
  1. 大西安的框架与发展机制

    A proposed framework and the development mechanism for the greater Xi'an Region

  2. 大西安都市圈发展规划问题研究

    Research on the development planning of Xi'an metropolitan area

  3. 区域一体化视野下大西安都市圈空间结构发展问题研究

    Study on the Space Structures Development of Xi'an Metropolitan Region in Regional Integration Vision

  4. 大西安旅游圈:国内旅游客源空间分析与构建

    A spatial analysis and construction of domestic tourism of big Xi ' an tourism circle

  5. 区域一体化与大西安都市圈发展

    Regionalism and Xi'an Metropolitan Regions Development

  6. 西安也将在规划中磅礴自己,壮大自己,真正具有大西安的风度与魅力。

    Xian will also in planning , strengthen ourselves , majestic himself with " big xian " truly the grace and charm .

  7. 全球化、信息化、市场化有力地推动了大西安经济的快速发展和和城市空间结构的演进。

    Globalization , informationization and marketization powerfully promote the development of economy and the evaluation of municipal space of Xi ' an .

  8. 因此,论文不仅可以充实都市圈领域的理论研究,也可以为大西安都市圈的发展提供积极有效的参考和建议。

    Therefore , the papers not only enrich Metropolitan Region field theory research , but also for the development of Xi'an Metropolitan Region active and effective information and recommendations .

  9. 在此基础上,实证性的研究了大西安都市圈空间结构,分析其发展中遇到的区域性问题,建议性的对空间组织结构进行了优化,以促进都市圈社会和经济的快速发展。

    On this basis , empirical research Xi'an Metropolitan Region space structures , the analysis of its regional problems encountered in the development , the proposed organizational structure of a space optimization , Metropolitan Region to promote social and economic development .

  10. 以上文探讨的规戈日设计原则为依据,结合大西安为茹市建设,探索恢复长安/冰以及整个西安和西部地区生态的远景建设模式。

    According to the programming design principles above discussed , combining the Xi'an metropolis development , the thesis probes the prospect development mode of installation " Chang-an eight waters " and the whole ecosystem of Xi'an city and the western region .

  11. 首先分析了大西安地区空间结构的演变,然后分析该区域发展的地理基础,根据点&轴理论,详细分析了组成空间结构的点、轴的现状,指出了存在的问题。

    First , analyzes Big Xian d the evolution of spatial structure , and then analyzes the geographic basis for regional development , according to points - axis theory , analyzes details of the spatial structure composed of points , axis status , points out the problems .

  12. 汶川大地震西安市中小学建筑的震害调查和分析

    Seismic Damage Analysis of Primary and Middle School Buildings in Xi'an under Wenchuan Earthquake

  13. 拼装大模板在西安市北二环东段C标工程中的应用

    Application of Build-Up Large Form Panel in Xi'an Bei-Er-Huan East Section C Contract Project

  14. 以拼装大模板在西安市北二环东段C标工程应用的实例,介绍了拼装大模板的拼装形式、方法、所需的材料规格及数量;详细介绍了拼装大模板的安装步骤及工艺要求。

    Taking the application of build-up large form panel in Xi'an Bei-Er-Huan East Section C Contract Project for example , described hereby are the build-up shape , method , material size and quantity of build-up large form panel , as well as its installation steps and process requirements .

  15. 论西部大开发中西安市经济所有制结构的调整和完善

    On the Adjustment and Completion of Xi'an 's Structure of Ownership in the Campaign of the Economic Development of Western China

  16. 西部大开发、西安大发展应有新的思路。

    Xi ' an should have some new thinking to meet the needs of western development , that 's to liberate thoughts .

  17. 每年的国庆和劳动节大假,西安由旅游带来的收入非常高。

    Every year National Day and the Labor Day paid annual leave , Xi'an the income which brings by the traveling is extremely high .

  18. 陕西是我国教育大省,西安地区有40多所大专院校,西安地区目前有9所独立学院,这些独立学院发展迅速,学生人数与学校规模不断扩张。

    Shaanxi is one of the most important educational provinces in China and there are more than 40 public colleges and 9 independent institutes in Xi ' an . These independent colleges develop rapidly . The number of the students is increasing and the size of the institute is extending .

  19. 面向未来,西部大开发为西安交通大学的发展提供了历史机遇。西安交通大学将坚持办学传统和高起点、重基础、严要求、重实践的特点,为建成世界知名高水平大学而奋斗。

    Looking forward to the future , the west region development provides historic opportunity for the great development of Xi'an Jiaotong University . Xi'an Jiaotong University will keep on the school-running tradition and school-running feature of high starting point , thick foundation , strict requirement and stressing practice , and build itself into world famous and high level university .

  20. 大雁塔已成为西安的象征。

    The Dayan Pagoda is the symbol of Xi'an .

  21. 西部大开发背景下西安信息化建设之对策研究

    On the Strategy of the Informatization Construction of Xi'an City Under the Environment of the Great Development of West China