
  • 网络student newspaper
  1. 你先写篇文章登到波士顿学生报上去

    and you could start by getting a story in the BU student newspaper .

  2. 哈佛大学学生报披露了一份文件,内容包括对女足队员按照吸引力进行打分分级以及赤裸裸的性评论。

    A document uncovered by Harvard 's student newspaper included ratings of the attractiveness of female players as well as sexually explicit comments .

  3. 1904年驻足停留的特别一年,并担任了《哈佛大学学生报》的编辑;

    In1904 Roosevelt stayed on an extra year to edit the Harvard Crimson ;

  4. 上网读一下学校的学生报,你会了解学生们是否赞同校方对特定问题,比如欺凌或性骚扰的反应。

    Reading student newspapers online will tell you whether students approve of how officials respond to problems , like hazing or sexual assault .

  5. 确实如此,给你带来了很大的不便,我理解这点,但呃…如果没有足够的学生报这个课程,

    I know , it 's really inconvenient for you , I understand that , but er ? if we do not have enough students sign up for the course ,

  6. 利用SqlServer网络数据库,结合JSP技术开发的网上选报毕业设计题目系统,可实现教师动态发布毕业设计题目、学生在线选报、留言板等功能。

    Use SQL server network database and JSP technology on the graduation project topic choosing system , it can realize the teacher dynamic issue graduation project topic , the student on-line chooses function and soon .

  7. 《天津学生联合会报》面向信息的天津市网上高等职业教育发展的研究报告

    The Tientsin Student Studying report for development of online high vocational education in Tianjin to the information society

  8. 据哈佛大学学生报纸《绯红报》(TheHarvardCrimson)报道,该课程是一门政府课程,美国国会概况,共有279名学生,授课老师是助理教授马修B普拉特(MatthewB.Platt)。

    The Harvard Crimson , the universitys student newspaper , reported that it was a government class , Introduction to Congress , which had 279 students , and that it was taught by Matthew B. Platt , an assistant professor .

  9. 我一个学生的父母去年报了警。

    One of my students ' parents filed a police report last year .

  10. 其他干预包括分发营养知识小册子、由受过培训的教师进行课堂讲授、张贴图画、学生营养知识作文及骨干学生制作黑板报等。

    Other interventions included dispatching nutrition knowledge brochures , classroom-based teaching conducted by trained teachers , putting up pictures , writing composition on nutrition by pupils themselves and blackboard propaganda by core pupils etc.