
  1. 我国高校在内部管理体制中进行了积极探索,掀起学部制改革热潮。

    Universities carried out active exploration in the internal management system , division system reform to upsurge .

  2. 随后,北京师范大学、浙江大学、武汉大学等一批学校先后进行了学部制改革。

    Subsequently , Beijing Normal University , Zhejiang University , Wuhan University and a number of schools has Faculty reform .

  3. 在这一部分里本文主要对学科组织、学科组织变革、教育学部制等相关概念的内涵与外延进行了界定。

    First define the connotation and extension of the concept of disciplinary organization , discipline of organizational change , the Faculty of Education system .

  4. 近年来为优化内部管理体制,国内部分高校陆续开展大学学部制改革。

    In recent years , some Chinese universities are carrying out the reformation of governance , as an attempt to optimize the university management system .

  5. 学部制改革作为大学内部治理结构中的重要战略选择,涉及高校内部人、财、物多方面整合。

    Division system reform as an important strategic choice in university internal governance structure , involving people , goods and content integration of colleges and universities .

  6. 目前,我国学部制改革处于初步探索阶段,学部制改革过程中面临很大挑战。

    At present , the division system reform at the preliminary exploration stage , facing a lot of challenges in the process of division system reform .

  7. 学部制改革动态战略适应则在这种动态变化的过程中,以持续性地调整达到与学部制改革目标相一致的状态。

    Dynamic strategy adaptation is under the process of the dynamic change , with continuous adjustment to achieve consistent with division system reform goals to the best state .

  8. 在管理跨度方面,学部制改革通过缩小校级领导的管理跨度从而达到提高管理效率的目的。

    In the aspect of management span , division system reform led by narrowing the field management span so as to achieve the aim of improve the efficiency of management .

  9. 近些年来,为了优化高校内部组织结构,促进学科的交叉与融合,提高学校组织运行效率,国内部分高校陆续开展了学部制改革。

    For recent years , some colleges and universities in China one after another have developed the reform of faculty so as to improve their internal managerial system and efficiency of organizations .

  10. 在交易成本方面,学部制改革通过学科整合、减少学术寻租、调整契约来降低交易费用,从而达到提高组织运行效率。

    In terms of the transaction cost , division system reform through the integration to reduce rent-seeking academic adjustment of contract to reduce the transaction costs , so as to improve the organization efficiency .

  11. 基于研究型大学学部制改革的动态战略适应机制,以大连理工大学为案例分析对象,在环境、资源及组织三方面进行适应性分析,进而对其改革成效进行评价。

    Based on the mechanism of research university division system dynamic strategy adaption , using Dalian University of Technology as object of case study , analyzing environment , resource and organization adaptability . Then evaluate its reform efforts .