
xué shì mào
  • mortarboard
  1. 毕业生们欢呼着把学士帽扔向空中。

    The graduates cheered and flung their trencher caps into the air .

  2. 在我们的毕业典礼上,我们都把学士帽抛到空中。

    At our convocation ceremony we all threw our caps in the air .

  3. 一旦你将学士帽丢向空中的时候,就到了面对现实的时候了。

    Once you 've thrown your graduation cap in the air , it 's time to face the real world .

  4. 我坐在一把折叠椅上,就像那样的椅子,戴着学士帽,穿着长袍,等待上台。

    I was sitting in a folding chair , just like that one , and I was wearing my cap and gown , waiting to walk on stage .

  5. 正如图片所示,一个毕业生带着一顶学士帽正站在他人生的十字路口,不知道该走哪条路。

    As is seen in the cartoon , the graduate with a trencher cap in his head is at a cross of his life , not knowing which road he should take .

  6. 中国画和钢琴是她嫁妆里代表文化的部分,好比其它女人的大学毕业文凭配乌油木镜框和学士帽照相十六寸彩色配金漆乌油木镜框。

    Chinese painting and the piano were the part of her dowry representing culture , equivalent to the college diploma in a varnished wood frame and the photograph in mortarboard sixteen-inch color print in a painted wood frame of other women .

  7. 我依旧记得毕业典礼,记得涤纶布料的学士服和学士帽,记得游行列队,还有当时紧张而兴奋的心情,以及对未来的迷茫。我想,你们中的大多数人现在也有着同样的心情。

    I do remember the commencement ceremony : I remember the cap and gown , the polyester , I remember the procession , I remember being excited and nervous and completely confused about my future -- feelins , I imagine , that most of you are experiencing in some form .

  8. 身着学士服,头戴学士帽,22岁的薛逸凡在镜头前显得很严肃。

    Wearing a simple cap and gown , Xue Yifan , 22 , looks solemnly into the camera .

  9. 然而穿着学士袍,带着学士帽的人中,四、五十岁的人相对较少,这意味着这个场面中也有一些让人略感沮丧的事情。

    Yet the relative lack of fortysomethings and fiftysomethings in gowns and mortar boards meant that there was also something slightly depressing about the occasion .

  10. 莉莎当时还穿着学士服、戴着学士帽,但她仍然决定马上给孩子喂奶。有一位朋友认为这样很酷,还问能不能拍照片。

    Still dressed in her cap and gown , Karlesha decided to feed her baby and a friend , who thought it cool , asked if they could take a picture .

  11. 穿着学士服,手拿学士帽,这名叫康康的女孩在人民大学艺术学院附近摆起了各种姿势。

    Wearing her graduation robes and holding her mortarboard hat , the girl , who goes by the name Kang Kang , is seen in a variety of poses on and around the Renmin University School of Arts .