    As a catholicity of theory of communicative action in practical realm , discourse ethics searches for universal norms to reach the rationalization of communicative actions .

  22. 在哈贝马斯的交往行为理论中,主体间性与交往理性的观念对当今传播学的影响日益凸显。

    The concepts of intersubjectivity and communication rationalization that Habers raises in his theory of communicative action have exerted a more and more tremendous influence on the current communicative studies .

  23. 他的法律话语理论的基础是他的交往行为理论和话语理论。他试图用这一理论去解决法律的合法性问题,以及法律实践中的合理性问题。

    His discourse theory of law is based on bis theory of communicative action and discourse theory , and its aim is to solve the problem of legitimacy of law and rationality of legal practice .

  24. 作为以交往行为理论为基础要素的公共领域自然而然地应该将关注的目光覆盖到当前最为活跃的交往方式&新媒体,这是我论文写作的出发点。

    As based on the theory of communicative behavior elements of eyes should naturally be concerned about the public domain cover current most active methods of communication & new media , which is the starting point for this article .

  25. 通过对内涵的把握,有助于对交往行为理论有一个比较全面的理解,本部分主要对哈贝马斯交往行为理论的几个核心内容进行解读,使对其理论的理解能够更加全面。

    The grasp of the connotation of the theory can help the readers have a sound understanding of the theory . In this section , the author mainly focuses on the interpretation of the core categories to make the theory much more comprehensibly understandable .

  26. 教育归属于交往行为&交往理论视野下的教育本质解读

    Education Belongs to Communication Behavior

  27. 文学翻译:一种特殊的交往形式&交往行为理论的文学翻译观

    Literary Translation : A Special Kind of Communicative Action

  28. 交往行为是哈贝马斯交往理论的核心范畴,生活世界是构成宏观社会理论的基础,是交往行为概念进一步完善不可缺少的概念。

    Harby maas put forward his communicative Behavior Theory with communication behavior as its core . The life world is the basis for forming macroscopic social theories and an essential idea to further improve communicative behavior theories .

  29. 可以认为,哈贝马斯是为了解决生活世界中面临的交往现实问题而提出他的交往行为理论。

    It may be thought that Habermas put forward his theory of communicative action in order to solve the realistic problem of communication in life world .