
  • 网络School health education;health education of school
  1. 美国健康教育的核心领域一学校健康教育经过剧烈变革和不断探索后,逐渐形成比较成熟的行动方案来促进综合性学校健康教育(ComprehensiveSchoolHealthEducation,CSHE)。

    After a sharp reformation and continuous exploration , school health education , the core of American health education , comes into being a mature action plan to improve comprehensive school health education .

  2. 美国是实施学校健康教育较早的国家之一,在学校健康教育的发展过程中,一个协作性学校健康计划(CoordinatedSchoolHealthProgram)逐渐孕育而生。

    The United States in one of the countries that implemented school health education , and with the development of school heath education , Coordinated School Health Program came into being .

  3. 批判思维教学方法在美国学校健康教育中的作用分析&兼评保罗(Paul)的批判思维观

    An Analysis on the Role of the Teaching Method of Critical Thinking Playing in American Health Education & Concurrently Reviewing Paul 's Perspective on Critical Thinking

  4. 学校健康教育与艾滋病的防控

    The health education of school and prevention and control of AIDS

  5. 在世界各国的学校健康教育中,美国的学校健康教育开展的时间很早。

    The US is the country which developed health education earlier .

  6. 学校健康教育在预防艾滋病/性病中的作用

    Role of school health education in prevention of STD / AIDS

  7. 高等师范学校健康教育课的教学方法

    Teaching Approaches of Health Education for Students of Teachers Training School

  8. 学校健康教育潜课程建设研究

    On Construction of " Potential Course " in School Health Education

  9. 目的探讨孕妇学校健康教育的实施效果。

    Objective To explore the effect of health education in pregnancy school .

  10. 孕妇学校健康教育对分娩方式的影响

    Influence of health education in gravida schools on delivery modes of pregnant

  11. 美国中、小学学校健康教育研究

    Study on School Health Education of Elementary and Middle School in America

  12. 对学校健康教育课的忧虑和呼吁试论学校健康教育与全民健身活动

    On the health education of school and fitness for all

  13. 关于学校健康教育专业人才培养的研究

    A Study on Cultivating the Talents of School Health Education

  14. 委员会亦继续举办学校健康教育活动。

    The council also continued its school health education programmes .

  15. 美国学校健康教育发展研究

    Researching for the Development of School Health Education in America

  16. 浅析学校健康教育的开展

    A Superficial Analysis of Carrying Out Health Education in Schools

  17. 中国学校健康教育和学生营养工作现状及需求

    School Health Education , Student Nutrition Practice and Need Assessment in China

  18. 学校健康教育与心血管疾病危险因素的早期预防

    Health education at school and early prevention of risk factors of cardiovascular disease

  19. 对中国学校健康教育的新思考

    For Chinese School Healthy Education New to Think Deeply

  20. 美国基于国家标准的学校健康教育课程改革及启示

    Curriculum Reform of American School Health Education Based on National Standards and Its Enlightenment

  21. 美国国家标准学校健康教育课程模式及评价

    On Curriculum Model and Its Assessment of National School Health Education Standards in America

  22. 淄博市学校健康教育现状调查与分析

    Status of school health education in Zibo City

  23. 农村学生家长参与学校健康教育的方法探讨

    Parent Involvement in Rural School Health Education

  24. 学校健康教育的发展及挑战

    Development and challenge of school health education

  25. 学校健康教育的思考与对策

    Reflection and Countermeasures About School Health Education

  26. 结论应加强学校健康教育的力度和管理,将学校健康教育作为重要的疾病预防策略。

    Conclusion Administration and guidance on school-based health education should be strengthened in the future .

  27. 学校健康教育与社会发展

    Campus Health Education And Social Development

  28. 应用《学校健康教育课程碘缺乏病防治参考教材》开展小学生健康教育的典型调查

    A typical survey of applying the School IDD Health Education Supplement Materials in primary school students

  29. 中小学校健康教育课教师对学校健康教育的认识、态度和需求

    The Perceptions , Attitudes and Needs Towards School Health Education of Health Education Teachers in China

  30. 同时也希望通过对美国综合性学校健康教育中密西根课程模式的研究,为我国学校健康教育发展提供可借鉴的平台,让我国的学校健康教育事业在比较中不断完善。

    Simultaneously , I hope to develop and consummate Chinese school health education continually through my study .