
  • 网络Atlantic;atlantic city;Ocean City;AIY
  1. 在大西洋城举行这场拳击比赛是众望所归。

    Atlantic City is the hot favourite to stage the fight .

  2. 然而美高梅并没有听从新泽西州的指示。本周,美高梅同意出售所持大西洋城赌场BorgataHotelCasinoandSpa的50%股权,而继续保持与何超琼的合作关系。

    But rather than heed New Jersey 's directive , MGM Mirage this week agreed to sell its50 per cent interest in the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa in Atlantic City and continue its partnership with Ms Ho .

  3. 据美国联合通讯社一篇报道称,美国第一夫人和她10岁的女儿Sasha,13岁的女儿Malia被发现出现在巨星碧昂斯第二夜位于大西洋城狂欢度假村的演唱会上。

    The First Lady and daughters Sasha , 10 , and Malia , 13 , were spotted cheering on the superstar during the second night of her concert series at Atlantic City 's Revel Resorts , according to an AP report .

  4. 芭芭拉:我和家人去大西洋城。

    Barbara : I was in Atlantic City with my family .

  5. 我曾在大西洋城一家私人俱乐部玩牌。

    I was playing at a private card club in Atlantic city .

  6. 这是一个在大西洋城仅有女士的周末。

    And it was a ladies ' only weekend in Atlantic City .

  7. 人们一直都是在大西洋城结婚的啊。

    People get married in Atlantic City all the time .

  8. 我太太在大西洋城给我的

    My wife give it to me in Atlantic City .

  9. 大西洋城我妈妈团购的

    Atlantic City . My mom had a groupon .

  10. 我们要去大西洋城私定终身。

    We 're going to Atlantic City to elope .

  11. 大西洋城许多地方浸泡在海水中,3万多居民被迫疏散。

    Much of Atlantic City was underwater , and 30,000 residents were evacuated .

  12. 在周日晚间大西洋城他的音乐会期间,

    During his Atlantic city concert Sunday night ,

  13. 大西洋城离这里多远?

    How far is Atlantic City from here ?

  14. 然后我想到要去大西洋城

    And I came up with Atlantic City .

  15. 把你从大西洋城带到这来的吗?

    From Atlantic city , isn 't it ?

  16. 我喜欢在拉斯维加斯或大西洋城花上一两天的时间。

    I enjoy spending a day or two in Las Vegas or Atlantic City .

  17. 我们出发去大西洋城!

    Let 's go to Atlantic city !

  18. 我今天就想逃到大西洋城结婚。

    Just makes me want to run off to Atlantic City and get married today .

  19. 从大老远来大西洋城,就是见你们这些强盗,对吗?

    Come all the way to Atlantic City just to see your mugs , huh ?

  20. 有对夫妇甚至在大西洋城以蹦极的方式度过他们的新婚之夜。

    One couple even ended their wedding night by bungee jumping together in Atlantic City .

  21. 我们去大西洋城,我教你赌。

    Let 's go to Atlantic city . I 'll show you how to gamble .

  22. 你提议去大西洋城自由行

    That spontaneous trip to Atlantic city ,

  23. 我是为大西洋城感到难过。

    I am sad about Atlantic city .

  24. 大西洋城,太好了谁想到的?

    Atlantic City ! Oh , that 's a great plan ! Whose plan was that ?

  25. 一路塞到大西洋城,回去吧。

    lt 'll be like this all the way to Atlantic City . Let 's go back .

  26. 大西洋城被淹令人难过,但是从经济角度来说,纽约重要得多。

    The drenching of Atlantic City is sad but , in economic terms , New York matters more .

  27. 所以今天下午决定到大西洋城去渡周末

    We thought that this afternoon we 'd all go away for the whole weekend to Atlantic City .

  28. 自1921年在大西洋城木板人行道上举行第一场比赛以来,美国小姐比赛和泳装一直是同义词。

    Miss America and swimsuits have been synonymous since its first contest in 1921 on the Atlantic City boardwalk .

  29. 但在美国,许多陆上赌场都集中在一些飞地,像拉斯维加斯、大西洋城和美国土著人居留地。

    But many American land-based casinos are concentrated in enclaves such as Las vegas , Atlantic City and Native American reservations .

  30. 款�我是新泽西州大西洋城警察局的一名新警察。我被指派巡逻一条海滨的路线,

    As a rookie in the Atlantic City , New.Jersey , Police department , I was assigned a beat on the boardwalk .