
  • 网络Legalization crisis;Legitimation Crisis;crisis of legitimization
  1. 意识形态与合法化危机&现代性主体认识论模式的终结

    Ideology and the Crisis of Legalization & The End of the " Subject-Epistemology Mode " of Modernity

  2. 联盟对于共同公民身份的引入,将为回答目前它所面临的合法化危机提供一个新的视角与机遇。

    Furthermore , the introduction of common European citizenship will provide a new perspective and opportunity for checking the legitimacy crisis .

  3. 我认为这很大一部分就是藏在不同政府的息合法化危机背后的东西。

    That 's it . And I think this is largely what 's behind the crisis of legitimacy in our different governments right now .

  4. 当代哲学在彰显个体生命意识、提升人的生存质量的同时,又一度造成了政治性失语和存在的合法化危机;

    The study of modern philosophy highlights the awareness of individual life , improves the quality of human life and brings about political silence and the legal crisis of being .

  5. 公民通过协商的方式,参与政府重大决策的制定,从而能有效的化解决策的合法化危机,提升公众的认同支持度。

    Through the consultation of citizens , to participate in major decision making , which can effectively resolve the crisis in the legalization of the decision-making and enhance public recognition of support .

  6. 在后工业社会中,随着人类知识的空前膨胀,网络技术的广泛运用:科技高视阔步导致了合法化危机。

    In posted industrial society , network technical extensive utilization and the unprecedented expansion along with human knowledge ; Science and technology have caused to legalize crisis high in accordance with big strides .

  7. 在行政国家全能政府的巨大压力下,如何摆脱财政赤字、管理合法化危机以及行政效率低下等现象,成为各国共同面临的一个严峻课题。

    In administrative countries , under the enormous pressure of the government of all kinds of abilities , how to get rid of the phenomenon of deficit , the legalization of management crisis and administrative inefficiency has become a serious task .

  8. 本论文旨在为解决我国审判权的合法化危机提供切实可行的对策。

    The main purpose of this essay is to offer a feasible solution for the crisis of jurisdiction legalization in our country . This paper believes that the social root of power is the demand that human beings have for order .

  9. 从意识形态与现代性、后现代性相互关系的分析入手,通过对晚期资本主义合法化危机以及主体认识论模式终结等讨论的分析,阐释全球化与后现代妥协策略的可能性。

    This essay , by starting from the inter-relations among ideology , modernity and post-modernity , and by analysis of the legal crisis of late capitalism as well as the end of the subject-epistemology mode , makes a probes into the possible compromise between globalization and post-modernization .

  10. 本文认为,在当今的社会转型期法律与道德的冲突会产生严重的社会问题:一方面,使道德未能“合法化”而陷入危机;

    The author of this paper holds that the conflict between law and morality at the turning moment of the present society will bring serious social problems .