
  • 网络the crisis of legitimacy;legitimacy crisis;Legitimation crisis
  1. 制度创新:政府应对合法性危机的路径选择

    System Innovation : the Path Choice for the Government Answering Legitimacy Crisis

  2. 合法性危机涉及规范性问题,属于根源性危机。

    Legitimacy crisis is original crisis because it relates to the normative question .

  3. 笔者从E调出发认为,大学只有按照自身的逻辑起点做到健全现代大学制度,保持自由精神,自觉从事高深学问的探求,提高其能量,才能解决存在的合法性危机。

    From the key of " E ", this paper deals with that , only amplifying modern university system , keeping the spirit of university , and consciously engaging in exploring high learning , and improving its " energy ", can university solve its existing legitimizing crisis .

  4. 大学合法性危机:大学治理的原因探究

    The Danger of University Legitimacy : the Reason of University Governance

  5. 公共政策价值合法性危机探析

    On the Crisis of the Value Validity of the Public Policies

  6. 中国新诗合法性危机的语境阐释

    Contextual Interpretation of the Validity Crisis of New Chinese Poetry

  7. 出版商现在面临的合法性危机,在一定程度上要归咎于它们自己。

    Publishers are partially to blame for their own crisis of legitimacy .

  8. 应对合法性危机可以有改革或革命两种选择。

    To deal with legitimacy crises , reform or revolution can be chosen .

  9. 危机与重建:发展中国家转型中的政治合法性危机探析

    On Political Legitimacy Crises of Developing Countries during Transformation Currencies in different countries

  10. 合法性危机影响国际组织的存在与发展。

    The crisis of legitimacy may affect the existence and development of international organizations .

  11. 教育研究的学术合法性危机与中国教育学的命运

    The Academic Legitimacy Crisis of Educational Research and the Destiny of China 's Pedagogy

  12. 启蒙的合法性危机&当代中国启蒙所遭遇的挑战

    Crisis in the Legitimacy of Enlightenment : Challenges to the Enlightenment in Contemporary China

  13. 论中国哲学学科存在的合法性危机&关于中国哲学学科的知识社会学考察

    On Discipline On Philosophy On the Crisis of Legitimacy of the Discipline of Chinese Philosophy

  14. 希腊政府和欧洲纾困计划正遭遇一场合法性危机。

    The Greek government and the European project are suffering from a crisis of legitimacy .

  15. 中国哲学的合法性危机与重写中国哲学史

    The Crisis of Legitimacy of Chinese Philosophy and the Rewrite of the History of Chinese Philosophy

  16. 试论山东乡村基层政权近代合法性危机(1912-1937)

    On the Shandong Rural Grass-roots Political Power of Legitimacy Crisis in Modern Times ( 1912-1937 )

  17. 当前对中国哲学合法性危机的理解,主要是从学科层面来理解的。

    Currently we always comprehend the legitimacy crisis of the Chinese philosophy in the light of the subject .

  18. 这种苍白赞同之中隐含的公共关系问题,是合法性危机重现的根本原因。

    The public relations problem implicit in that pale endorsement is an underlying reason why legitimacy crises recur .

  19. 走向沉沦的哲学精神&关于马克思主义哲学研究的合法性危机的思考

    On the " Legitimacy Crisis " of Marxist Philosophical Research & The " Falling " of a Philosophical Spirit

  20. 工具理性进一步加深了经济危机、合理性危机、合法性危机和动因危机。

    Instrumental rationality further makes the economic crisis , rational crisis , legitimacy crisis and motivation crisis more serious .

  21. 利益集团与制度变迁的陷阱&兼论转型的合法性危机

    The Interest Groups and the Snare of Institutional Changes : On the Crisis of the Legitimacy of the Transition

  22. 范式转换:超越中西比较&中国哲学合法性危机的儒者之思

    Paradigm Shift : Beyond the Chinese - Western Comparison - A Confucian Reflection on the Legitimacy Crisis of Chinese Philosophy

  23. 在世界范围内,建立在韦伯官僚制度下的传统公共行政出现了合法性危机。

    The traditional public administration , which is under Weber 's bureaucratic institution , appears legitimacy crisis within the world .

  24. 艺术终结作为现代的产物,它与艺术体制合法性危机有关。

    As a modern product , The End of Art is related to the artistic crisis of the institutional legitimacy .

  25. 西学东渐以来,中国学术始终面临着合法性危机。

    Since the time of the West learning landing the East , Chinese learning has been confronted with the crisis of legitimacy .

  26. 中国现当代文学的命名是历史的构造物,目前面临身份的合法性危机。

    The name of Chinese modern and contemporary literature , which is made gradually in history , faces a crisis of identity .

  27. 人类的过分理性化以及有组织的控制自然过程,是导致现代社会发展合法性危机的根本原因。

    The over-rationalized human being and organized control over the nature are the fundamental reason for the development crisis of modern society .

  28. 凡是在历史上犯有重大历史错误的政党,都会给执政资源带来重大的消耗而引发合法性危机。

    Any Party , who committed heavy mistakes in history , is doomed to exhaust the ruling resources and incite the legitimacy crisis .

  29. 尽管这一旧问题在不同历史阶段的合法性危机中,拥有自己不断转型的新形态,但是随着后现代哲学咄咄逼人的批判、颠覆和解构,主体性是走向黄昏还是向黎明迈进?

    In the midst of the aggressive animadverting , subverting and dissolving of post-modern philosophy , will subjectivity go towards dusk or twilight ?

  30. 为了解决民间社会团体合法性危机,必须结合当代中国的特定语境要求,确立和完善具有中国特色的社会团体立法体系。

    To solve the problem , we should establish and perfect Chinese-featured association legislation system according to the specific demands in contemporary Chinese context .