
  1. 学校管理方法体系问题的探讨

    On School Management Methodology System

  2. 高等学校物资管理方法的探讨

    Inquiry into Methods of Materials Management in Institutes of Higher Learning

  3. ISO9000族质量管理体系是学校管理的新方法。

    The system of ISO9000 quality management is a new method for school administration .

  4. 学校管理心理学教学方法与教学手段的改革与发展

    The Reform and Development of Teaching Method and Means of School Administration Psychology

  5. 摘要:传统的中等职业学校管理理念和方法已经不适应社会的发展,中等职业学校运用营销的理念和方法是顺应形势的理性选择。

    The idea and method to Apply marketing is Reasonable choice for Secondary vocational schools to Conform to circumstances .

  6. 通过笔者在韩国访学期间,对韩国技术教育大学及其它几所大学实验室的参观了解,分析和总结了韩国高等学校实验室的管理方法、运行模式及其成功的经验。

    Based on the visit and investigation in the laboratories of Korean University of Technology and some other universities , this paper analyzed their management methods and operation modes , and summarized their successful experiences .

  7. 为适应高校经济体制改革的需要,必须建立网络化的财务查询系统,以促进学校经济的管理方法更有效,管理决策更优化。

    Network financial message enquiry system must be set up in order to fit in with the requirement of economic structural reform of universities and colleges , in order for promoting school financial management method more effective and management tactics more optimum .

  8. 本文也从理论上阐述了高等学校财务风险管理的方法和途径以及如何建立高等学校财务风险预警机制。

    This thesis also explains the methods and approaches of the risk management , and how to establish the prewarning mechanism of financial risk in university .

  9. 长期以来由于受传统的教育思想及教育模式的影响,学校管理心理学的教学方法与教学手段仍然局限于灌输知识、讲解理论,虽然学术味道十足,却忽略了本学科自身的性质、特点。

    Teaching method and means of School Administration Psychology are still confined to irrigating knowledge and explaining theories because of traditional thoughts and models of education , which ignore the nature and characteristics of the subject though filled with savor of science .